totalupdate.xml revision 3d4a1e22a7fae9bbf5bfae5f942f7da9c35716c9
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE stax SYSTEM "/shared/stax.dtd">
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! (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
! with the License.
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! -->
<defaultcall function="replication_totalupdate"/>
<function name="replication_totalupdate">
<block name="'total-update'">
if not CurrentTestPath.has_key('group'):
<call function="'testSuite_Preamble'"/>
<!--- Test Suite information
#@TestSuiteName Replication Total Update Tests
#@TestSuitePurpose Verify that all the contents of a given suffix
can be pushed in one shot from one server to
other servers in the topology.
#@TestSuiteID Total Update Tests
#@TestSuiteGroup Total Update
#@TestGroup Replication
#@TestScript replication_totalupdate.xml
<import machine="STAF_LOCAL_HOSTNAME"
% (TESTS_DIR)"/>
<call function="'replication_setup'" />
server1DataDir = '%s/%s' % (server1.getDir(),remote.reldatadir)
<!--- Test Case : Total Update -->
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication Total Update Tests
#@TestName Replication: Total Update: Simple LDIF
#@TestID Simple LDIF
#@TestPurpose Initialize server with total update
#@TestSteps Stop server A
#@TestSteps Import data into server A
#@TestSteps Start server A
#@TestSteps Initialise (dsreplication initialize)
every other server from server A
#@TestSteps Check suffix has been initialised on every
#@TestSteps Add entry on server A
#@TestResult Success if initialisation call succeeds for all
servers and all servers are synchronised
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('Simple LDIF')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Replication: Total Update: Simple LDIF. Initialize server \
with total update'
<!-- Stop "master" Directory Server -->
<call function="'StopDsWithScript'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsHost' : masterHost,
'dsAdminPort' : master.getAdminPort(),
'dsBindDN' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsBindPwd' : master.getRootPwd()
<!-- Check that the Directory Server is stopped -->
<!-- Import data into "master" Directory Server -->
<call function="'ImportLdifWithScript'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsLdifFile' : '%s/replication/Example.ldif' % masterDataDir
<!-- Start the Directory Server -->
<call function="'StartDsWithScript'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath
<!-- Wait for DS to start -->
<call function="'isAlive'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort() ,
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn() ,
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd() ,
'noOfLoops' : 10 ,
'noOfMilliSeconds' : 2000
<!-- Check some data was imported into Directory Server -->
<call function="'checkImport'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsHost' : masterHost,
'dsPort' : master.getPort(),
'dsAdminPort' : master.getAdminPort(),
'dsDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsPswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'expectedEntries' : ['uid=scarter,ou=People,o=example',
'uid=dmiller, ou=People, o=example',
'uid=rhunt, ou=People, o=example'],
'startDS' : 'no'
<iterate var="server" in="consumerList">
<!-- Perform the total update -->
<call function="'initializeReplication'">
{ 'location' : clientHost,
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : server.getHostname(),
'dsInstanceAdminPort' : server.getAdminPort(),
'sourceInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'sourceInstanceAdminPort' : master.getAdminPort(),
'replicationDnList' : ['o=example']
<!-- Verify the total update -->
<call function="'checkImport'">
{ 'location' : server.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : '%s/%s' % (server.getDir(),OPENDSNAME),
'dsHost' : server.getHostname(),
'dsPort' : server.getPort(),
'dsAdminPort' : server.getAdminPort(),
'dsDn' : server.getRootDn(),
'dsPswd' : server.getRootPwd(),
'expectedEntries' : ['uid=scarter,ou=People,o=example',
'uid=dmiller, ou=People, o=example',
'uid=rhunt, ou=People, o=example'],
'startDS' : 'no'
<!-- To make sure replication is working: add entry to "master"
server -->
listAttr = []
listAttr.append('givenname: Professor Moriarty')
listAttr.append('sn: Moriarty')
listAttr.append('cn: Professor Moriarty')
listAttr.append('l: London')
<call function="'addAnEntry'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'DNToAdd' : 'uid=pmoriarty, ou=People, o=example',
'listAttributes' : listAttr
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'verifyTrees'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, 'o=example' ]
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication Total Update Tests
#@TestName Replication: Total Update: Schema total update
#@TestID Schema total update
#@TestPurpose Initialize the schema with total update.
#@TestSteps Add entry belonging to undefined new schema on
server B
#@TestSteps Disable replication for cn=schema on server A
#@TestSteps Add new objectClass and new attrType definition
to schema in server A
#@TestSteps Enable replication for cn=schema on server A
(which also initialises cn=schema)
#@TestSteps Add entry belonging to new schema on server B
#@TestResult Success if first entry add attempt on server B
fails with error 65 (objectclass violation)
whereas second add attempt succeeds.
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('Schema total update')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Replication: Total Update: Schema total update. \
Initialize schema with total update'
consumer = consumerList[0]
<!-- Try to add entry belonging to new schema to "consumer"
server; should be rejected with error 65 (objectclass violation)
<call function="'addEntry'">
{ 'location' : clientHost,
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : consumer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : consumer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : consumer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : consumer.getRootPwd(),
'entryToBeAdded' : '%s/replication/testuser-1.ldif' \
% clientDataDir,
'expectedRC' : 65
<!-- Disable schema replication on "master" server -->
<call function="'disableReplication'">
{ 'location' : clientHost,
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'dsInstanceAdminPort' : master.getAdminPort(),
'replicationDnList' : ['cn=schema']
newObjectclass = '( testobjectclass1-oid NAME \
\'testobjectclass-1\' SUP person MAY ( street $ \
testattribute-1 $ c ) X-ORIGIN \'user defined\' )'
newAttributetype = '( testattribute1-oid NAME \
\'testattribute-1\' SYNTAX \
X-ORIGIN \'user defined\' )'
<!-- Modify schema in "master" server -->
<call function="'modifyAnAttribute'">
{ 'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost ,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'DNToModify' : 'cn=schema',
'attributeName' : 'attributeTypes',
'newAttributeValue' : newAttributetype,
'changetype' : 'add'
<call function="'modifyAnAttribute'">
{ 'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost ,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'DNToModify' : 'cn=schema',
'attributeName' : 'objectClasses',
'newAttributeValue' : newObjectclass,
'changetype' : 'add'
<!-- Re-enable schema replication on "master" server, and
at the same time initialise the schema across the topology -->
<call function="'enableReplication'">
{ 'location' : clientHost,
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'dsInstanceAdminPort' : master.getAdminPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'refInstanceHost' : consumer.getHostname(),
'refInstanceAdminPort' : consumer.getAdminPort(),
'refInstanceDn' : consumer.getRootDn(),
'refInstancePswd' : consumer.getRootPwd(),
'replicationDnList' : ['cn=schema']
<!-- Add entry to "consumer" server -->
<call function="'addEntry'">
{ 'location' : clientHost,
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : consumer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : consumer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : consumer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : consumer.getRootPwd(),
'entryToBeAdded' : '%s/replication/testuser-1.ldif' \
% clientDataDir
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the schema among the servers
in the topology -->
<!-- If the schema files differ, it could be due to Issue 2599
(Replication adds modifiersName and modifyTimestamp to schema
updates) -->
<call function="'verifySchemas'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, '99-user.ldif',
'2599' ]
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'verifyTrees'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, 'o=example' ]
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication Total Update Tests
#@TestName Replication: Total Update: Initialize all
#@TestID Initialize all
#@TestPurpose Initialize all servers with total update
#@TestSteps Stop server A
#@TestSteps Import data into server A
#@TestSteps Start server A
#@TestSteps Initialise (dsreplication initialize all) all
the servers from server A
#@TestSteps Check suffix has been initialised on every
#@TestSteps Add entry on server A
#@TestResult Success if initialisation call succeeds for all
servers and all servers are synchronised
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('Initialize all')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Replication: Total Update: Initialize all. Initialize all \
servers with total update'
<!-- Stop "master" Directory Server -->
<call function="'StopDsWithScript'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsHost' : masterHost,
'dsAdminPort' : master.getAdminPort(),
'dsBindDN' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsBindPwd' : master.getRootPwd()
<!-- Check that the Directory Server is stopped -->
<!-- Import data into "master" Directory Server -->
<call function="'ImportLdifWithScript'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsLdifFile' : '%s/replication/Short_Example.ldif' \
% masterDataDir
<!-- Start the Directory Server -->
<call function="'StartDsWithScript'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath
<!-- Wait for DS to start -->
<call function="'isAlive'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort() ,
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn() ,
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd() ,
'noOfLoops' : 10 ,
'noOfMilliSeconds' : 2000
<!-- Check some data was imported into Directory Server -->
<call function="'checkImport'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsHost' : masterHost,
'dsPort' : master.getPort(),
'dsAdminPort' : master.getAdminPort(),
'dsDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsPswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'expectedEntries' : ['uid=scarter,ou=People,o=example',
'uid=dmiller, ou=People, o=example',
'uid=sholmes, ou=People, o=example'],
'startDS' : 'no'
<!-- Perform the total update -->
<call function="'initializeReplication'">
{ 'location' : clientHost,
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'sourceInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'sourceInstanceAdminPort' : master.getAdminPort(),
'replicationDnList' : ['o=example']
<iterate var="server" in="consumerList">
<!-- Verify the total update -->
<call function="'checkImport'">
{ 'location' : server.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : '%s/%s' % (server.getDir(),OPENDSNAME),
'dsHost' : server.getHostname(),
'dsPort' : server.getPort(),
'dsAdminPort' : server.getAdminPort(),
'dsDn' : server.getRootDn(),
'dsPswd' : server.getRootPwd(),
'expectedEntries' : ['uid=scarter,ou=People,o=example',
'uid=dmiller, ou=People, o=example',
'uid=sholmes, ou=People, o=example'],
'startDS' : 'no'
<!-- To make sure replication is working: add entry to "master"
server -->
listAttr = []
listAttr.append('givenname: Professor Moriarty')
listAttr.append('sn: Moriarty')
listAttr.append('cn: Professor Moriarty')
listAttr.append('l: London')
<call function="'addAnEntry'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'DNToAdd' : 'uid=pmoriarty, ou=People, o=example',
'listAttributes' : listAttr
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'verifyTrees'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, 'o=example' ]
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<import machine="STAF_LOCAL_HOSTNAME"
% (TESTS_DIR)"/>
<call function="'replication_cleanup'" />
<call function="'testSuite_Postamble'"/>