monitoringLib.xml revision d81978a0815d5b8a75633c35e3e1f8708d36f017
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE stax SYSTEM "/shared/stax.dtd">
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<defaultcall function="monitoringParser"/>
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- Client Parser -->
<!-- This function must NOT have scope=local has its variables may -->
<!-- be used by the caller -->
<function name="monitoringParser">
<function-arg-def name="client" type="required"/>
<function-arg-def name="instances" type="required"/>
<function-arg-def name="duration" type="required"/>
<function-arg-def name="suffix" type="required"/>
def getPropValue(propName):
propValue = NOT_DEFINED
for p in cParams:
if propName == p[0]:
propValue = p[1]
return propValue
compilDir = '%s/%s_%s' % \
# Extract client parameters from client.getParams()
cParams = client.getParams()
serverInstanceFromClient = getPropValue('serverInstance')
if serverInstanceFromClient == NOT_DEFINED:
msg = '%s\nERROR: serverInstanceFromClient undefined,mandatory' % msg
needCopy = 0
configFile = getPropValue('configFile')
if configFile == NOT_DEFINED or configFile == '':
configFilePath = '%s/MonitoringClient/config.xml' % client.getPath()
elif configFile.find('/') == -1:
needCopy = 1
configFilePath = '%s/scenario/%s/%s' % \
interval = getPropValue('interval')
unit = getPropValue('unit')
# setup parms to run the client
if serverInstanceFromClient != NOT_DEFINED:
sys.path.append("%s/phases/scheduler" % TESTS_DIR )
from scheduler import getInstance
serverInstance = getInstance(serverInstanceFromClient,instances)
if (serverInstance == 'ERROR'):
msg = '%s\nERROR: cant find client instance named' % msg
msg = '%s %s in server instance list' % \
# remove sec, try to finish before timer kill -9 the client
parms.append('-h %s -p %s' % \
if serverInstance.getJVMPort() != NOT_DEFINED:
parms.append('-m "%s""' % serverInstance.getJVMPort())
parms.append('-D "%s" -w "%s"' % \
parms.append('-f %s -r %s' % (configFilePath,client.getLogDir()))
if interval != NOT_DEFINED:
parms.append(' -i %s' % interval)
if unit != NOT_DEFINED:
parms.append('-u %s' % unit)
parms = ' '.join(parms)
# Shared variables
localClientDir = '%s/clients' % LOCAL_TESTS_DIR
monitoring = '%s/%s/MonitoringClient' % \
monitoringLib = '%s/lib' % monitoring
monitoringBuild = '%s/build' % monitoring
monitoringSrc = '%s/src/org/opends/testqa/monitoringclient' % \
jdmkrt = '%s/jdmkrt.jar' % monitoringLib
snmpMib = '%s/snmp-mib.jar' % monitoringLib
chartGen = '%s/%s/ChartGenerator' % \
chartGenLib = '%s/lib' % chartGen
chartGenBuild = '%s/build' % chartGen
jcommon = '%s/jcommon.jar' % chartGenLib
jfreechart = '%s/jfreechart.jar' % chartGenLib