externalchangelog_consistency_tests.xml revision 36ff035d193caeb42752394debc9f78aeaef2206
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE stax SYSTEM "/shared/stax.dtd">
! The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
! Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
! (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
! with the License.
! You can obtain a copy of the license at
! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
! or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html.
! See the License for the specific language governing permissions
! and limitations under the License.
! When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
! file and include the License file at
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! add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
! by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
! Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
! Copyright 2011 ForgeRock AS.
! -->
<!-- Definition of Preamble -->
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication
#@TestName Replication : ECL
#@TestID ecl_setup
#@TestPurpose Setup ecl
#@TestSteps Step1: TBD
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="ecl_setup" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('ecl_setup')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
'Replication: External Changelog: - Setup. \
Set up environment for External Changelog tests'
'Common ECL tests: reset data'
<!-- Pre-initialise the servers in the topology -->
<call function="'preInitializeReplication'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'dsInstanceAdminPort' : master.getAdminPort(),
'localOnly' : False,
'replicationDnList' : [synchroSuffix],
'adminUID' : adminUID,
'adminPswd' : adminPswd
<!-- Stop "master" Directory Server -->
<call function="'StopDsWithScript'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsHost' : masterHost,
'dsAdminPort' : master.getAdminPort(),
'dsBindDN' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsBindPwd' : master.getRootPwd()
<!-- Import data into "master" Directory Server -->
<call function="'ImportLdifWithScript'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'ldifFile' : '%s/replication/Example.ldif' \
% masterDataDir
<!-- Start the Directory Server -->
<call function="'StartDsWithScript'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath
<!-- Wait for DS to start -->
<call function="'isAlive'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort() ,
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn() ,
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd() ,
'noOfLoops' : 10 ,
'noOfMilliSeconds' : 2000
<!-- Perform the total update -->
<call function="'initializeReplication'">
{ 'location' : clientHost,
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'sourceInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'sourceInstanceAdminPort' : master.getAdminPort(),
'replicationDnList' : [synchroSuffix]
<!-- Set replication purge delay in cdthe various replication servers -->
<paralleliterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
'Set purge delay to %s seconds on server %s:%s' \
% (ecl_purge_delay, replServer.getHostname(), replServer.getPort())
<!-- Set purge delay to 120s on "master" server -->
<call function="'dsconfigSet'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstanceAdminPort' : replServer.getAdminPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'objectName' : 'replication-server' ,
'propertyType' : 'provider',
'propertyName' : 'Multimaster Synchronization',
'attributeName' : 'replication-purge-delay' ,
'attributeValue' : '%s s' % ecl_purge_delay
<!-- Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in
the topology
<call function="'verifyTrees'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, synchroSuffix ]
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication
#@TestName Replication : ECL: Add Cookies
#@TestID ecl_add_cookies_001
#@TestPurpose Verify that the 2 servers have consistent COOKIE on add.
#@TestSteps Step 1: Add entries in the various replication servers
#@TestSteps Step 2: Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match
#@TestSteps Step 3: Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in the topology
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="ecl_add_cookies_001" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('ecl_add_cookies_001')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
<!-- Step 1: Add entries in the various replication servers -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Add entries in the various replication servers.' }
entrynum = 1
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList" indexvar="'entrynum'">
<!-- Add entry to both" servers -->
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
myEntry = person_entry('cn=Change%s' % entrynum, synchroSuffix)
myEntry.addAttr('sn', 'Change%s' % entrynum)
myEntry.addAttr('description', 'this is change %s' % entrynum)
myEntry.addAttr('uid', 'Change%s'.lower() % entrynum)
entrynum += 1
'Add Entry (%s) on server %s:%s' \
% (myEntry.getDn(), replServer.getHostname(), replServer.getPort())
<!-- Add an Entry under suffix -->
<call function="'addAnEntry'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'DNToAdd' : myEntry.getDn(),
'listAttributes' : myEntry.getAttrList()
<!-- Step 2: Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match.' }
entrynum = 1
cookiesList = []
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList" indexvar="'entrynum'">
<!-- Add entry to both" servers -->
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for changeLogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=changelog',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'changeLogCookie' ,
'dsControl' : ';',
'extraParams' : '-T'
clc = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'changeLogCookie')
<!-- Search for lastExternalChangelogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsAttributes' : 'lastExternalChangelogCookie',
'extraParams' : '-T'
lecc = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'lastExternalChangelogCookie')
<!-- Compare changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : cookiesList ,
'label' : 'changeLogCookies'
<!-- Step 3: Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in the topology.' }
<call function="'verifyTrees'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, synchroSuffix ]
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication
#@TestName Replication : ECL: Cookie
#@TestID ecl_mod_cookies_001
#@TestPurpose Verify that the 2 servers have consistent COOKIE on modify
#@TestSteps Step 1: Modify Entries various replication servers
#@TestSteps Step 2: Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match
#@TestSteps Step 3: Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in the topology
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="ecl_mod_cookies_001" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('ecl_mod_cookies_001')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
<!-- Step1: Modify Entries various replication servers -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Modify Entries various replication servers.' }
entrynum = 1
cookiesList = []
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Modify entry to both" servers -->
myEntry = person_entry('cn=Change%s' % entrynum, synchroSuffix)
entrynum += 1
'Modify Entry (%s) on server %s:%s' \
% (myEntry.getDn(), replServer.getHostname(), replServer.getPort())
<call function="'modifyAnAttribute'">
{ 'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname() ,
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort() ,
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn() ,
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd() ,
'DNToModify' : myEntry.getDn() ,
'attributeName' : 'description' ,
'newAttributeValue' : 'This is a new change' ,
'changetype' : 'add'
<!-- Lets Read the Entry back to be sure -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : myEntry.getDn(),
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'description',
'extraParams' : '-T'
<!-- Step2: Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match.' }
mycookie = global_cookiesList.get()
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for changeLogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=changelog',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'changeLogCookie' ,
'dsControl' : '' % mycookie,
'extraParams' : '-T'
clc = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'changeLogCookie')
<!-- Search for lastExternalChangelogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsAttributes' : 'lastExternalChangelogCookie',
'extraParams' : '-T'
lecc = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'lastExternalChangelogCookie')
<!-- Compare changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : cookiesList ,
'label' : 'changeLogCookies'
<!-- Step 3: Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in
the topology -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Verify the synchronization of the trees among the servers in the topology.' }
<call function="'verifyTrees'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, synchroSuffix ]
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication
#@TestName Replication : ECL: ChangeNumbers
#@TestID ecl_changenumbers_001
#@TestPurpose Verify that the 2 servers have consistent change numbers
#@TestSteps Step1: Check that the changeNumber and lastChangeNumber match
#@TestSteps Step2: Check that firstChangeNumbers match
#@TestSteps Step3: Count changelog entries in draft mode
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="ecl_changenumbers_001" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('ecl_changenumbers_001')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
<!-- Reset List -->
cnsList = []
<!-- Step1: Check that the changeNumber and lastChangeNumber match -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Check that the changeNumber and lastChangeNumber match.' }
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for changeNumber -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=changelog',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'changeNumber',
'extraParams' : '-T'
cn = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'changeNumber')
<!-- Search for lastChangeNumber -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsAttributes' : 'lastChangeNumber',
'extraParams' : '-T'
lcn = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'lastChangeNumber')
<!-- Compare changeNumber and lastChangeNumber -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : cnsList,
'label' : 'changeNumbers'
<!-- Step2: Check that firstChangeNumbers match -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Check that firstChangeNumbers match.' }
fcnsList = []
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for firstChangeNumber -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '',
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'firstChangeNumber',
'extraParams' : '-T'
fcn = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'firstChangeNumber')
<!-- Compare firstChangeNumbers -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : fcnsList ,
'label' : 'firstChangeNumber'
<!-- Step3: Count changelog entries in draft mode -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Count changelog entries in draft mode.' }
dncList = []
#4 changes + top
noOfEntries = 5
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Count the number of initial changes -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=changelog',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'dn' ,
'extraParams' : '-T'
<if expr="dncount == 5">
'Search returned %s changes, expected %s' % (dncount,noOfEntries)
<tcstatus result="'fail'"/>
<message level="'error'">
'Search returned %s changes, expected %s' % (dncount,noOfEntries)
<!-- Compare number of entries -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : dncList ,
'label' : 'numberOfEntries'
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication
#@TestName Replication : ECL: Draft Cookies
#@TestID ecl_draft_cookies_001
#@TestPurpose Verify in draft mode the 2 servers have consistent changeLogCookie
#@TestSteps Step1: Check that the changeLogCookie match
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="ecl_draft_cookies_001" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('ecl_draft_cookies_001')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
mychangenumber = global_cnsList.get()
cookiesList = []
<!-- Check that the changeLogCookie match -->
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for changeLogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=changelog',
'dsFilter' : '(changenumber=%s)' % mychangenumber,
'dsAttributes' : 'changeLogCookie' ,
'extraParams' : '-T'
clc = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'changeLogCookie')
<!-- Compare changeLogCookie -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : cookiesList ,
'label' : 'changeLogCookies'
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication
#@TestName Replication : ECL: Cookies
#@TestID ecl_cookies_001
#@TestPurpose Verify that after change to master all servers have consistent COOKIE
#@TestSteps Step1: Modify entry on one server
#@TestSteps Step2: Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="ecl_cookies_001" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('ecl_cookies_001')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
<!-- Step1: Modify entry on one server -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Modify entry on one server.' }
cookiesList = []
myEntry = person_entry('cn=Change1', synchroSuffix)
'Modify Entry (%s) on server %s:%s' \
% (myEntry.getDn(), masterHost, master.getPort())
<call function="'modifyAnAttribute'">
{ 'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost ,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort() ,
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn() ,
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd() ,
'DNToModify' : myEntry.getDn() ,
'attributeName' : 'description' ,
'newAttributeValue' : 'this is a change on server 1',
'changetype' : 'add'
<!-- Step2: Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match.' }
mycookie = global_cookiesList.get()
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for changeLogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=changelog',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'changeLogCookie' ,
'dsControl' : '' % mycookie,
'extraParams' : '-T'
clc = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'changeLogCookie')
<!-- Search for lastExternalChangelogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsAttributes' : 'lastExternalChangelogCookie',
'extraParams' : '-T'
lecc = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'lastExternalChangelogCookie')
<!-- Compare changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : cookiesList ,
'label' : 'changeLogCookies'
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication
#@TestName Replication : ECL: Draft ChangeNumbers
#@TestID ecl_draft_changenumbers_001
#@TestPurpose Verify in draft mode servers have consistent changeNumber and lastChangeNumber
#@TestSteps Step1: Check that the changeNumber and lastChangeNumber match
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="ecl_draft_changenumbers_001" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('ecl_draft_changenumbers_001')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
<!-- Reset List -->
cnsList = []
<!-- Step1: Check that the changeNumber and lastChangeNumber match -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Check that the changeNumber and lastChangeNumber match.' }
mychangenumber = global_cnsList.get()
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for changeNumber -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=changelog',
'dsFilter' : '(changenumber>=%s)' % mychangenumber,
'dsAttributes' : 'changeNumber',
'extraParams' : '-T'
cn = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'changeNumber')
<!-- Search for lastChangeNumber -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsAttributes' : 'lastChangeNumber',
'extraParams' : '-T'
lcn = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'lastChangeNumber')
<!-- Compare changeNumber and lastChangeNumber -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : cnsList,
'label' : 'changeNumbers'
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication
#@TestName Replication : ECL: Cookie
#@TestID ecl_cookies_002
#@TestPurpose Verify that after change to consumer all servers have consistent COOKIE
#@TestSteps Step1: Modify entry on one server
#@TestSteps Step2: Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="ecl_cookies_002" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('ecl_cookies_002')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
<!-- Modify entry on one server -->
cookiesList = []
myEntry = person_entry('cn=Change1', synchroSuffix)
consumerServer = consumerList[0]
consumerServerPath = '%s/%s' % (consumerServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
'Modify Entry (%s) on server %s:%s' \
% (myEntry.getDn(), consumerServer.getHostname(), consumerServer.getPort())
<call function="'modifyAnAttribute'">
{ 'dsPath' : consumerServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : consumerServer.getHostname() ,
'dsInstancePort' : consumerServer.getPort() ,
'dsInstanceDn' : consumerServer.getRootDn() ,
'dsInstancePswd' : consumerServer.getRootPwd() ,
'DNToModify' : myEntry.getDn() ,
'attributeName' : 'description' ,
'newAttributeValue' : 'this is a change on server 2',
'changetype' : 'add'
<!-- Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match -->
mycookie = global_cookiesList.get()
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for changeLogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=changelog',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'changeLogCookie' ,
'dsControl' : '' % mycookie,
'extraParams' : '-T'
clc = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'changeLogCookie')
<!-- Search for lastExternalChangelogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsAttributes' : 'lastExternalChangelogCookie',
'extraParams' : '-T'
lecc = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'lastExternalChangelogCookie')
<!-- Compare changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : cookiesList ,
'label' : 'changeLogCookies'
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication
#@TestName Replication : ECL: Draft ChangeNumbers
#@TestID ecl_draft_changenumbers_002
#@TestPurpose Verify that the 2 servers have consistent changeNumber and lastChangeNumber
#@TestSteps Step1: Check that the changeNumber and lastChangeNumber match
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="ecl_draft_changenumbers_002" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('ecl_draft_changenumbers_002')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
<!-- Reset List -->
cnsList = []
lcnsList = []
<!-- Step1: Check that the changeNumber and lastChangeNumber match -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Check that the changeNumber and lastChangeNumber match.' }
mychangenumber = global_cnsList.get()
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for changeNumber -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=changelog',
'dsFilter' : '(changenumber>=%s)' % mychangenumber,
'dsAttributes' : 'changeNumber',
'extraParams' : '-T'
cn = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'changeNumber')
<!-- Search for lastChangeNumber -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsAttributes' : 'lastChangeNumber',
'extraParams' : '-T'
lcn = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'lastChangeNumber')
<!-- Compare changeNumber and lastChangeNumber -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : cnsList + lcnsList,
'label' : 'changeNumbers'
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication
#@TestName Replication : ECL: Cookie
#@TestID ecl_cookies_003
#@TestPurpose Verify that after multiple changes to master all servers have consistent COOKIE
#@TestSteps Step 1: Modify entries on one server
#@TestSteps Step 2: Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="ecl_cookies_003" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('ecl_cookies_003')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
cookiesList = []
nochanges = 0
<!-- Step 1: Modify entries on one server -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Modify entries on one server.' }
<loop from="1" to="2" var="entrynum">
myEntry = person_entry('cn=Change%s' % entrynum,synchroSuffix)
'Modify Entry (%s) on server %s:%s' \
% (myEntry.getDn(), masterHost, master.getPort())
<loop from="1" to="2">
nochanges += 1
ldapObject.append('description:change %s on server %s' % (nochanges,entrynum))
<call function="'modifyAnAttribute'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort() ,
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn() ,
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd() ,
'DNToModify' : myEntry.getDn() ,
'listAttributes' : ldapObject ,
'changetype' : 'replace' }
<!-- Step2: Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match.' }
mycookie = global_cookiesList.get()
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for changeLogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=changelog',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'changeLogCookie' ,
'dsControl' : '' % mycookie,
'extraParams' : '-T'
clc = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'changeLogCookie')
<!-- Search for lastExternalChangelogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsAttributes' : 'lastExternalChangelogCookie',
'extraParams' : '-T'
lecc = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'lastExternalChangelogCookie')
<!-- Compare changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : cookiesList ,
'label' : 'changeLogCookies'
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication
#@TestName Replication : ECL: Draft ChangeNumbers
#@TestID ecl_draft_changenumbers_003
#@TestPurpose Verify that the servers have consistent changeNumbers
#@TestSteps Step1: Check that the changeNumbers match
#@TestSteps Step2: Check that the lastChangeNumbers match
#@TestSteps Step3: Check that the firstChangeNumbers match
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="ecl_draft_changenumbers_003" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('ecl_draft_changenumbers_003')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
<!-- Reset List -->
cnsList = []
<!-- Step1: Check that the changeNumber match -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Check that the changeNumber match.' }
mychangenumber = global_cnsList.get()
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList" indexvar="i">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for changeNumber -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=changelog',
'dsFilter' : 'changeNumber>=%s' % mychangenumber,
'dsAttributes' : 'changeNumber',
'extraParams' : '-T'
cn = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'changeNumber')
<!-- Step2: Check that the lastChangeNumber match -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Check that the lastChangeNumber match.' }
lcnsList = []
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList" indexvar="i">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for lastChangeNumber -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '',
'dsFilter' : 'lastChangeNumber>=%s' % mychangenumber,
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsAttributes' : 'lastChangeNumber',
'extraParams' : '-T'
lcn = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'lastChangeNumber')
<!-- Compare lastChangeNumber -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : cnsList + lcnsList,
'label' : 'changeNumbers'
<!-- Step3: Check that the firstChangeNumbers match -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Check that the firstChangeNumbers match.' }
fcnsList = []
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for firstChangeNumber -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '',
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'firstChangeNumber',
'extraParams' : '-T'
fcn = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'firstChangeNumber')
<!-- Compare firstChangeNumbers -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : fcnsList ,
'label' : 'firstChangeNumber'
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication
#@TestName Replication : ECL: Purge Interval
#@TestID ecl_purge_sleep_001
#@TestPurpose Verify that purge interval is passed
#@TestSteps Step1: Check that the changeNumbers match
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="ecl_purge_sleep_001" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('ecl_purge_sleep_001')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
sleepMilliSeconds='%s000' % ecl_purge_delay
#TODO: change sleep time
'Sleeping for %s secs' % ecl_purge_delay
<call function="'Sleep'">
{ 'sleepForMilliSeconds' : sleepMilliSeconds }
<tcstatus result="'pass'"/>
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication
#@TestName Replication : ECL: Post Purge
#@TestID ecl_purge_001
#@TestPurpose Verify that the 2 servers have consistent cookies and changenumber after purge
#@TestSteps Step1: Check that lastExternalChangelogCookie match
#@TestSteps Step2: Search on servers with last cookie
#@TestSteps Step3: Search on servers with changenumber (draft mode)
#@TestSteps Step4: Check that the lastChangeNumber match
#@TestSteps Step5: Check that the firstChangeNumbers match
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="ecl_purge_001" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('ecl_purge_001')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
<!-- Modify Entries various replication servers -->
lastCookiesList = []
<!-- Step 1: Check that lastExternalChangelogCookie match -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Check that lastExternalChangelogCookie match.' }
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for lastExternalChangelogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsAttributes' : 'lastExternalChangelogCookie',
'extraParams' : '-T'
lecc = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'lastExternalChangelogCookie')
<!-- Compare lastExternalChangelogCookie -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : lastCookiesList ,
'label' : 'lastExternalChangelogCookie'
<!-- Step 2: Search on servers with last cookie -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Search on servers with last cookie.' }
cookiesList = []
i = 0
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList" indexvar="i">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for changeLogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=changelog',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'changeLogCookie' ,
'dsControl' : '' % lastCookiesList[i],
'extraParams' : '-T'
clc = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'changeLogCookie')
i += 1
<!-- Compare changeLogCookies -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : cookiesList ,
'label' : 'changeLogCookie'
<!-- Step 3: Search on servers with changenumber (draft mode) -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Search on servers with changenumber (draft mode).' }
<message>'Now checking draft mode.'</message>
mychangenumber = global_cnsList.get()
cookiesList = []
cnsList = []
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList" indexvar="i">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for changeNumber -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=changelog',
'dsFilter' : 'changeNumber>=%s' % mychangenumber,
'dsAttributes' : 'changeNumber',
'extraParams' : '-T'
cn = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'changeNumber')
<!-- Search for changeLogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=changelog',
'dsFilter' : 'changeNumber>=%s' % mychangenumber,
'dsAttributes' : 'changeLogCookie',
'extraParams' : '-T'
cn = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'changeLogCookie')
<!-- Compare changeNumbers -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : cnsList ,
'label' : 'draftModeChangeNumber'
<!-- Compare changeLogCookies -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : cookiesList ,
'label' : 'draftModeChangeLogCookie'
<!-- Step4: Check that the lastChangeNumber match -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Check that the lastChangeNumber match.' }
lcnsList = []
i = 0
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList" indexvar="i">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for lastChangeNumber -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsAttributes' : 'lastChangeNumber',
'extraParams' : '-T'
lcn = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'lastChangeNumber')
i += 1
<!-- Compare lastChangeNumber -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : lcnsList,
'label' : 'lastChangeNumber'
<!-- Step5: Check that the firstChangeNumbers match -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Check that the firstChangeNumbers match.' }
fcnsList = []
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for firstChangeNumber -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsAttributes' : 'firstChangeNumber',
'extraParams' : '-T'
fcn = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'firstChangeNumber')
<!-- Compare firstChangeNumbers -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : fcnsList ,
'label' : 'firstChangeNumber'
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication
#@TestName Replication : ECL: Purge Masters Cookie
#@TestID ecl_purge_002
#@TestPurpose Verify that after purge change to master COOKIEs are consistent
#@TestSteps Step1: Modify entry on one server
#@TestSteps Step2: Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="ecl_purge_002" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('ecl_purge_002')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
<!-- Step1: Modify entry on one server -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Modify entry on one server.' }
cookiesList = []
myEntry = person_entry('cn=Change1', synchroSuffix)
'Modify Entry (%s) on server %s:%s' \
% (myEntry.getDn(), masterHost, master.getPort())
<call function="'modifyAnAttribute'">
{ 'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost ,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort() ,
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn() ,
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd() ,
'DNToModify' : myEntry.getDn() ,
'attributeName' : 'description' ,
'newAttributeValue' : 'this is a change on server 1',
'changetype' : 'add'
<!-- Step2: Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match.' }
mycookie = global_cookiesList.get()
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for changeLogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=changelog',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'changeLogCookie' ,
'dsControl' : '' % mycookie,
'extraParams' : '-T'
clc = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'changeLogCookie')
<!-- Search for lastExternalChangelogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsAttributes' : 'lastExternalChangelogCookie',
'extraParams' : '-T'
lecc = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'lastExternalChangelogCookie')
<!-- Compare changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : cookiesList ,
'label' : 'changeLogCookies'
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication
#@TestName Replication : ECL: Purge Consumers Cookie
#@TestID ecl_purge_003
#@TestPurpose Verify that after purge change to consumer COOKIEs are consistent
#@TestSteps Step1: Modify entry on one server
#@TestSteps Step2: Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="ecl_purge_003" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('ecl_purge_003')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
<!-- Modify entry on one server -->
cookiesList = []
myEntry = person_entry('cn=Change1', synchroSuffix)
consumerServer = consumerList[0]
consumerServerPath = '%s/%s' % (consumerServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
'Modify Entry (%s) on server %s:%s' \
% (myEntry.getDn(), consumerServer.getHostname(), consumerServer.getPort())
<call function="'modifyAnAttribute'">
{ 'dsPath' : consumerServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : consumerServer.getHostname() ,
'dsInstancePort' : consumerServer.getPort() ,
'dsInstanceDn' : consumerServer.getRootDn() ,
'dsInstancePswd' : consumerServer.getRootPwd() ,
'DNToModify' : myEntry.getDn() ,
'attributeName' : 'description' ,
'newAttributeValue' : 'this is a change on server 2',
'changetype' : 'add'
<!-- Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match -->
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for changeLogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=changelog',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'changeLogCookie' ,
'dsControl' : ';',
'extraParams' : '-T'
clc = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'changeLogCookie')
<!-- Search for lastExternalChangelogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsAttributes' : 'lastExternalChangelogCookie',
'extraParams' : '-T'
lecc = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'lastExternalChangelogCookie')
<!-- Compare changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : cookiesList ,
'label' : 'changeLogCookies'
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication
#@TestName Replication : ECL: Purge ChangeNumbers
#@TestID ecl_purge_004
#@TestPurpose Verify that after purge the servers have consistent changeNumbers
#@TestSteps Step1: Check that the changeNumbers match
#@TestSteps Step2: Check that the lastChangeNumbers match
#@TestSteps Step3: Check that the firstChangeNumbers match
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="ecl_purge_004" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('ecl_purge_004')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
<!-- Reset List -->
mychangenumber = global_cnsList.get()
cnsList = []
<!-- Step1: Check that the changeNumber match -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Check that the changeNumber match.' }
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList" indexvar="i">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for changeNumber -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=changelog',
'dsFilter' : 'changeNumber>=%s' % mychangenumber,
'dsAttributes' : 'changeNumber',
'extraParams' : '-T'
cn = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'changeNumber')
<!-- Step2: Check that the lastChangeNumber match -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Check that the lastChangeNumber match.' }
lcnsList = []
mylastcn = global_lcnsList.get()
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList" indexvar="i">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for lastChangeNumber -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '',
'dsFilter' : 'lastChangeNumber>=%s' % mylastcn,
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsAttributes' : 'lastChangeNumber',
'extraParams' : '-T'
lcn = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'lastChangeNumber')
<!-- Compare lastChangeNumber -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : cnsList + lcnsList,
'label' : 'changeNumbers'
<!-- Step3: Check that the firstChangeNumbers match -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Check that the firstChangeNumbers match.' }
fcnsList = []
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for firstChangeNumber -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '',
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'firstChangeNumber',
'extraParams' : '-T'
fcn = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'firstChangeNumber')
<!-- Compare firstChangeNumbers -->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : fcnsList ,
'label' : 'firstChangeNumber'
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication
#@TestName Replication : ECL: Purge No Cookie or CN
#@TestID ecl_purge_005
#@TestPurpose Verify that change can be found with no cookie nor cn
#@TestSteps Step 1: Search for changeLogCookie with no cookie in control
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="ecl_purge_005" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('ecl_purge_005')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
cookiesList = []
cnsList = []
<!-- Step2: Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Check that the changeLogCookie and lastExternalChangelogCookie match.' }
<iterate var="server" in="_topologyServerList">
replServer = server
replServerPath = '%s/%s' % (replServer.getDir(), OPENDSNAME)
<!-- Search for changeLogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=changelog',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'changeLogCookie' ,
'dsControl' : ';',
'extraParams' : '-T'
clc = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'changeLogCookie')
<!-- Search for lastExternalChangelogCookie -->
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'location' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsPath' : replServerPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : replServer.getHostname(),
'dsInstancePort' : replServer.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : replServer.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : replServer.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : 'cn=changelog',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'changeNumber',
'extraParams' : '-T'
cn = get_last_attr_from_entry(STAXResult,'changeNumber')
<!-- Compare changeLogCookies-->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : cookiesList ,
'label' : 'changeLogCookies'
<!-- Compare changeLogCookies-->
<call function="'compareItems'">
{ 'items' : cnsList ,
'label' : 'changeLogCookies'
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!-- Definition of Postamble -->
<!--- Test Case : Replication : ECL : ECL CLEANUP -->
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Replication
#@TestName Replication : ECL
#@TestID ecl_cleanup
#@TestPurpose Cleanup ecl
#@TestSteps Step1: TBD
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="ecl_cleanup" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('ecl_cleanup')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
'Replication: External Changelog: - Clean up. \
Clean up environment for External Changelog tests'
<tcstatus result="'pass'"/>
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!-- Definition of Functions -->
<function name="compareItems" scope="local">
Compares all items in List for equality
<function-required-arg name="items">
List of items to be compared for equality
<function-optional-arg name="label" default="''">
Friendly label to aid description
<if expr="len(items) == 0">
<message level='warning'>'The list to compare is empty.'</message>
allItemsMatch = list_matches(items)
except Exception,e:
print "Exception Thrown: caught (%s)" % e
allItemsMatch = 'False'
<if expr="allItemsMatch == 'True'">
<message>'%s Items match successfully (%s)' % (label,items)</message>
<tcstatus result="'pass'"/>
<message level="'error'">'%s Items do not match (%s)' % (label,items)</message>
<tcstatus result="'fail'"/>