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* You can obtain a copy of the license at
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package org.opends.server.integration.core;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
import org.testng.annotations.*;
Place suite-specific test information here.
#@TestSuiteName Core Server Version Reporting
#@TestSuitePurpose To check that the server version reporting is correct
#@TestSuiteID Server Version Reporting
#@TestSuiteGroup Core
#@TestGroup Core
* This class contains the TestNG tests for the Core version reporting tests.
public class CoreVersionReportTests extends CoreTests
Place test-specific test information here.
The tag, TestMarker, be the same as the marker, TestSuiteName.
#@TestMarker Core Server Version Reporting
#@TestName Version Report 1
#@TestID CoreVersionReport1
#@TestSteps Client calls static method LDAPSearch.mainSearch()
for entry, cn=version,cn=monitor.
#@TestResult Success if OpenDS returns 0
* Check the response of OpenDS when an ldap search request is conducted
* for the current version of OpenDS.
* @param hostname The hostname for the server where OpenDS
* is installed.
* @param port The port number for OpenDS.
* @param bindDN The bind DN.
* @param bindPW The password for the bind DN.
* @param integration_test_home The home directory for the Integration
* Test Suites.
* @param logDir The directory for the log files that are
* generated during the Integration Tests.
@Parameters({ "hostname", "port", "bindDN", "bindPW", "integration_test_home", "logDir" })
@Test(alwaysRun=true, dependsOnMethods = { "org.opends.server.integration.core.CoreSearchTimeLimitTests.testCoreSearchTimeLimit11" })
public void testCoreVersionReport1(String hostname, String port, String bindDN, String bindPW, String integration_test_home, String logDir) throws Exception
System.out.println("Core Version Reporting test 1");
String core_args[] = {"-h", hostname, "-p", port, "-D", bindDN, "-w", bindPW, "-b", "cn=version,cn=monitor", "objectclass=*"};
ds_output.redirectOutput(logDir, "CoreVersionReport1.txt");
int retCode = LDAPSearch.mainSearch(core_args);
int expCode = 0;
compareExitCode(retCode, expCode);