schema.xml revision f0f1c4f978affe32bd88436268d23e971b6f03b9
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE stax SYSTEM "/shared/stax.dtd">
! The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
! Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
! (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
! with the License.
! You can obtain a copy of the license at
! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
! or
! See the License for the specific language governing permissions
! and limitations under the License.
! When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
! file and include the License file at
! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable,
! add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
! by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
! Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
! Copyright 2007-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
! Portions Copyright 2011-2012 ForgeRock AS.
! -->
<defaultcall function="replication_schema"/>
<function name="replication_schema">
<block name="'schema'">
if not CurrentTestPath.has_key('group'):
<call function="'testSuite_Preamble'"/>
<!--- Test Suite information
#@TestSuiteName Replication Schema Replication Tests
#@TestSuitePurpose Verify that the schema is replicated as any
other suffix in a replicated topology.
#@TestSuiteID Schema Replication Tests
#@TestSuiteGroup Schema Replication
#@TestGroup Replication
#@TestScript replication_schema.xml
<import machine="STAF_LOCAL_HOSTNAME"
file="'%s/testcases/replication/replication_setup.xml' % TESTS_DIR"/>
<call function="'replication_setup'" >
{ 'label' : 'Replication Schema' }
synchroSuffix = master.getSynchronizedSuffixList()[0].getSuffixDn()
currentSchemaFile = '%s/config/schema/99-user.ldif' % masterPath
provSchemaFile = '%/last-99-user.ldif' % masterPath
consumer = consumerList[0]
consumerHost = consumer.getHostname()
msg1 = 'Replication: Schema:'
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication Schema Replication Tests
#@TestName Replication: Schema Replication: Add objectclass
#@TestID Add objectclass
#@TestPurpose Check schema replication when a new objectclass
is added
#@TestPreamble Load entries
#@TestSteps Add new objectclass definition on server1
#@TestSteps Add entry of new objectclass on server2
#@TestResult Success if schema add and entry add replicated
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('Add objectclass')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
'%s Add objectclass. Check schema replication when a new objectclass is added' % msg1
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Load entries into "master" server.' % msg1 }
<!-- Load entries into "master" server -->
<call function="'addEntry'">
{ 'location' : clientHost,
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'entryToBeAdded' : '%s/replication/Example.ldif' % \
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Add new object class.' % msg1 }
newObjectclass = '( testobjectclass-oid NAME \'testobjectclass-0\' SUP person MAY ( street $ c ) X-ORIGIN \'user defined\' )'
<!-- Modify schema in "master" server -->
<call function="'modifyAnAttribute'">
{ 'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost ,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'DNToModify' : 'cn=schema',
'attributeName' : 'objectClasses',
'newAttributeValue' : newObjectclass,
'changetype' : 'add'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Add entry to "consumer" server using new objectclass.' % msg1 }
<!-- Add entry to "consumer" server -->
<call function="'addEntry'">
{ 'location' : clientHost,
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : consumerHost,
'dsInstancePort' : consumer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : consumer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : consumer.getRootPwd(),
'entryToBeAdded' : '%s/replication/testuser-0.ldif' % \
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Verify the synchronization of the schema on all the servers.' % msg1 }
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the schema among the servers
in the topology -->
<call function="'verifySchemas'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, '99-user.ldif' ]
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Verify the synchronization of the trees on all the servers.' % msg1 }
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'verifyTrees'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, synchroSuffix ]
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication Schema Replication Tests
#@TestName Replication: Schema Replication:
Add attributetype
#@TestID Add attributetype
#@TestPurpose Check schema replication when a new
attributetype is added
#@TestSteps Add new attributeType and new objectclass
definition on server1
#@TestSteps Add new entry containing new objectclass and
new attributeType on server2
#@TestResult Success if schema add and entry adds replicated
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('Add attributetype')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'%s Add Attributetype. schema replication when a new Attributetype is added' % msg1
newObjectclass = '( testobjectclass1-oid NAME \'testobjectclass-1\' SUP person MAY ( street $ testattribute-1 $ c ) X-ORIGIN \'user defined\' )'
newAttributetype = '( testattribute1-oid NAME \'testattribute-1\' SYNTAX X-ORIGIN \'user defined\' )'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Add newAttributetype in "master" server.' % msg1 }
<!-- Modify schema in "master" server -->
<call function="'modifyAnAttribute'">
{ 'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost ,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'DNToModify' : 'cn=schema',
'attributeName' : 'attributeTypes',
'newAttributeValue' : newAttributetype,
'changetype' : 'add'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Add newObjectclass in "master" server.' % msg1 }
<call function="'modifyAnAttribute'">
{ 'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost ,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'DNToModify' : 'cn=schema',
'attributeName' : 'objectClasses',
'newAttributeValue' : newObjectclass,
'changetype' : 'add'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Add entry to "consumer" server.' % msg1 }
<!-- Add entry to "consumer" server -->
<call function="'addEntry'">
{ 'location' : clientHost,
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : consumerHost,
'dsInstancePort' : consumer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : consumer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : consumer.getRootPwd(),
'entryToBeAdded' : '%s/replication/testuser-1.ldif' % \
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Verify the synchronization of the schema on all the servers.' % msg1 }
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the schema among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'verifySchemas'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, '99-user.ldif' ]
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Verify the synchronization of the trees on all the servers.' % msg1 }
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'verifyTrees'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, synchroSuffix ]
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!-- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication Schema Replication Tests
#@TestName Replication: Schema Replication:
Delete objectclass
#@TestID Delete objectclass
#@TestPurpose Check schema replication when an objectclass
is deleted
#@TestSteps Remove user-defined objectclass definition on
#@TestSteps Delete entry on server1
#@TestSteps Add entry containing removed objectclass on
every server
#@TestResult Success if schema remove replicated and last
entry add rejected on all servers (error 65:
objectclass violation)
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('Delete objectclass')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
'%s Delete objectclass. Check schema replication when an objectclass is deleted' % msg1
newObjectclass = '( testobjectclass-oid NAME \'testobjectclass-0\' SUP person MAY ( street $ c ) X-ORIGIN \'user defined\' )'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Delete newObjectclass in "master" server.' % msg1 }
<!-- Modify schema in "master" server -->
<call function="'modifyAnAttribute'">
{ 'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost ,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'DNToModify' : 'cn=schema',
'attributeName' : 'objectClasses',
'newAttributeValue' : newObjectclass,
'changetype' : 'delete'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Delete previously added entry.' % msg1 }
<!-- Delete previously added entry -->
<call function="'ldapDeleteWithScript'">
{ 'location' : clientHost,
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : master.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'dsDn' : ['cn=testuser-0,ou=People,%s' % synchroSuffix]
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Attempt to add entry to servers with deleted objectclass.' % msg1 }
<!-- Try to add entry to servers; should be rejected with error 65
(objectclass violation) -->
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
<call function="'addEntry'">
{ 'location' : clientHost,
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : server.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : server.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : server.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : server.getRootPwd(),
'entryToBeAdded' : '%s/replication/testuser-0.ldif' % \
'expectedRC' : 65
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Verify the synchronization of the schema on all the servers.' % msg1 }
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the schema among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'verifySchemas'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, '99-user.ldif' ]
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Verify the synchronization of the trees on all the servers.' % msg1 }
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'verifyTrees'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, synchroSuffix ]
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!-- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication Schema Replication Tests
#@TestName Replication: Schema Replication:
Modify objectclass
#@TestID Modify objectclass
#@TestPurpose Check schema replication when an objectclass is
#@TestSteps Remove user-defined objectclass definition on
#@TestSteps Add modified version of removed user-defined
objectclass on server1 (make attributes
#@TestSteps Add entry containing newly added objectclass but
without required attributes on every server
#@TestResult Success if schema modify replicated and entry
add rejected with error 65 (objectclass
violation) on all servers
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('Modify objectclass')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
'%s Modify objectclass. Check schema replication when an objectclass is modified' % msg1
oldObjectclass = '( testobjectclass1-oid NAME \'testobjectclass-1\' SUP person MAY ( street $ testattribute-1 $ c ) X-ORIGIN \'user defined\' )'
newObjectclass = '( testobjectclass1-oid NAME \'testobjectclass-1\' SUP person MUST ( street $ testattribute-1 $ c ) X-ORIGIN \'user defined\' )'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Delete oldObjectclass in "master" server.' % msg1 }
<!-- Modify schema in "master" server -->
<call function="'modifyAnAttribute'">
{ 'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost ,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'DNToModify' : 'cn=schema',
'attributeName' : 'objectClasses',
'newAttributeValue' : oldObjectclass,
'changetype' : 'delete'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Add newObjectclass in "master" server.' % msg1 }
<call function="'modifyAnAttribute'">
{ 'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost ,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'DNToModify' : 'cn=schema',
'attributeName' : 'objectClasses',
'newAttributeValue' : newObjectclass,
'changetype' : 'add'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Attempt to add entry to servers with deleted objectclass.' % msg1 }
<!-- Try to add entry to servers; should be rejected with error 65
(objectclass violation) -->
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
<call function="'addEntry'">
{ 'location' : clientHost,
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : server.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : server.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : server.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : server.getRootPwd(),
'entryToBeAdded' : '%s/replication/testuser-2.ldif' % \
'expectedRC' : 65
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Verify the synchronization of the schema on all the servers.' % msg1 }
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the schema among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'verifySchemas'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, '99-user.ldif' ]
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Verify the synchronization of the trees on all the servers.' % msg1 }
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'verifyTrees'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, synchroSuffix ]
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication Schema Replication Tests
#@TestName Replication: Schema Replication: Add objectclass
(edit schema file)
#@TestID Add objectclass (edit schema file)
#@TestPurpose Check schema replication when a new objectclass
is added manually
#@TestSteps Stop servers
#@TestSteps Edit 99-user.ldif to add new objectclass
definition on server1
#@TestSteps Start servers
#@TestSteps Add entry of new objectclass on server2
#@TestResult Success if schema add and entry add replicated
<testcase name="getTestCaseName
('Add objectclass (edit schema file)')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
'%s Add objectclass. (edit schema file). \
Check schema replication when a new objectclass \
is added manually ' % msg1
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Stop the servers in the topology.' % msg1 }
<!-- Stop the servers in the topology -->
<call function="'stopServers'">
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Modify schema in "master" server.' % msg1 }
<!-- Modify schema in "master" server -->
<call function="'copyFile'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'remotehost' : masterHost,
'srcfile' : currentSchemaFile,
'destfile' : provSchemaFile
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Edit schema file.' % msg1 }
<call function="'LdifModifyWithScript'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'sourceLdif' : provSchemaFile,
'changesLdif' : '%s/replication/schemamods-0.ldif' % \
'targetLdif' : currentSchemaFile
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Stop the servers in the topology.' % msg1 }
<!-- Start the servers in the topology -->
<call function="'startServers'">
<call function="'Sleep'">
{ 'sleepForMilliSeconds' : 1000 }
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Add entry to "consumer" server.' % msg1 }
<!-- Add entry to "consumer" server -->
<call function="'addEntry'">
{ 'location' : clientHost,
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : consumerHost,
'dsInstancePort' : consumer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : consumer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : consumer.getRootPwd(),
'entryToBeAdded' : '%s/replication/newtestuser-0.ldif' % \
'knownIssue' : 'OPENDJ-452'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Verify the synchronization of the schema on all the servers.' % msg1 }
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the schema among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'verifySchemas'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, '99-user.ldif' ]
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Verify the synchronization of the trees on all the servers.' % msg1 }
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'verifyTrees'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, synchroSuffix ]
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication Schema Replication Tests
#@TestName Replication: Schema Replication: Add
attributetype (edit schema file)
#@TestID Add attributetype (edit schema file)
#@TestPurpose Check schema replication when a new
attributetype is added manually
#@TestSteps Stop servers
#@TestSteps Edit 99-user.ldif to add new objectclass and
new attributeType definition on server1
#@TestSteps Start servers
#@TestSteps Add new entry containing new objectclass and
new attributeType on server2
#@TestResult Success if schema add and entry adds replicated
<testcase name="getTestCaseName
('Add attributetype (edit schema file)')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Replication: Schema Replication: Add attributetype (edit \
schema file). Check schema replication when a new \
attributetype is added manually'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Stop the servers in the topology.' % msg1 }
<!-- Stop the servers in the topology -->
<call function="'stopServers'">
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Modify schema in "master" server .' % msg1 }
<!-- Modify schema in "master" server -->
<call function="'copyFile'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'remotehost' : masterHost,
'srcfile' : currentSchemaFile,
'destfile' : provSchemaFile
<call function="'LdifModifyWithScript'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'sourceLdif' : provSchemaFile,
'changesLdif' : '%s/replication/schemamods-1.ldif' % \
'targetLdif' : currentSchemaFile
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Start the servers in the topology.' % msg1 }
<!-- Start the servers in the topology -->
<call function="'startServers'">
<call function="'Sleep'">
{ 'sleepForMilliSeconds' : 1000 }
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Add entry to "consumer" server.' % msg1 }
<!-- Add entry to "consumer" server -->
<call function="'addEntry'">
{ 'location' : clientHost,
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : consumerHost,
'dsInstancePort' : consumer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : consumer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : consumer.getRootPwd(),
'entryToBeAdded' : '%s/replication/newtestuser-1.ldif' % \
'knownIssue' : 'OPENDJ-452'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Verify the synchronization of the schema on all the servers.' % msg1 }
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the schema among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'verifySchemas'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, '99-user.ldif' ]
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Verify the synchronization of the trees on all the servers.' % msg1 }
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'verifyTrees'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, synchroSuffix ]
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!-- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication Schema Replication Tests
#@TestName Replication: Schema Replication: Delete
objectclass (edit schema file)
#@TestID Delete objectclass (edit schema file)
#@TestPurpose Check schema replication when an objectclass is
deleted manually
#@TestSteps Stop servers
#@TestSteps Edit 99-user.ldif to remove user-defined
objectclass definition on server1
#@TestSteps Start servers
#@TestSteps Delete entry on server1
#@TestSteps Add entry containing removed objectclass on
every server
#@TestResult Success if schema remove replicated and last
entry add rejected on all servers (error 65:
objectclass violation)
<testcase name="getTestCaseName
('Delete objectclass (edit schema file)')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Replication: Schema Replication: Delete objectclass (edit \
schema file). Check schema replication when an objectclass is \
deleted manually'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Stop the servers in the topology.' % msg1 }
<!-- Stop the servers in the topology -->
<call function="'stopServers'">
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Modify schema in "master" server.' % msg1 }
<!-- Modify schema in "master" server -->
<call function="'copyFile'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'remotehost' : masterHost,
'srcfile' : currentSchemaFile,
'destfile' : provSchemaFile
<call function="'LdifModifyWithScript'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'sourceLdif' : provSchemaFile,
'changesLdif' : '%s/replication/schemamods-2.ldif' % \
'targetLdif' : currentSchemaFile
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Start the servers in the topology.' % msg1 }
<!-- Start the servers in the topology -->
<call function="'startServers'">
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Delete previously added entry.' % msg1 }
<!-- Delete previously added entry -->
<call function="'ldapDeleteWithScript'">
{ 'location' : clientHost,
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : master.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'dsDn' : ['cn=newtestuser-0,ou=People,%s' % synchroSuffix],
'knownIssue' : 'OPENDJ-452'
<call function="'Sleep'">
{ 'sleepForMilliSeconds' : 1000 }
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Try to add entry to servers.' % msg1 }
<!-- Try to add entry to servers; should be rejected with error 65
(objectclass violation) -->
<!-- If the add doesn't return 65, it may mean we came across
issue OPENDJ-453 (Manual schema objectclass delete not replicated) -->
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
<call function="'addEntry'">
{ 'location' : clientHost,
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : server.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : server.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : server.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : server.getRootPwd(),
'entryToBeAdded' : '%s/replication/newtestuser-0.ldif' % \
'expectedRC' : 65,
'knownIssue' : 'OPENDJ-453'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Verify the synchronization of the schema on all the servers.' % msg1 }
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the schema among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'verifySchemas'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, '99-user.ldif' ]
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Verify the synchronization of the trees on all the servers.' % msg1 }
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'verifyTrees'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, synchroSuffix ]
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!-- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication Schema Replication Tests
#@TestName Replication: Schema Replication: Modify
objectclass (edit schema file)
#@TestID Modify objectclass (edit schema file)
#@TestPurpose Check schema replication when an objectclass is
modified manually
#@TestSteps Stop servers
#@TestSteps Edit 99-user.ldif to modify user-defined
objectclass (make attributes MANDATORY) on
#@TestSteps Start servers
#@TestSteps Add entry containing newly added objectclass but
without required attributes on every server
#@TestResult Success if schema modify replicated and entry
add rejected with error 65 (objectclass
violation) on all servers
<testcase name="getTestCaseName
('Modify objectclass (edit schema file)')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Replication: Schema Replication: Modify objectclass (edit \
schema file). Check schema replication when an objectclass is \
modified manually'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Stop the servers in the topology.' % msg1 }
<!-- Stop the servers in the topology -->
<call function="'stopServers'">
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Modify schema in "master" server.' % msg1 }
<!-- Modify schema in "master" server -->
<call function="'copyFile'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'remotehost' : masterHost,
'srcfile' : currentSchemaFile,
'destfile' : provSchemaFile
<call function="'LdifModifyWithScript'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'sourceLdif' : provSchemaFile,
'changesLdif' : '%s/replication/schemamods-3.ldif' % \
'targetLdif' : currentSchemaFile
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Start the servers in the topology.' % msg1 }
<!-- Start the servers in the topology -->
<call function="'startServers'">
<call function="'Sleep'">
{ 'sleepForMilliSeconds' : 1000 }
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Try to add entry to servers.' % msg1 }
<!-- Try to add entry to servers; should be rejected with error 65
(objectclass violation) -->
<!-- If the add doesn't return 65, it may mean we came across
issue OPENDJ-453 (Manual schema objectclass delete not replicated) -->
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
<call function="'addEntry'">
{ 'location' : clientHost,
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : server.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : server.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : server.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : server.getRootPwd(),
'entryToBeAdded' : '%s/replication/newtestuser-2.ldif' % \
'expectedRC' : 65,
'knownIssue' : ['OPENDJ-453','OPENDJ-452']
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Verify the synchronization of the schema on all the servers.' % msg1 }
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the schema among the servers in
the topology -->
<!-- Since this testcase inherits the 99-user.ldif from the one
before, as long as OPENDJ-453 is still present, the schema files will
differ as the second server will still have newobjectclass-0 -->
<call function="'verifySchemas'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, '99-user.ldif',
'OPENDJ-453' ]
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : '%s Verify the synchronization of the trees on all the servers.' % msg1 }
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'verifyTrees'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, synchroSuffix ]
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<import machine="STAF_LOCAL_HOSTNAME"
file="'%s/testcases/replication/replication_cleanup.xml' % TESTS_DIR"/>
<call function="'replication_cleanup'" >
{ 'label' : 'Replication Schema' }
<call function="'testSuite_Postamble'"/>