tools.xml revision aeea90de0b669f9f6fe3ae9aede72a212a7dfb12
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE stax SYSTEM "/stax.dtd">
! The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
! Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
! (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
! with the License.
! You can obtain a copy of the license at
! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
! or
! See the License for the specific language governing permissions
! and limitations under the License.
! When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
! file and include the License file at
! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable,
! add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
! by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
! Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
! Copyright 2007-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
! Portions Copyright 2013 ForgeRock AS
! -->
<!-- This function uses make ldif to generate LDIF data files -->
<function name="MakeLdifWithScript">
This function uses make ldif to generate LDIF data files
<function-arg-def name="location"
Location of target host
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsPath"
Pathname to installation root
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="version" type="optional">
Display Directory Server version information
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="templateFile" type="optional">
Path to the template file
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="ldifFile" type="optional">
Path to the LDIF file
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="randomSeed" type="optional">
The seed to use to initialize the random number generator
<function-arg-property name="type" value="integer"/>
<function-arg-def name="Help" type="optional">
Help option
<function-arg-property name="help" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="expectedRC" type="optional" default="0">
Expected return code value. Default value is 0.
Wildcard 'noCheck' to not check the RC
<function-arg-def name="knownIssue" type="optional" default="None">
Known issue. Corresponds to an issue number.
<!-- Build the Command -->
foldersToCreate = []
if dsPath:
dsBinPath='%s/%s' % (dsPath,fileFolder)
STAFCmd='%s/make-ldif%s' % (dsBinPath,fileExt)
if version:
if templateFile:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-t %s' % templateFile)
if ldifFile:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-o %s' % ldifFile)
if randomSeed:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-s "%s"' % randomSeed)
if Help:
STAFCmdParams=' '.join(STAFCmdParamsList)
<call function="'createMultiFolders'">
{ 'location' : location,
'folderslist' : foldersToCreate
'%s %s' % (STAFCmd, STAFCmdParams)
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'name' : 'Make Ldif Script',
'location' : location,
'command' : STAFCmd,
'arguments' : STAFCmdParams,
'expectedRC': expectedRC,
'knownIssue': knownIssue
<!-- This function uses make ldif to generate LDIF data files -->
<function name="MakeAMakeLdifTemplate">
This function makes a make-ldif template file
<function-arg-def name="numEntries" type="required">
Number of entries
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="startFrom"
Start entries number
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="suffix"
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="templateFile" type="required">
Template file name
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="templateLocation"
Template file location
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="additionalAttributes"
Add (or not) additional attributes
<function-arg-property name="type" value="integer"/>
<function-arg-def name="extraLine" type="optional">
Extra line to add to the mkae-ldif template
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<!-- Build the import task configuration object -->
ldifLines.append('define suffix=%s' % suffix)
ldifLines.append('define numusers=%s' % numEntries )
ldifLines.append('branch: [suffix]')
ldifLines.append('branch: ou=People,[suffix]')
ldifLines.append('subordinateTemplate: person:[numusers]')
ldifLines.append('template: person')
ldifLines.append('rdnAttr: uid')
ldifLines.append('objectClass: top')
ldifLines.append('objectClass: person')
ldifLines.append('objectClass: organizationalPerson')
ldifLines.append('objectClass: inetOrgPerson')
ldifLines.append('givenName: &lt;first&gt;')
ldifLines.append('sn: &lt;last&gt;')
ldifLines.append('employeeNumber: &lt;sequential:%s&gt;' % startFrom)
ldifLines.append('cn: {givenName} {sn} {employeeNumber}')
ldifLines.append('uid: user.{employeeNumber}')
ldifLines.append('mail: {uid}@[maildomain]')
ldifLines.append('telephoneNumber: &lt;random:telephone&gt;')
ldifLines.append('description: This is the description for user.{employeeNumber}.')
if additionalAttributes == True:
ldifLines.append('initials: {givenName:1}&lt;random:chars:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ:1>{sn:1}')
ldifLines.append('homePhone: &lt;random:telephone>')
ldifLines.append('mobile: &lt;random:telephone>')
ldifLines.append('street: &lt;random:numeric:5> &lt;file:streets> Street')
ldifLines.append('l: &lt;file:cities>')
ldifLines.append('st: &lt;file:states>')
ldifLines.append('postalCode: &lt;random:numeric:5>')
ldifLines.append('postalAddress: {cn}${street}${l}, {st} {postalCode}')
ldifLines.append('jpegPhoto:: &lt;random:base64:10000&gt;')
if extraLine:
ldifLines.append('%s' % extraLine)
<!-- Write out the make-ldif template file -->
tmpTemplateFile = '%s/tempLdifTemplateFile' % local.temp
outfile = open(tmpTemplateFile,"w")
for line in ldifLines:
outfile.write("%s\n" % line)
<if expr="STAXCode != 0">
<message level="'error'">
'creation of a make-ldif template failed (Code=%s,Reason=%s).' % (STAXCode,STAXReason)
<call function="'checktestRC'">
{ 'returncode' : STAXCode ,
'result' : STAXReason }
<call function="'copyFile'">
{ 'location' : STAXServiceMachine,
'srcfile' : tmpTemplateFile,
'destfile' : templateFile,
'remotehost' : templateLocation }
<call function="'checktestRC'">
'returncode' : RC ,
'result' : STAXResult
<return>[RC, STAXResult]</return>
<!-- This function compares two LDIF files using the ldif-diff script -->
<function name="LdifDiffWithScript-old">
This function compares two LDIF files and reports the differences in LDIF format
<function-arg-def name="location"
Location of target host
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsPath"
Pathname to installation root
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="version" type="optional">
Display Directory Server version information
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="sourceLdif" type="required">
LDIF file to use as the source data
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="targetLdif" type="required">
LDIF file to use as the target data
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="outputLdif" type="required">
File to which the diffs should be written
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="ignoreAttrsFile"
File containing a list of attributes to ignore when computing the
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="overwriteExisting" type="optional" default="True">
Overwrite existing output file rather than append to it
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="singleValueChanges" type="optional">
Write each attribute-level change as a separate modification
per attribute value rather than one modification per entry
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="Help" type="optional">
Help option
<function-arg-property name="help" value="option"/>
<!-- Build the Command -->
foldersToCreate = []
if dsPath:
dsBinPath='%s/%s' % (dsPath,fileFolder)
STAFCmd='%s/ldif-diff%s' % (dsBinPath,fileExt)
if version:
if sourceLdif:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-s %s' % sourceLdif)
if targetLdif:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-t %s' % targetLdif)
if outputLdif:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-o %s' % outputLdif)
if ignoreAttrsFile:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-a %s' % ignoreAttrsFile)
if overwriteExisting:
if singleValueChanges:
if Help:
STAFCmdParams=' '.join(STAFCmdParamsList)
<call function="'createMultiFolders'">
{ 'location' : location,
'folderslist' : foldersToCreate
'%s %s' % (STAFCmd, STAFCmdParams)
<process name="'LDIF Diff Script'">
['PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:%s' % dsBinPath, 'JAVA_HOME=%s' % JAVA_HOME]
<console use="'same'"/>
<stderr mode="'stdout'"/>
<if expr="STAXCode == 0">
<!-- Check the size of the diff file, and avoid reading its
content with getFile if the file is too big to prevent
the staf process from running out of memory -->
<call function="'GetEntry'">
'location' : location,
'entry' : outputLdif,
'attribute' : 'SIZE'
# GetEntry returns: STAXResult = [cmdRC, cmdResult]
if RC == 0:
diffsFileSize = int(STAXResult[1]['lowerSize'])
msg = 'File: %s Size (bytes): %s' % (outputLdif, diffsFileSize)
msg = 'Could not retrieve the size of file %s' % outputLdif
<message log="1"> 'LdifDiffWithScript: %s' % msg </message>
<if expr="diffsFileSize &lt; MAX_READABLE_SIZE">
<call function="'getFile'">
{ 'location' : location,
'filename' : outputLdif
# getFile returns: STAXResult = [cmdRC, cmdResult]
diffsFileContent = STAXResult[1]
if diffsFileContent.startswith("# No differences were detected between the source and target LDIF files") :
diffRC = 0
diffRC = 1
# diffs file to big to be read
diffsFileContent = 'File too big to be read.'
# if the diff file is too big, it means that there ARE
# actually some diffs, so we may deduce diffRC = 1
diffRC = 1
<message log="1" level="'Error'">
'LdifDiffWithScript: command run FAILED.'
<return> -1 </return>
<if expr="diffRC == 0">
<message log="1">
'NO DIFFERENCES were detected between the source and the target \
LDIF files.'
<message log="1" level="'Error'">
'Source and target LDIF files are DIFFERENT: \n\n%s' % \
<return> diffRC </return>
<!-- This function modifies an LDIF file using ldifmodify script -->
<function name="LdifModifyWithScript">
This function modifies an LDIF file with the changes contained in another LDIF file
<function-arg-def name="location"
Location of target host
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsPath"
Pathname to installation root
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="version" type="optional">
Display Directory Server version information
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="sourceLdif" type="required">
LDIF file containing the data to be updated
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="targetLdif" type="required">
LDIF file that will contain the updated data
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="changesLdif" type="required">
LDIF file containing the changes to apply
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="Help" type="optional">
Help option
<function-arg-property name="help" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="expectedRC" type="optional" default="0">
Expected return code value. Default value is 0.
Wildcard 'noCheck' to not check the RC
<function-arg-def name="knownIssue" type="optional" default="None">
Known issue. Corresponds to an issue number.
<!-- Build the Command -->
foldersToCreate = []
if dsPath:
dsBinPath='%s/%s' % (dsPath,fileFolder)
STAFCmd='%s/ldifmodify%s' % (dsBinPath,fileExt)
if version:
if sourceLdif:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-s %s' % sourceLdif)
if targetLdif:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-t %s' % targetLdif)
if changesLdif:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-m %s' % changesLdif)
if Help:
STAFCmdParams=' '.join(STAFCmdParamsList)
<call function="'createMultiFolders'">
{ 'location' : location,
'folderslist' : foldersToCreate
'%s %s' % (STAFCmd, STAFCmdParams)
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'name' : 'LDIF Modify Script',
'location' : location,
'command' : STAFCmd,
'arguments' : STAFCmdParams,
'expectedRC': expectedRC,
'knownIssue': knownIssue
<function name="verifyTrees">
This function verifies that the trees in a group of ldap servers are
<function-arg-def name="location"
Location of target host
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsPath"
Pathname to installation root
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="referenceServer" type="required">
Server that should be taken as reference.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="Server"/>
<function-arg-def name="serverList" type="required">
List of the servers to verify against the referenceServer.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="Server-list"/>
<function-arg-def name="treeSuffix" type="required">
Suffix of the tree to verify.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="DN"/>
<function-arg-def name="knownIssue" type="optional" default="None">
Known issue. Corresponds to an issue number.
<function-arg-def name="ignoreAttrsFile"
File containing a list of attributes to ignore when computing the
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
myRC = 0
myKnownIssue = knownIssue
failedServers = []
failingServerList = ''
referenceServerPath = '%s/%s' % (referenceServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
referenceTree = 'referenceTree.ldif'
sampleTree = 'sampleTree.ldif'
treeDiffs = 'treeDiffs.ldif'
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'getReplicationStatus'">
{ 'location' : location,
'dsPath' : dsPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : referenceServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstanceAdminPort' : referenceServer.getAdminPort(),
'replicationDnList' : [treeSuffix],
'noOfLoops' : 10,
'noOfMilliSeconds' : 6000
'Verify tree %s taking %s as reference.' \
% (treeSuffix, referenceServerPath)
<!-- Retrieve the tree from the reference server -->
<call function="'exportLdifWithScript'">
{ 'location' : location,
'dsPath' : dsPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : referenceServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstanceAdminPort' : referenceServer.getAdminPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : referenceServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : referenceServer.getRootPwd(),
'ldifFile' : '%s/../%s' % (dsPath, referenceTree),
'includeBranches' : [treeSuffix]
<if expr="RC != 0">
<!-- If the reference tree could not be retrieved, return an error -->
<return> [1, None] </return>
<iterate var="server" in="serverList">
<!-- Retrieve the same tree for every other server in the list -->
<if expr="server.getHostname() == location">
filePath = dsPath
isSameLocation = True
filePath = '%s/%s' % (server.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
isSameLocation = False
<call function="'exportLdifWithScript'">
{ 'location' : location,
'dsPath' : dsPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : server.getHostname(),
'dsInstanceAdminPort' : server.getAdminPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : server.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : server.getRootPwd(),
'ldifFile' : '%s/../%s' % (filePath, sampleTree),
'includeBranches' : [treeSuffix]
<if expr="RC == 0">
<if expr="not isSameLocation">
<!-- Copy sample tree file to reference server -->
<call function="'copyFile'">
{ 'location' : server.getHostname(),
'remotehost' : location,
'srcfile' : '%s/../%s' % (filePath, sampleTree),
'destfile' : '%s/../%s' % (dsPath, sampleTree)
<!-- Compare this tree to the reference one -->
<call function="'LdifDiffWithScript'">
{ 'location' : location,
'dsPath' : dsPath,
'sourceLdif' : '%s/../%s' % (dsPath, sampleTree),
'targetLdif' : '%s/../%s' % (dsPath, referenceTree),
'outputLdif' : '%s/../%s' % (dsPath, treeDiffs),
'ignoreAttrsFile' : ignoreAttrsFile
<if expr="STAXResult != 6">
failedServers.append('%s:%s' % \
(server.getHostname(), server.getPort()))
<message log="1" level="'Error'">
'Tree is DIFFERENT for %s:%s compared to %s:%s' % \
(server.getHostname(), server.getPort(),
referenceServer.getHostname(), referenceServer.getPort())
failedServers.append('%s:%s' % \
(server.getHostname(), server.getPort()))
<if expr="len(failedServers) > 0">
<!-- If at least one server failed to successfully compare to the
! reference tree, return an error, along with the list of the
! servers that failed to do so -->
myRC = 1
comma = ','
failingServerList = \
'List of non-synchronized servers (tree verify FAILED): %s ' \
% comma.join(failedServers)
'All servers synchronized (tree verify SUCCEEDED).'
<call function="'checktestRC'">
{ 'returncode' : myRC,
'result' : failingServerList,
'expected' : 0,
'issue' : myKnownIssue
<return>[myRC, failedServers]</return>
<function name="verifyTreesSdk">
This function verifies that the trees in a group of ldap servers are
<function-arg-def name="location"
Location of target host
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsPath"
Pathname to installation root
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="referenceServer" type="required">
Server that should be taken as reference.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="Server"/>
<function-arg-def name="serverList" type="required">
List of the servers to verify against the referenceServer.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="Server-list"/>
<function-arg-def name="treeSuffix" type="required">
Suffix of the tree to verify.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="DN"/>
<function-arg-def name="knownIssue" type="optional" default="None">
Known issue. Corresponds to an issue number.
<function-arg-def name="ignoreAttrsFile"
File containing a list of attributes to ignore when computing the
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
myRC = 0
myKnownIssue = knownIssue
failedServers = []
failingServerList = ''
referenceServerPath = '%s/%s' % (referenceServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
referenceTree = 'referenceTree.ldif'
sampleTree = 'sampleTree.ldif'
treeDiffs = 'treeDiffs.ldif'
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'getReplicationStatus'">
{ 'location' : location,
'dsPath' : dsPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : referenceServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstanceAdminPort' : referenceServer.getAdminPort(),
'replicationDnList' : [treeSuffix],
'noOfLoops' : 10,
'noOfMilliSeconds' : 6000
'Verify tree %s taking %s as reference.' \
% (treeSuffix, referenceServerPath)
<!-- Retrieve the tree from the reference server -->
<call function="'exportLdifWithScript'">
{ 'location' : location,
'dsPath' : dsPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : referenceServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstanceAdminPort' : referenceServer.getAdminPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : referenceServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : referenceServer.getRootPwd(),
'ldifFile' : '%s/../%s' % (dsPath, referenceTree),
'includeBranches' : [treeSuffix]
<if expr="RC != 0">
<!-- If the reference tree could not be retrieved, return an error -->
<return> [1, None] </return>
<iterate var="server" in="serverList">
<!-- Retrieve the same tree for every other server in the list -->
<if expr="server.getHostname() == location">
filePath = dsPath
isSameLocation = True
filePath = '%s/%s' % (server.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
isSameLocation = False
<call function="'exportLdifWithScript'">
{ 'location' : location,
'dsPath' : dsPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : server.getHostname(),
'dsInstanceAdminPort' : server.getAdminPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : server.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : server.getRootPwd(),
'ldifFile' : '%s/../%s' % (filePath, sampleTree),
'includeBranches' : [treeSuffix]
<if expr="RC == 0">
<if expr="not isSameLocation">
<!-- Copy sample tree file to reference server -->
<call function="'copyFile'">
{ 'location' : server.getHostname(),
'remotehost' : location,
'srcfile' : '%s/../%s' % (filePath, sampleTree),
'destfile' : '%s/../%s' % (dsPath, sampleTree)
<!-- Compare this tree to the reference one -->
<call function="'LdifDiffSdk'">
{ 'location' : location,
'dsPath' : dsPath,
'sourceLdif' : '%s/../%s' % (dsPath, sampleTree),
'targetLdif' : '%s/../%s' % (dsPath, referenceTree),
'outputLdif' : '%s/../%s' % (dsPath, treeDiffs)
<if expr="STAXResult[0][0] != 0">
failedServers.append('%s:%s' % \
(server.getHostname(), server.getPort()))
<message log="1" level="'Error'">
'Tree is DIFFERENT for %s:%s compared to %s:%s' % \
(server.getHostname(), server.getPort(),
referenceServer.getHostname(), referenceServer.getPort())
failedServers.append('%s:%s' % \
(server.getHostname(), server.getPort()))
<if expr="len(failedServers) > 0">
<!-- If at least one server failed to successfully compare to the
! reference tree, return an error, along with the list of the
! servers that failed to do so -->
myRC = 1
comma = ','
failingServerList = \
'List of non-synchronized servers (tree verify FAILED): %s ' \
% comma.join(failedServers)
'All servers synchronized (tree verify SUCCEEDED).'
<call function="'checktestRC'">
{ 'returncode' : myRC,
'result' : failingServerList,
'expected' : 0,
'issue' : myKnownIssue
<return>[myRC, failedServers]</return>
<function name="verifySchemas">
This function verifies that a schema file is synchronized all over a group of servers.
<function-arg-def name="location"
Location of target host
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsPath"
Pathname to installation root
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="referenceServer" type="required">
Server that should be taken as reference.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="Server"/>
<function-arg-def name="serverList" type="required">
List of the servers to verify against the referenceServer.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="Server-list"/>
<function-arg-def name="schemaFile" type="required">
Schema file to verify.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="knownIssue" type="optional" default="None">
Known issue. Corresponds to an issue number.
myRC = 0
myKnownIssue = knownIssue
failedServers = []
failingServerList = ''
referenceServerPath = '%s/%s' % (referenceServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
referenceSchema = '%s/config/schema/%s' % (referenceServerPath, schemaFile)
schemaDiffs = 'schemaDiffs.ldif'
'Verify schema file %s taking %s as reference.' % (schemaFile, referenceServerPath)
<iterate var="server" in="serverList">
<!-- Copy reference schema file to other server -->
<call function="'copyFile'">
{ 'location' : referenceServer.getHostname(),
'remotehost' : server.getHostname(),
'srcfile' : referenceSchema,
'destfile' : '%s/reference_%s' % (server.getDir(),schemaFile)
serverPath = '%s/%s' % (server.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Compare this schema to the reference one -->
<call function="'LdifDiffWithScript'">
{ 'location' : location,
'dsPath' : dsPath,
'sourceLdif' : '%s/config/schema/%s' % (serverPath, schemaFile),
'targetLdif' : '%s/reference_%s' % (server.getDir(), schemaFile),
'outputLdif' : '%s/%s' % (server.getDir(), schemaDiffs)
if STAXResult != 6:
failedServers.append('%s:%s' % (server.getHostname(), server.getPort()))
<if expr="len(failedServers) > 0">
<!-- If at least one server failed to successfully compare to the reference tree,
! return an error, along with the list of the servers that failed to do so -->
myRC = 1
comma = ','
failingServerList = 'List of non-synchronized servers (schema verify FAILED): %s ' % comma.join(failedServers)
'All servers synchronized (schema verify SUCCEEDED).'
<call function="'checktestRC'">
{ 'returncode' : myRC,
'result' : failingServerList ,
'expected' : 0,
'issue' : myKnownIssue
<return>[myRC, failedServers]</return>
<function name="deleteTrees">
This function deletes a (sub)tree from a list of servers.
<function-arg-def name="serverList" type="required">
List of the servers (instances of "Server" class) where the tree will be deleted.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="Server-list"/>
<function-arg-def name="treeSuffix" type="required">
Suffix of the tree to delete.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="DN"/>
<function-arg-def name="startDS" type="optional" default="True">
Need to start the Directory Servers before deleting.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="boolean"/>
<if expr="startDS">
<!-- Start the servers in the list -->
<call function="'startServers'">
<!-- Delete the tree in every server in the list -->
<paralleliterate var="server" in="serverList">
'Delete suffix %s on server running on host %s on port %s' % (treeSuffix, server.getHostname(), server.getPort())
<!-- Delete suffix and subtree -->
<call function="'ldapDeleteWithScript'">
{ 'location' : server.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : '%s/%s' % (server.getDir(),OPENDSNAME),
'dsInstanceHost' : server.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : server.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : server.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : server.getRootPwd(),
'dsDn' : [treeSuffix],
'dsDeleteSubtree' : True
<if expr="startDS">
<!-- Stop the servers in the list -->
<call function="'stopServers'">
<function name="startServers">
This function starts a list of servers.
<function-arg-def name="serverList" type="required">
List of the servers (instances of "Server" class) to be started.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="Server-list"/>
<!-- Check if using coverage in which case we'll avoid doing parallele iterate -->
<!-- Check if 'emma.jar' exists -->
<call function="'GetEntry'">
'entry' : '%s/%s/lib/emma.jar' % (serverList[0].getDir(),OPENDSNAME) ,
'attribute' : 'TYPE'
<if expr="RC != 48">
<!-- 'emma.jar' exists -->
<script>coverage = True</script>
<script>coverage = False</script>
<message>'tools.xml - coverage=%s' % coverage</message>
<!-- Start the servers in the list -->
<if expr="coverage == True">
<message>'starting servers in sequence using "iterate"'</message>
<iterate var="server" in="serverList">
'Start DS on host %s to run on port %s' % (server.getHostname(),server.getPort())
<!--- Start DS -->
<call function="'StartDsWithScript'">
{ 'location' : server.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : '%s/%s' % (server.getDir(),OPENDSNAME)
<!--- Check that DS started -->
<call function="'isAlive'">
{ 'location' : server.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : '%s/%s' % (server.getDir(),OPENDSNAME),
'dsInstanceHost' : server.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : server.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : server.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : server.getRootPwd(),
'noOfLoops' : 10 ,
'noOfMilliSeconds' : 2000
<message>'starting servers in parallel using "paralleliterate"'</message>
<paralleliterate var="server" in="serverList">
'Start DS on host %s to run on port %s' % (server.getHostname(),server.getPort())
<!--- Start DS -->
<call function="'StartDsWithScript'">
{ 'location' : server.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : '%s/%s' % (server.getDir(),OPENDSNAME)
<!--- Check that DS started -->
<call function="'isAlive'">
{ 'location' : server.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : '%s/%s' % (server.getDir(),OPENDSNAME),
'dsInstanceHost' : server.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : server.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : server.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : server.getRootPwd(),
'noOfLoops' : 10 ,
'noOfMilliSeconds' : 2000
<function name="stopServers">
This function stops a list of servers.
<function-arg-def name="serverList" type="required">
List of the servers (instances of "Server" class) to be stopped.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="Server-list"/>
<function-arg-def name="noOfLoops"
Number of iterations (for isStopped())
<function-arg-property name="type" value="integer"/>
<function-arg-def name="noOfMilliSeconds"
Number of seconds to wait between iterations (for isStopped())
<function-arg-property name="type" value="seconds"/>
<!-- Stop the servers in the list -->
<paralleliterate var="server" in="serverList">
'Stop DS on host %s running on port %s' % (server.getHostname(),server.getPort())
<!--- Stop DS -->
<call function="'StopDsWithScript'">
{ 'location' : server.getHostname(),
'dsHost' : server.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : '%s/%s' % (server.getDir(),OPENDSNAME),
'dsAdminPort' : server.getAdminPort(),
'dsBindDN' : server.getRootDn(),
'dsBindPwd' : server.getRootPwd(),
'noOfLoops' : noOfLoops,
'noOfMilliSeconds' : noOfMilliSeconds
<!-- This function perform a search operation in a LDIF file -->
<function name="ldifSearchWithScript" scope="local">
This function perform a search operation in a LDIF file
<function-arg-def name="location"
Location of target host
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsPath"
Pathname to installation root
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsBaseDN" type="optional">
The baseDN for the search operation
<function-arg-property name="type" value="dn"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsFilterFile" type="optional">
File containing a list of search filter strings
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsLdifFile" type="required">
LDIF file to use as the source data
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsOutputFile" type="optional">
File to which the search results should be written
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsOverwriteExisting"
Overwrite the output file specified
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsSearchScope" type="optional">
The scope of the search operation
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsTimeLimit" type="optional">
Maximum length of time in seconds to allow for the search
<function-arg-property name="type" value="integer"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsSizeLimit" type="optional">
Maximum number of entries to return from the search
<function-arg-property name="type" value="integer"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsDontWrap" type="optional">
Do not wrap long lines
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsHelp" type="optional">
Display this usage information
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsVersion" type="optional">
Display Directory Server version information
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsFilter" type="optional">
The filter for the search operation
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filter"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsAttributes" type="optional">
Only return these attributes
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="expectedRC" type="optional" default="0">
Expected return code value. Default value is 0
Wildcard 'noCheck' to not check the RC
<function-arg-property name="type" value="integer"/>
<!-- Build the Command -->
if dsPath:
dsBinPath='%s/%s' % (dsPath,fileFolder)
STAFCmd='%s/ldifsearch%s' % (dsBinPath,fileExt)
if dsBaseDN:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-b "%s"' % dsBaseDN)
if dsFilterFile:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-f %s' % dsFilterFile)
if dsLdifFile:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-l %s' % dsLdifFile)
if dsOutputFile:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-o %s' % dsOutputFile)
if dsOverwriteExisting:
if dsSearchScope:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-s %s' % dsSearchScope)
if dsTimeLimit:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-t %s' % dsTimeLimit)
if dsSizeLimit:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-z %s' % dsSizeLimit)
if dsDontWrap:
if dsHelp:
if dsVersion:
if dsFilter:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('"%s"' % dsFilter)
if dsAttributes:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('%s' % dsAttributes)
STAFCmdParams=' '.join(STAFCmdParamsList)
<call function="'runCommand'" >
'name' : 'LDIF Search Script',
'command' : STAFCmd,
'arguments' : STAFCmdParams,
'location' : location,
'expectedRC' : expectedRC
<!-- This function execute the encode-password tool -->
<function name="encodePasswordWithScript" scope="local">
This function execute the encode-password tool
<function-arg-def name="location"
Location of target host
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsPath"
Pathname to installation root
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="authPwdSyntax" type="optional">
Use the authentication password syntax.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="clearPwd" type="optional">
Specify the clear-text password.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="encodedPwd" type="optional">
Specify the encoded password.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="encodedPwdFile" type="optional">
Use the encoded password from the specified file.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="clearPwdFile" type="optional">
Use the clear-text password from the specified file.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="listSchemes" type="optional">
Display a list of the password storage schemes that are available
for use in the OpenDS server.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="useCmpRC" type="optional">
Use an exit code that indicates whether a given clear-text password
matched a provided encoded password.
Results are an exit code of 6 (COMPARE_TRUE) or
an exit code of 5 (COMPARE_FALSE).
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="storageScheme" type="optional">
Specify the name of the password storage scheme to use when
encoding a clear-text password.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsHelp" type="optional">
Display this usage information
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsVersion" type="optional">
Display Directory Server version information
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="expectedRC" type="optional" default="0">
Expected return code value. Default value is 0.
Wildcard 'noCheck' to not check the RC
<function-arg-property name="type" value="integer"/>
<function-arg-def name="knownIssue" type="optional" default="None">
Known issue. Corresponds to an issue number.
<!-- Build the Command -->
if dsPath:
dsBinPath='%s/%s' % (dsPath,fileFolder)
STAFCmd='%s/encode-password%s' % (dsBinPath,fileExt)
if authPwdSyntax:
if clearPwd:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-c %s' % clearPwd)
if encodedPwd:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-e %s' % encodedPwd)
if encodedPwdFile:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-E %s' % encodedPwdFile)
if clearPwdFile:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-f %s' % clearPwdFile)
if listSchemes:
if useCmpRC:
if storageScheme:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-s %s' % storageScheme)
if dsHelp:
if dsVersion:
STAFCmdParams=' '.join(STAFCmdParamsList)
<call function="'runCommand'">
'name' : 'Encode password script',
'command' : STAFCmd,
'arguments' : STAFCmdParams,
'location' : location,
'expectedRC' : expectedRC,
'knownIssue' : knownIssue
<!-- This function check task execution-->
<function name="checkTaskExecution" scope="local">
This functioncheck task execution
<function-arg-def name="location"
Location of target host
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsPath"
Pathname to installation root
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="outputToCheck" type="required">
The output result of the task
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstanceDn" type="required">
Bind DN
<function-arg-property name="type" value="DN" />
<function-arg-def name="dsInstanceAdminPort"
Directory server admin port number
<function-arg-property name="type" value="Port number" />
<function-arg-def name="dsInstanceHost"
Directory server hostname or IP address
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname" />
<function-arg-def name="dsInstancePswd" type="required">
Bind password
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string" />
resultString = outputToCheck
resultSplitted = resultString.split()
taskId = None
for str in resultSplitted:
if len(str) == 17:
taskId = str
'Command task Id : %s' % taskId
'Check ldif command successfully completed with manage-task'
<loop from="1" to="10" var="loop" while="checkRC != 0">
<message>'LOOP %s' % loop</message>
<call function="'manage-tasks'">
'dsPath' : dsPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : dsInstanceHost ,
'dsInstanceAdminPort' : dsInstanceAdminPort,
'dsInstanceDn' : dsInstanceDn ,
'dsInstancePswd' : dsInstancePswd ,
'dsInfo' : taskId ,
'dsQuiet' : 'True' ,
'expectedRC' : 'noCheck'
returnString = STAXResult[0][1]
msg = 'Status Completed successfully'
<call function="'searchString'">
'expectedString' : msg ,
'returnString' : returnString ,
'expectedRC' : 'noCheck'
checkRC = STAXResult[0]
<call function="'Sleep'">
{ 'sleepForMilliSeconds' : 2000 }
<call function="'checktestRC'">
{ 'returncode' : checkRC ,
'result' : "Task succeeds" ,
'expected' : 0
<!-- This function compares two LDIF files using the ldif-diff script -->
<function name="LdifDiffWithScript" scope="local">
This function compares two LDIF files and reports the differences
in LDIF format
<function-arg-def name="location"
Location of target host
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsPath"
Pathname to installation root
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsVersion" type="optional">
Display Directory Server version information
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="sourceLdif" type="required">
LDIF file to use as the source data
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="targetLdif" type="required">
LDIF file to use as the target data
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="outputLdif" type="required">
File to which the diffs should be written
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="overwriteExisting" type="optional" default="True">
Overwrite existing output file rather than append to it
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="singleValueChanges" type="optional">
Write each attribute-level change as a separate modification
per attribute value rather than one modification per entry
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="useCmpRC" type="optional" default="'True'">
Use an exit code that indicates whether difference were not found.
Results are an exit code of 6 (COMPARE_TRUE) or
an exit code of 5 (COMPARE_FALSE).
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsHelp" type="optional">
Help option
<function-arg-property name="help" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="expectedRC" type="optional" default="6">
Expected return code value. Default value is 6 (COMPARE_TRUE).
Wildcard 'noCheck' to not check the RC
<function-arg-property name="type" value="integer"/>
<function-arg-def name="knownIssue" type="optional" default="None">
Known issue. Corresponds to an issue number.
<!-- Build the Command -->
foldersToCreate = []
if dsPath:
dsBinPath='%s/%s' % (dsPath,fileFolder)
STAFCmd='%s/ldif-diff%s' % (dsBinPath,fileExt)
if dsVersion:
if sourceLdif:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-s %s' % sourceLdif)
if targetLdif:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-t %s' % targetLdif)
if outputLdif:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-o %s' % outputLdif)
if useCmpRC == 'True':
if overwriteExisting:
if singleValueChanges:
if dsHelp:
STAFCmdParams=' '.join(STAFCmdParamsList)
<call function="'createMultiFolders'">
{ 'location' : location,
'folderslist' : foldersToCreate
'%s %s' % (STAFCmd, STAFCmdParams)
<call function="'runCommand'">
'name' : 'Ldif diff script',
'command' : STAFCmd,
'arguments' : STAFCmdParams,
'location' : location,
'expectedRC' : expectedRC ,
'knownIssue' : knownIssue
<if expr="RC == 5 and expectedRC != 5">
<!-- Check the size of the diff file, and avoid reading its
content with getFile if the file is too big to prevent
the staf process from running out of memory -->
<call function="'GetEntry'">
'location' : location,
'entry' : outputLdif,
'attribute' : 'SIZE'
# GetEntry returns: STAXResult = [cmdRC, cmdResult]
if RC == 0:
diffsFileSize = int(STAXResult[1]['lowerSize'])
msg = 'File: %s Size (bytes): %s' % (outputLdif, diffsFileSize)
msg = 'Could not retrieve the size of file %s' % outputLdif
<message log="1"> 'LdifDiffWithScript: %s' % msg </message>
<if expr="diffsFileSize &lt; MAX_READABLE_SIZE">
<call function="'getFile'">
{ 'location' : location,
'filename' : outputLdif
# getFile returns: STAXResult = [cmdRC, cmdResult]
diffsFileContent = STAXResult[1]
# diffs file to big to be read
diffsFileContent = 'File too big to be read.'
<message log="1" level="'Error'">
'Source and target LDIF files are DIFFERENT: \n\n%s' % \
'NO DIFFERENCES were detected between the source and the target \
LDIF files.'
<!-- This function execute the dsjavaproperties tool -->
<function name="dsJavaPropertiesWithScript" scope="local">
This function execute the dsjavaproperties tool
<function-arg-def name="location"
Location of target host
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsPath"
Pathname to installation root
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath"/>
<function-arg-def name="Version" type="optional">
Display Directory Server version information
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="Quiet" type="optional">
Run dsjavaproperties in quiet mode
Quiet mode does not output progress information to standard output
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="Help" type="optional">
Help option
<function-arg-property name="help" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="expectedRC" type="optional" default="0">
Expected return code value. Default value is 0.
Wildcard 'noCheck' to not check the RC
<function-arg-property name="type" value="integer"/>
<!-- Build the Command -->
if dsPath:
dsBinPath='%s/%s' % (dsPath,fileFolder)
STAFCmd='%s/dsjavaproperties%s' % (dsBinPath,fileExt)
if Version:
if Quiet:
if Help:
STAFCmdParams=' '.join(STAFCmdParamsList)
<call function="'runCommand'">
'name' : 'dsjavaproperties script',
'command' : STAFCmd,
'arguments' : STAFCmdParams,
'location' : location,
'expectedRC' : expectedRC
<!-- This function uses manage-account to manage users account-->
<function name="manageAccountWithScript">
This function uses manage-account to manage users account
<function-arg-def name="location"
Location of target host
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname" />
<function-arg-def name="dsPath"
Pathname to installation root
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filepath" />
<function-arg-def name="dsInstanceHost"
Directory server hostname or IP address
<function-arg-property name="type" value="hostname" />
<function-arg-def name="dsInstanceAdminPort"
Directory server admin port number
<function-arg-property name="type" value="Port number" />
<function-arg-def name="dsInstanceDn" type="required">
Bind DN
<function-arg-property name="type" value="DN" />
<function-arg-def name="targetDn" type="required">
Specifies the DN of the user entry for which to get and set password
policy state information
<function-arg-property name="type" value="dn"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsInstancePswd" type="required">
Bind password
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string" />
<function-arg-def name="dsBindPasswordFile" type="optional">
Bind password file
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="subcommand" type="required">
manage-account subcommand to execute
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string" />
<function-arg-def name="expectedRC" type="optional" default="0">
Expected return code value. Default value is 0.
Wildcard 'noCheck' to not check the RC
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string" />
<function-arg-def name="dsHelp" type="optional">
Help option
<function-arg-property name="help" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsVersion" type="optional">
Display Directory Server version information
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsCertNickname" type="optional">
Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsKeyStorePath" type="optional">
Certificate keystore path
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsSaslOption" type="optional">
SASL bind options
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsTrustStorePath" type="optional">
Certificate trust store path
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsUseStartTLS" type="optional">
Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsTrustStorePassword" type="optional">
Certificate trust store PIN
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsTrustStorePasswordFile" type="optional">
Certificate trust store PIN file
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsKeyStorePasswordFile" type="optional">
Certificate keystore PIN file
<function-arg-property name="type" value="filename"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsKeyStorePassword" type="optional">
Certificate keystore PIN
<function-arg-property name="type" value="string"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsUseSSL" type="optional">
Use SSL for secure communication with the server
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsTrustAll" type="optional">
Trust all server SSL certificates
<function-arg-property name="type" value="option"/>
<function-arg-def name="dsOperationValue" type="optional">
dsOperationValue is true or false
<function-arg-property name="type" value="boolean"/>
<!-- Build the Command -->
if dsPath:
dsBinPath='%s/%s' % (dsPath,fileFolder)
STAFCmd='%s/manage-account%s' % (dsBinPath,fileExt)
if targetDn:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-b "%s"' % targetDn)
if dsInstanceHost:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-h %s' % dsInstanceHost)
if dsInstanceDn:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-D "%s"' % dsInstanceDn)
if dsInstancePswd:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-w %s' % dsInstancePswd)
if dsHelp:
if dsBindPasswordFile:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-j %s' % dsBindPasswordFile)
if dsKeyStorePath:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-K %s' % dsKeyStorePath)
if dsCertNickname:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-N %s' % dsCertNickname)
if dsSaslOption:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-o %s' % dsSaslOption)
if dsInstanceAdminPort:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-p %s' % dsInstanceAdminPort)
if dsTrustStorePath:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-P %s' % dsTrustStorePath)
if dsUseStartTLS:
if dsTrustStorePassword:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('--trustStorePassword %s' % dsTrustStorePassword)
if dsTrustStorePasswordFile:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-U %s' % dsTrustStorePasswordFile)
if dsKeyStorePasswordFile:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-u %s' % dsKeyStorePasswordFile)
if dsVersion:
if dsKeyStorePassword:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-W %s' % dsKeyStorePassword)
if dsUseSSL:
if dsOperationValue:
STAFCmdParamsList.append('-O %s' % dsOperationValue)
STAFCmdParams=' '.join(STAFCmdParamsList)
<call function="'runCommand'" >
{ 'name' : 'Manage-account script',
'command' : STAFCmd,
'arguments' : STAFCmdParams,
'location' : location,
'expectedRC': expectedRC
<function name="verifyReplication">
This function verifies that replication is working, that is, the updates
done on any of the servers in the topology are being pushed to the other
<function-arg-def name="serverList" type="required">
List of the servers to verify against the referenceServer.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="Server-list"/>
<function-arg-def name="replicatedSuffix" type="required">
Suffix of the tree to verify.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="DN"/>
<function-arg-def name="knownIssue" type="optional" default="None">
Known issue. Corresponds to an issue number.
'verifyReplication: Verify updates on the suffix %s are being \
replicated.' % replicatedSuffix
<iterate var="server" in="serverList" indexvar="i">
serverHost = server.getHostname()
serverPath = '%s/%s' % (server.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
otherServersList = serverList[:i] + serverList[i+1:]
entryDn = 'uid=testentry-%s, %s' % (i, replicatedSuffix)
myRC = 0
myKnownIssue = knownIssue
failedServers = STAXGlobal( [] )
failingServerList = ''
<!-- Add entry to one of the other servers -->
listAttr = []
listAttr.append('givenname:Test-%s' % i)
listAttr.append('sn:Entry-%s' % i)
listAttr.append('cn:Test Entry - %s' % i)
'verifyReplication: Add entry %s to server %s:%s' % \
(entryDn, serverHost, server.getPort())
<call function="'addAnEntry'">
{ 'location' : serverHost,
'dsPath' : serverPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : serverHost,
'dsInstancePort' : server.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : server.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : server.getRootPwd(),
'DNToAdd' : entryDn,
'listAttributes' : listAttr
<call function="'Sleep'">
{ 'sleepForMilliSeconds' : 2000 }
<!-- Check the update has been propagated -->
<paralleliterate var="otherServer" in="otherServersList">
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : otherServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : '%s/%s' \
% (otherServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME),
'dsInstanceHost' : otherServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : otherServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : otherServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : otherServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : entryDn,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'logStderr' : False
searchRC = RC
searchResult = STAXResult[0][1]
resultLength = len(searchResult) > 0
<if expr="resultLength != 0">
'+++++++++++ LDAPSEARCH RESULT for %s:%s ++++++++\n%s' \
% (otherServer.getHostname(), otherServer.getPort(),
'verifyReplication: Entry %s NOT found in server %s:%s' % \
(entryDn, otherServer.getHostname(), otherServer.getPort())
failedServers.append('%s:%s' % \
(otherServer.getHostname(), otherServer.getPort()))
<if expr="len(failedServers) > 0">
<!-- If at least one server failed to receive the update return an
! error, along with the list of the servers that failed to do so
myRC = 1
comma = ','
failingServerList = \
'List of non-synchronized servers (replication verify FAILED \
for entry %s): %s ' % (entryDn, comma.join(failedServers))
'All servers synchronized (replication verify SUCCEEDED for \
entry %s)' % entryDn
<call function="'checktestRC'">
{ 'returncode' : myRC,
'result' : failingServerList,
'expected' : 0,
'issue' : myKnownIssue
<!-- Remove footprint: delete the entry just added -->
<call function="'ldapDeleteWithScript'">
{ 'location' : serverHost,
'dsPath' : serverPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : serverHost,
'dsInstancePort' : server.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : server.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : server.getRootPwd(),
'dsDn' : [entryDn]