snmp_trap_defaultconf.xml revision d81978a0815d5b8a75633c35e3e1f8708d36f017
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE stax SYSTEM "/shared/stax.dtd">
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! Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
! (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
! with the License.
! You can obtain a copy of the license at
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! When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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! Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
! Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
! -->
<defaultcall function="snmp_trap_defaultconf"/>
<function name="snmp_trap_defaultconf">
<block name="'snmp_trap_defaultconf'">
<!--- Test Suite information
#@TestSuiteName SNMP trap with default configuration
#@TestSuitePurpose Check SNMP trap with default configuration.
#@TestSuiteGroup SNMP trap with default configuration
#@TestScript snmp_trap_defaultconf.xml
if not CurrentTestPath.has_key('group'):
CurrentTestPath['group'] = 'snmp'
CurrentTestPath['suite'] = STAXCurrentBlock
<call function="'testSuite_Preamble'"/>
<!--- Define default value for community -->
trapsCommunity = '%s' % SNMP_PROPERTIES['traps-community']
outputFile = '%s/timer.out' % DIRECTORY_INSTANCE_DIR
timerDuration = '5m'
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker SNMP trap with default configuration
#@TestName trap_defaultconf: trap on stop-ds
#@TestIssue 3435
#@TestPurpose Check that a trap is sent on default trap
community after stop-ds command.
#@TestPreamble none
#@TestStep Run the trap listener, it send an event to
notify that it is ready.
#@TestStep When this event is received, stop-ds command
is executed and a another event is sent to
notify that the command is completed.
#@TestStep The trap listener catches this event and send
a result.
#@TestPostamble none
#@TestResult Success if SNMPTrapListener returns 0.
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('trap_defaultconf: trap on stop-ds')">
<timer duration="timerDuration">
'trap_defaultconf: run the trap listener'
<call function="'SNMPTrapListener'">
'snmpTrapPort' : SNMP_TRAP_PORT ,
'snmpTrapCommunity' : trapsCommunity ,
'snmpTrapNumber' : '1,0,0,0,0,0' ,
'outputFile' : outputFile
'trap_defaultconf: wait event from the trap listener'
<call function="'WaitEvent'">
'name' : 'SNMPTrapListener/Ready'
'trap_defaultconf: delete event from the trap listener'
<call function="'DeleteEvent'">
'name' : 'SNMPTrapListener/Ready'
'trap_defaultconf: stop the server'
<call function="'StopDsWithScript'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME }
'trap_defaultconf: send event to the trap listener'
<call function="'SendEvent'">
'name' : 'SendTrap/Complete'
<script>timerRC = RC</script>
<call function="'checkTimerResult'">
'outputFile' : outputFile ,
'timerDuration' : timerDuration ,
'timerRC' : timerRC
<if expr="is_windows_platform(STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME)">
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker SNMP trap with default configuration
#@TestName trap_defaultconf: trap on start-ds
#@TestIssue none
#@TestPurpose Check that a trap is sent on default trap
community after start-ds command.
#@TestPreamble none
#@TestStep Run the trap listener, it send an event to
notify that it is ready.
#@TestStep When this event is received, start-ds command
is executed and a another event is sent to
notify that the command is completed.
#@TestStep The trap listener catches this event and send
a result.
#@TestPostamble none
#@TestResult Success if SNMPTrapListener returns 0.
<testcase name="getTestCaseName
('trap_defaultconf: trap on start-ds')">
<timer duration="timerDuration">
'trap_defaultconf: run the trap listener'
<call function="'SNMPTrapListener'">
'snmpTrapPort' : SNMP_TRAP_PORT ,
'snmpTrapCommunity' : trapsCommunity ,
'snmpTrapNumber' : '1,0,0,0,0,0' ,
'outputFile' : outputFile
'trap_defaultconf: wait event from the trap listener'
<call function="'WaitEvent'">
'name' : 'SNMPTrapListener/Ready'
'trap_defaultconf: delete event from the trap listener'
<call function="'DeleteEvent'">
'name' : 'SNMPTrapListener/Ready'
'trap_defaultconf: start the server'
<call function="'StartDsWithScript'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME }
'trap_defaultconf: send event to the trap listener'
<call function="'SendEvent'">
'name' : 'SendTrap/Complete'
<script>timerRC = RC</script>
<call function="'checkTimerResult'">
'outputFile' : outputFile ,
'timerDuration' : timerDuration ,
'timerRC' : timerRC
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker SNMP trap with default configuration
#@TestName trap_defaultconf: trap on stop-ds -R
#@TestIssue 3435
#@TestPurpose Check that 2 traps are sent on default trap
community after stop-ds -R command.
#@TestPreamble none
#@TestStep Run the trap listener, it send an event to
notify that it is ready.
#@TestStep When this event is received, stop-ds -R
command is executed and a another event is
sent to notify that the command is completed.
#@TestStep The trap listener catches this event and send
a result.
#@TestPostamble none
#@TestResult Success if SNMPTrapListener returns 0.
<testcase name="getTestCaseName
('trap_defaultconf: trap on stop-ds -R')">
<timer duration="timerDuration">
'trap_defaultconf: run the trap listener'
<call function="'SNMPTrapListener'">
'snmpTrapPort' : SNMP_TRAP_PORT ,
'snmpTrapCommunity' : trapsCommunity ,
'snmpTrapNumber' : '2,0,0,0,0,0' ,
'outputFile' : outputFile
'trap_defaultconf: wait event from the trap listener'
<call function="'WaitEvent'">
'name' : 'SNMPTrapListener/Ready'
'trap_defaultconf: delete event from the trap listener'
<call function="'DeleteEvent'">
'name' : 'SNMPTrapListener/Ready'
'trap_defaultconf: restart the server'
<call function="'StopDsWithScript'">
'dsRestart' : 'True'
'trap_defaultconf: send event to the trap listener'
<call function="'SendEvent'">
'name' : 'SendTrap/Complete'
<script>timerRC = RC</script>
<call function="'checkTimerResult'">
'outputFile' : outputFile ,
'timerDuration' : timerDuration ,
'timerRC' : timerRC
<if expr="is_windows_platform(STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME)">
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<call function="'testSuite_Postamble'"/>