security.xml revision f663ea9d0bb4be0405c57f1c930df7a8cbcbfd27
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller<!DOCTYPE stax SYSTEM "/shared/stax.dtd">
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller<!--
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller ! CDDL HEADER START
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller !
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller ! The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller ! Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
52a38c0fe76475c93300961068ea9332cb9854d6Brendan Mmiller ! (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
52a38c0fe76475c93300961068ea9332cb9854d6Brendan Mmiller ! with the License.
52a38c0fe76475c93300961068ea9332cb9854d6Brendan Mmiller !
52a38c0fe76475c93300961068ea9332cb9854d6Brendan Mmiller ! You can obtain a copy of the license at
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller ! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller ! or
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller ! See the License for the specific language governing permissions
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller ! and limitations under the License.
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller !
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller ! When distributing Covered Code, exclude this CDDL HEADER in each
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller ! file and exclude the License file at
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller ! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable,
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller ! add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller ! by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller ! Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller !
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller ! CDDL HEADER END
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller !
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller ! Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller ! -->
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller<stax>
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller <defaultcall function="security"/>
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller <function name="security">
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller <sequence>
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller <!--- Test Suite information
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller #@TestSuiteName Setup-Uninstall security Tests
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller #@TestSuitePurpose Test all secuirty related options of the
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller setup and uninstall commands
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller #@TestSuiteGroup security
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller #@TestSuiteID security Tests
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller #@TestGroup Setup-Uninstall
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller #@TestScript security.xml
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller #@TestHTMLLink
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller -->
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller <script>
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller if not CurrentTestPath.has_key('group'):
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller CurrentTestPath['group'] = 'setup'
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller CurrentTestPath['suite'] = 'security'
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller </script>
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller <call function="'testSuite_Preamble'"/>
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller <call function="'getFreePort'">
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller {
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller 'host' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller 'port' : 8500,
56d301d296cef7b6d0abc01314b4d65fe22e67a5Brendan Mmiller }
<script>SEC_I1_PORT = STAXResult</script>
<call function="'getFreePort'">
'port' : 8520,
<script>SEC_I1_SPORT = STAXResult</script>
<call function="'getFreePort'">
'port' : 8540,
<script>SEC_I1_REPL_PORT = STAXResult</script>
<call function="'getFreePort'">
'port' : 8600,
<script>SEC_I2_PORT = STAXResult</script>
<call function="'getFreePort'">
'port' : 8620,
<script>SEC_I2_SPORT = STAXResult</script>
<call function="'getFreePort'">
'port' : 8640,
<script>SEC_I2_REPL_PORT = STAXResult</script>
'Got these free ports for I1: %s, %s, %s' % (SEC_I1_PORT, \
'Got these free ports for I2: %s, %s, %s' % (SEC_I2_PORT, \
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Setup-Uninstall Security tests
#@TestName Setup-Uninstall: Security:
#@TestID security_starttls_ssl
#@TestPurpose Test security related options of setup/uninstall
#@TestStep Setup I1, with SSL
Setup I2, with StartTLS
Create o=o1 on I1 and I2, and import data on I1
Setup replication I1 - I2
Check SSL works OK on I1 and I2
Check StartTLS not-OK on I1
Check StartTLS OK on I2
Export server certs I1 and I2
Create new JKS keystore and import I1 and I2 certs
Uninstall I1, using new keystore
Uninstall I2
#@TestResult PASS if all steps ran without errors
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('security_starttls_ssl')">
DM_DN = 'cn=DM'
DM_PW = 'secret12'
DM_PW_FILE = '%s/setup/pwd-security.ldif' %
KEYTOOL = '%s/bin/keytool%s' % (JAVA_HOME, fileExt)
SEC_I1_BASE = '%s/sec_i1' % (OUT_GROUP)
SEC_I2_BASE = '%s/sec_i2' % (OUT_GROUP)
SEC_O1_LDIF = '%s/setup/sec-o1.ldif' %
<call function="'checkFileExists'">
{ 'file' : KEYTOOL }
<!-- 1.1. Setup I1 -->
<message>'++ Setup of I1'</message>
<call function="'runSTAFCommand'">
{ 'name' : 'Create directory to contain I1',
'service' : 'FS',
'request' : 'CREATE',
<call function="'checktestRC'">
{ 'returncode' : RC,
'expected' : 0,
'result' : 'FAIL to create directory',
<call function="'runSTAFCommand'">
{ 'name' : 'Extract OpenDS ZIP file',
'service' : 'ZIP',
'request' : 'UNZIP',
<call function="'checktestRC'">
{ 'returncode' : RC,
'expected' : 0,
'result' : 'FAIL to unzip OpenDS ZIP file',
c = '%s/setup%s' % (SEC_I1_ROOT, fileExt)
p = []
p.append('--cli --no-prompt --ldapPort %s' % (SEC_I1_PORT))
p.append('--ldapsPort %s' % SEC_I1_SPORT)
p.append('--rootUserDN "%s"' % DM_DN)
p.append('--rootUserPassword "%s"' % DM_PW)
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'Launch setup command for I1',
'command' : c,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I1_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 0,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-setup-i1.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
<!-- 1.2. Check I1 -->
<message>'++ Check status of I1'</message>
c = '%s/%s/status%s' % (SEC_I1_ROOT, fileFolder, fileExt)
p = []
p.append('--bindDN "%s" --bindPassword "%s"' % (DM_DN, DM_PW))
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'Launch status command for I1',
'command' : c,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I1_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 0,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-status-i1.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
grepFile = '%s/sec-status-i1.txt' % OUT_GROUP
<call function="'grep'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'filename' : grepFile,
'testString': 'Server Run Status: Started',
'expectedRC': 0,
<!-- 1.3. Check config/keystore -->
<message>'++ Check file config/keystore exists'</message>
ks = '%s/config/keystore' % SEC_I1_ROOT
<call function="'checkFileExists'">
{ 'file' : ks }
<!-- 1.4. Check StartTLS non-enablement -->
<message>'++ Check StartTLS is disabled'</message>
ent = 'cn=LDAP Connection Handler,cn=Connection Handlers,cn=config'
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'dsInstancePort' : SEC_I1_PORT,
'dsInstanceDn' : DM_DN,
'dsInstancePswd' : DM_PW,
'dsBaseDN' : ent,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'ds-cfg-allow-start-tls',
'expectedRC' : 0,
'outputPath' : OUT_GROUP,
'outputFile' : 'sec-ldapsearch-i1.txt',
grepFile = '%s/sec-ldapsearch-i1.txt' % OUT_GROUP
<call function="'grep'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'filename' : grepFile,
'testString': 'ds-cfg-allow-start-tls: false',
'expectedRC': 0,
<!-- 2.1. Setup I2 -->
<message>'++ Setup I2'</message>
<call function="'runSTAFCommand'">
{ 'name' : 'Create directory to contain I2',
'service' : 'FS',
'request' : 'CREATE',
<call function="'checktestRC'">
{ 'returncode' : RC,
'expected' : 0,
'result' : 'FAIL to create directory',
<call function="'runSTAFCommand'">
{ 'name' : 'Extract OpenDS ZIP file',
'service' : 'ZIP',
'request' : 'UNZIP',
<call function="'checktestRC'">
{ 'returncode' : RC,
'expected' : 0,
'result' : 'FAIL to unzip OpenDS ZIP file',
c = '%s/setup%s' % (SEC_I2_ROOT, fileExt)
p = []
p.append('--cli --no-prompt --ldapPort %s' % (SEC_I2_PORT))
p.append('--ldapsPort %s' % SEC_I2_SPORT)
p.append('--rootUserDN "%s"' % DM_DN)
p.append('--rootUserPassword "%s"' % DM_PW)
p.append('--generateSelfSignedCertificate --enableStartTLS')
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'Launch setup command for I2',
'command' : c,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I2_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 0,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-setup-i2.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
<!-- 2.2. Check I2 -->
<message>'++ Check status of I2'</message>
c = '%s/%s/status%s' % (SEC_I2_ROOT, fileFolder, fileExt)
p = []
p.append('--bindDN "%s" --bindPassword "%s"' % (DM_DN, DM_PW))
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'Launch status command for I2',
'command' : c,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I1_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 0,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-status-i2.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
grepFile = '%s/sec-status-i2.txt' % OUT_GROUP
<call function="'grep'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'filename' : grepFile,
'testString': 'Server Run Status: Started',
'expectedRC': 0,
<!-- 2.3. Check config/keystore -->
<message>'++ Check file config/keystore exists'</message>
ks = '%s/config/keystore' % SEC_I2_ROOT
<call function="'checkFileExists'">
{ 'file' : ks }
<!-- 2.4. Check StartTLS enablement -->
<message>'++ Check StartTLS is enabled on I2'</message>
ent = 'cn=LDAP Connection Handler,cn=Connection Handlers,cn=config'
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'dsInstancePort' : SEC_I2_PORT,
'dsInstanceDn' : DM_DN,
'dsInstancePswd' : DM_PW,
'dsBaseDN' : ent,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'ds-cfg-allow-start-tls',
'expectedRC' : 0,
'outputPath' : OUT_GROUP,
'outputFile' : 'sec-ldapsearch-i2.txt',
grepFile = '%s/sec-ldapsearch-i2.txt' % OUT_GROUP
<call function="'grep'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'filename' : grepFile,
'testString': 'ds-cfg-allow-start-tls: true',
'expectedRC': 0,
<!-- 3.1. Config: create backend I1 -->
<message>'++ create backend on I1'</message>
c = '%s/%s/dsconfig%s' % (SEC_I1_ROOT, fileFolder, fileExt)
p = []
p.append('create-backend --bindDN "%s"' % DM_DN)
p.append('--bindPassword "%s" --port %s' % (DM_PW, SEC_I1_PORT))
p.append('--backend-name o1 --type local-db --no-prompt')
p.append('--set enabled:true --set writability-mode:enabled')
p.append('--set base-dn:"o=o1"')
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'Create backend on I1',
'command' : c,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I1_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 0,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-create-backend-i1.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
<!-- 3.2. Config: create backend I2 -->
<message>'++ create backend on I2'</message>
c = '%s/%s/dsconfig%s' % (SEC_I2_ROOT, fileFolder, fileExt)
p = []
p.append('create-backend --bindDN "%s"' % DM_DN)
p.append('--bindPassword "%s" --port %s' % (DM_PW, SEC_I2_PORT))
p.append('--backend-name o1 --type local-db --no-prompt')
p.append('--set enabled:true --set writability-mode:enabled')
p.append('--set base-dn:"o=o1"')
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'Create backend on I2',
'command' : c,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I2_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 0,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-create-backend-i2.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
<!-- 3.3. Import data I1 -->
<message>'++ Import data on I1'</message>
c = '%s/%s/import-ldif%s' % (SEC_I1_ROOT, fileFolder, fileExt)
p = []
p.append('--bindDN "%s" --bindPassword "%s"' % (DM_DN, DM_PW))
p.append('--port %s --backendID o1' % SEC_I1_PORT)
p.append('--ldifFile %s' % SEC_O1_LDIF)
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'Import data on I1',
'command' : c,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I1_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 0,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-import-ldif-i1.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
<!-- 3.4. Enable replication I1-I2 -->
<message>'++ Enable replication I1-I2'</message>
c = '%s/%s/dsreplication%s' % (SEC_I1_ROOT, fileFolder, fileExt)
p = []
p.append('enable --host1 %s' % STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME)
p.append('--bindDN1 "%s"' % DM_DN)
p.append('--bindPassword1 "%s"' % DM_PW)
p.append('--port1 %s' % SEC_I1_PORT)
p.append('--replicationPort1 %s' % SEC_I1_REPL_PORT)
p.append('--host2 %s --bindDN2 "%s"' % (STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME, DM_DN))
p.append('--bindPassword2 "%s"' % DM_PW)
p.append('--port2 %s' % (SEC_I2_PORT))
p.append('--replicationPort2 %s' % SEC_I2_REPL_PORT)
p.append('-I admin -w secret12')
p.append('--baseDN "o=o1" --no-prompt')
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'Enable I1 - I2 replication',
'command' : c,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I1_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 0,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-enable-repl.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
<!-- 3.5. Initialize replication -->
<message>'++ Initialize replication I1-I2'</message>
c = '%s/%s/dsreplication%s' % (SEC_I1_ROOT, fileFolder, fileExt)
p = []
p.append('initialize -I admin -w secret12 --baseDN "o=o1"')
p.append('--hostSource %s' % STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME)
p.append('--portSource %s' % SEC_I1_PORT)
p.append('--hostDestination %s' % STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME)
p.append('--portDestination %s' % SEC_I2_PORT)
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'Initialize I1 - I2 replication',
'command' : c,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I1_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 0,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-initialize-repl.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
<!-- 4.1. Check SSL I1 -->
<message>'++ Check SSL I1'</message>
c = '%s/%s/ldapsearch%s' % (SEC_I1_ROOT, fileFolder, fileExt)
p = []
p.append('--hostname %s' % STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME)
p.append('--port %s' % SEC_I1_SPORT)
p.append('--trustAll --useSSL')
p.append('--baseDN "cn=user_2,o=o1"')
p.append('--searchScope base "(objectClass=*)"')
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'SSL Search on I1',
'command' : c,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I1_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 0,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-ldapsearch-ssl-i1.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
grepFile = '%s/sec-ldapsearch-ssl-i1.txt' % OUT_GROUP
<call function="'grep'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'filename' : grepFile,
'testString': 'dn: cn=user_2,o=o1',
'expectedRC': 0,
<!-- 4.2. Check SSL I2 -->
<message>'++ Check SSL I2'</message>
c = '%s/%s/ldapsearch%s' % (SEC_I2_ROOT, fileFolder, fileExt)
p = []
p.append('--hostname %s' % STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME)
p.append('--port %s' % SEC_I2_SPORT)
p.append('--trustAll --useSSL')
p.append('--baseDN "cn=user_2,o=o1"')
p.append('--searchScope base "(objectClass=*)"')
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'SSL Search on I2',
'command' : c,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I2_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 0,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-ldapsearch-ssl-i2.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
grepFile = '%s/sec-ldapsearch-ssl-i2.txt' % OUT_GROUP
<call function="'grep'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'filename' : grepFile,
'testString': 'dn: cn=user_2,o=o1',
'expectedRC': 0,
<!-- 4.3. Check not-StartTLS I1 -->
<message>'++ Check not-StartTLS I1'</message>
c = '%s/%s/ldapsearch%s' % (SEC_I1_ROOT, fileFolder, fileExt)
p = []
p.append('--hostname %s' % STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME)
p.append('--port %s' % SEC_I1_PORT)
p.append('--trustAll --useStartTLS')
p.append('--baseDN "cn=user_2,o=o1"')
p.append('--searchScope base "(objectClass=*)"')
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'StartTLS Search on I1',
'command' : c,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I1_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 52,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-ldapsearch-starttls-i1.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
<!-- 4.4. Check StartTLS I2 -->
<message>'++ Check StartTLS OK on I2'</message>
c = '%s/%s/ldapsearch%s' % (SEC_I2_ROOT, fileFolder, fileExt)
p = []
p.append('--hostname %s' % STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME)
p.append('--port %s' % SEC_I2_PORT)
p.append('--trustAll --useStartTLS')
p.append('--baseDN "cn=user_2,o=o1"')
p.append('--searchScope base "(objectClass=*)"')
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'StartTLS Search on I2',
'command' : c,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I2_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 0,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-ldapsearch-starttls-i2.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
grepFile = '%s/sec-ldapsearch-starttls-i2.txt' % OUT_GROUP
<call function="'grep'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'filename' : grepFile,
'testString': 'dn: cn=user_2,o=o1',
'expectedRC': 0,
<!-- 5.1. Export server cert I1 -->
<message>'++ Export server cert I1'</message>
CERT1_FILE = '%s/cert1' % OUT_GROUP
KEYSTORE1_FILE = '%s/config/keystore' % SEC_I1_ROOT
KEYSTORE1_PIN_FILE = '%s/config/' % SEC_I1_ROOT
<call function="'runSTAFCommand'">
{ 'name' : 'Get content of file for I1',
'service' : 'FS',
'request' : 'GET',
'arguments' : 'FILE %s TEXT' % KEYSTORE1_PIN_FILE
<call function="'checktestRC'">
{ 'returncode' : RC,
'expected' : 0,
'result' : 'FAIL to get content of file',
c = '%s' % KEYTOOL
p = []
p.append('-export -keystore %s' % KEYSTORE1_FILE)
p.append('-storepass "%s"' % KEYSTORE1_PIN)
p.append('-alias server-cert -file %s' % CERT1_FILE)
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'Export I1 server cert',
'command' : KEYTOOL,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I1_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 0,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-export-cert-i1.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
<!-- 5.2. Export server cert I2 -->
<message>'++ Export server cert I2'</message>
CERT2_FILE = '%s/cert2' % OUT_GROUP
KEYSTORE2_FILE = '%s/config/keystore' % SEC_I2_ROOT
KEYSTORE2_PIN_FILE = '%s/config/' % SEC_I2_ROOT
<call function="'runSTAFCommand'">
{ 'name' : 'Get content of file for I2',
'service' : 'FS',
'request' : 'GET',
'arguments' : 'FILE %s TEXT' % KEYSTORE2_PIN_FILE
<call function="'checktestRC'">
{ 'returncode' : RC,
'expected' : 0,
'result' : 'FAIL to get content of file',
c = '%s' % KEYTOOL
p = []
p.append('-export -keystore %s' % KEYSTORE2_FILE)
p.append('-storepass "%s"' % KEYSTORE2_PIN)
p.append('-alias server-cert -file %s' % CERT2_FILE)
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'Export I2 server cert',
'command' : KEYTOOL,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I2_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 0,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-export-cert-i2.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
<!-- 5.3. Create new JKS keystore with I1 cert -->
<message>'++ Create new JKS keystore with I1 cert'</message>
c = '%s' % KEYTOOL
p = []
p.append('-import -storetype JKS -keystore %s' % MY_KEYSTORE)
p.append('-file %s' % CERT1_FILE)
p.append('-storepass secret12 -alias server-cert1')
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'Import I1 cert in new JKS keystore',
'command' : KEYTOOL,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I1_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 0,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-import-cert-i1.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
<!-- 5.4. Import cert I2 -->
<message>'++ Import cert on I2'</message>
c = '%s' % KEYTOOL
p = []
p.append('-import -storetype JKS -keystore %s' % MY_KEYSTORE)
p.append('-file %s' % CERT2_FILE)
p.append('-storepass secret12 -alias server-cert2')
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'Import I2 cert in new JKS keystore',
'command' : KEYTOOL,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I2_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 0,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-import-cert-i2.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
<!-- 6.1. Uninstall I1 (should fail: incompatible options) -->
<message>'++ Uninstall I1 (should fail)'</message>
c = '%s/uninstall%s' % (SEC_I1_ROOT, fileExt)
p = []
p.append('--cli --no-prompt')
p.append('--adminUID admin --bindPassword %s' % DM_PW)
p.append('--useSSL --useStartTLS --remove-all')
p.append('--trustStorePath %s' % MY_KEYSTORE)
p.append('--trustStorePassword secret12')
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'Uninstall I1',
'command' : c,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I1_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 2,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-uninstall1-i1.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
<!-- 6.2. Uninstall I1 -->
<message>'++ Uninstall I1'</message>
c = '%s/uninstall%s' % (SEC_I1_ROOT, fileExt)
p = []
p.append('--cli --no-prompt')
p.append('--adminUID admin --bindPassword %s' % DM_PW)
p.append('--useSSL --remove-all')
p.append('--trustStorePath %s' % MY_KEYSTORE)
p.append('--trustStorePassword secret12')
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'Uninstall I1',
'command' : c,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I1_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 0,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-uninstall2-i1.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
<!--- Temporary fix to avoid remaning processes
when this testcase fails -->
cmd = '%s/%s/%s/stop-ds%s' \
% (ODS_UNZIPPED, OPENDSNAME, fileFolder, fileExt)
<if expr="os.path.exists(cmd)" >
<message>'Stop I1'</message>
<call function="'StopDsWithScript'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'dsPath' : SEC_I1_ROOT,
'dsPort' : SEC_I1_PORT,
'dsBindDN' : DM_DN ,
'dsBindPwd' : DM_PW ,
'expectedRC' : 'noCheck'
<!-- 6.3. Uninstall I2 -->
<message>'++ Uninstall I2'</message>
c = '%s/uninstall%s' % (SEC_I2_ROOT, fileExt)
p = []
p.append('--cli --no-prompt')
p.append('--adminUID admin --bindPasswordFile %s' % DM_PW_FILE)
p.append('--useStartTLS --remove-all')
p = ' '.join(p)
<message>'%s %s' % (c, p)</message>
<call function="'runCommand'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'name' : 'Uninstall I2',
'command' : c,
'arguments' : p,
'path' : SEC_I2_ROOT,
'expectedRC': 0,
'outputFile': '%s/sec-uninstall-i2.txt' % OUT_GROUP,
<!--- Temporary fix to avoid remaning processes
when this testcase fails -->
cmd = '%s/%s/%s/stop-ds%s' \
% (ODS_UNZIPPED, OPENDSNAME, fileFolder, fileExt)
<if expr="os.path.exists(cmd)" >
<message>'Stop I2'</message>
<call function="'StopDsWithScript'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME,
'dsPath' : SEC_I2_ROOT,
'dsPort' : SEC_I2_PORT,
'dsBindDN' : DM_DN ,
'dsBindPwd' : DM_PW ,
'expectedRC' : 'noCheck'
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<call function="'testSuite_Postamble'"/>