searchLoad.xml revision d81978a0815d5b8a75633c35e3e1f8708d36f017
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE stax SYSTEM "/shared/stax.dtd">
! The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
! Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
! (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
! with the License.
! You can obtain a copy of the license at
! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
! or
! See the License for the specific language governing permissions
! and limitations under the License.
! When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
! file and include the License file at
! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable,
! add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
! by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
! Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
! Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
! -->
<defaultcall function="searchLoad"/>
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- Client is automatically called by the scheduler and must -->
<!-- always define all the parameters below -->
<function name="searchLoad">
<function-arg-def name="client" type="required"/>
<function-arg-def name="instances" type="required"/>
<function-arg-def name="duration" type="required"/>
<function-arg-def name="suffix" type="required"/>
<function-arg-def name="outFile" type="required"/>
<function-arg-def name="fileFd" type="required"/>
<!-- =================== Comments =================== -->
<!-- client is run under paralleliterate tag -->
<!-- each variables defined are internal -->
<!-- client should have its own err_num variable in order -->
<!-- to inform scheduler if it has pass/fail status -->
errNum = 0
msg = ''
<!-- ================== Parser =================== -->
<!-- parse the client parameters : -->
<!-- params is [[param1,val1],[param2,val2],...] -->
<!-- get the ldap instance parameters -->
<import machine="'%s' % (STAF_LOCAL_HOSTNAME)"
file="'%s/%sLib.xml' % (client.getPath(),client.getName())"/>
<call function="'%sParser' % client.getName()">
'client' : client,
'instances' : instances,
'duration' : duration,
'suffix' : suffix
<if expr="msg.find('ERROR') != -1">
<message>'%s' % msg</message>
<call function="'writeOperationResult'">
'returncode' : '1',
'expected' : '0',
'result' : msg,
'status' : 'ERROR',
'fileFd' : fileFd
errNum += 1
<!-- ========== Run the client ========== -->
<call function="'writeStartTagOperation'">
{ 'tagName' : 'run',
'fileFd' : fileFd }
<call function="'writeMessage'">
{ 'fileFd' : fileFd,
'content' : 'Do ldapsearchs on %s:%s' % \
cParam = '-client'
# cParam = '%s -Xmx1G -Xms1G' % cParam
# cParam = '%s -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:SurvivorRatio=100' % cParam
cParam = '%s -cp %s/clients/LDAPjdk/ldapjdk.jar' % \
cParam = '%s:%s/search.jar' % (cParam,compilDir)
cParam = '%s Client %s' % (cParam,parms)
titleName = '%s: run %s on %s' % \
<call function="'writeMessage'">
{ 'fileFd' : fileFd,
'content' : 'cmd : cd %s ; %s/bin/java %s' % \
<process name="'%s' % titleName">
<command>'%s/bin/java' % JAVA_HOME</command>
<parms>cParam </parms>
<envs>['PATH=%s/bin:/bin:/usr/bin' % JAVA_HOME]</envs>
<stderr mode="'stdout'"/>
<!-- TBD : result should be STAXResult[0][1] : problem when
javaexception, with carac " and < >-->
<call function="'checkRC'">
{ 'returncode' : RC ,
'result' : '',
'fileFd' : fileFd }
errNum += STAXResult
<call function="'writeEndTagOperation'">{'fileFd' : fileFd}</call>
<call function="'writeMessage'">
{'content' : 'Output file %s' % outFile,
'xlink' : outFile,
'fileFd' : fileFd}
<return> errNum </return>