revision 83efeeb66bc183b219c55fb6b96f9f78e997e0ad
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at
* trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
* or
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at
* trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable,
* add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
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* Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Portions Copyright 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
package org.opends.server.types;
import org.opends.messages.Message;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.opends.server.api.AlertGenerator;
import org.opends.server.api.ApproximateMatchingRule;
import org.opends.server.api.AttributeSyntax;
import org.opends.server.api.ChangeNotificationListener;
import org.opends.server.api.ConfigHandler;
import org.opends.server.api.EqualityMatchingRule;
import org.opends.server.api.ExtendedOperationHandler;
import org.opends.server.api.InvokableComponent;
import org.opends.server.api.OrderingMatchingRule;
import org.opends.server.api.SASLMechanismHandler;
import org.opends.server.api.ServerShutdownListener;
import org.opends.server.api.SubstringMatchingRule;
import org.opends.server.api.MatchingRule;
import org.opends.server.config.ConfigEntry;
import org.opends.server.config.ConfigException;
import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer;
import org.opends.server.crypto.CryptoManager;
* This interface defines a set of methods that may be used by
* third-party code to obtatin information about the core Directory
* Server configuration and the instances of various kinds of
* components that have registered themselves with the server.
* <BR><BR>
* Note that this interface is not intended to be implemented by any
* third-party code. It is merely used to control which elements are
* intended for use by external classes.
public final class DirectoryConfig
* Retrieves a reference to the Directory Server crypto manager.
* @return A reference to the Directory Server crypto manager.
public static CryptoManager getCryptoManager()
return DirectoryServer.getCryptoManager();
* Retrieves the operating system on which the Directory Server is
* running.
* @return The operating system on which the Directory Server is
* running.
public static OperatingSystem getOperatingSystem()
return DirectoryServer.getOperatingSystem();
* Retrieves a reference to the Directory Server configuration
* handler.
* @return A reference to the Directory Server configuration
* handler.
public static ConfigHandler getConfigHandler()
return DirectoryServer.getConfigHandler();
* Retrieves the requested entry from the Directory Server
* configuration.
* @param entryDN The DN of the configuration entry to retrieve.
* @return The requested entry from the Directory Server
* configuration.
* @throws ConfigException If a problem occurs while trying to
* retrieve the requested entry.
public static ConfigEntry getConfigEntry(DN entryDN)
throws ConfigException
return DirectoryServer.getConfigEntry(entryDN);
* Retrieves the path to the root directory for this instance of the
* Directory Server.
* @return The path to the root directory for this instance of the
* Directory Server.
public static String getServerRoot()
return DirectoryServer.getServerRoot();
* Retrieves the time that the Directory Server was started, in
* milliseconds since the epoch.
* @return The time that the Directory Server was started, in
* milliseconds since the epoch.
public static long getStartTime()
return DirectoryServer.getStartTime();
* Retrieves the time that the Directory Server was started,
* formatted in UTC.
* @return The time that the Directory Server was started,
* formatted in UTC.
public static String getStartTimeUTC()
return DirectoryServer.getStartTimeUTC();
* Retrieves a reference to the Directory Server schema.
* @return A reference to the Directory Server schema.
public static Schema getSchema()
return DirectoryServer.getSchema();
* Retrieves the set of matching rules registered with the Directory
* Server. The mapping will be between the lowercase name or OID
* for each matching rule and the matching rule implementation. The
* same matching rule instance may be included multiple times with
* different keys. The returned map must not be altered by the
* caller.
* @return The set of matching rules registered with the Directory
* Server.
public static Map<String,MatchingRule> getMatchingRules()
return DirectoryServer.getMatchingRules();
* Retrieves the matching rule with the specified name or OID.
* @param lowerName The lowercase name or OID for the matching
* rule to retrieve.
* @return The requested matching rule, or <CODE>null</CODE> if no
* such matching rule has been defined in the server.
public static MatchingRule getMatchingRule(String lowerName)
return DirectoryServer.getMatchingRule(lowerName);
* Retrieves the approximate matching rule with the specified name
* or OID.
* @param lowerName The lowercase name or OID for the approximate
* matching rule to retrieve.
* @return The requested approximate matching rule, or
* <CODE>null</CODE> if no such matching rule has been
* defined in the server.
public static ApproximateMatchingRule
getApproximateMatchingRule(String lowerName)
return DirectoryServer.getApproximateMatchingRule(lowerName);
* Retrieves the equality matching rule with the specified name or
* OID.
* @param lowerName The lowercase name or OID for the equality
* matching rule to retrieve.
* @return The requested equality matching rule, or
* <CODE>null</CODE> if no such matching rule has been
* defined in the server.
public static EqualityMatchingRule
getEqualityMatchingRule(String lowerName)
return DirectoryServer.getEqualityMatchingRule(lowerName);
* Retrieves the ordering matching rule with the specified name or
* OID.
* @param lowerName The lowercase name or OID for the ordering
* matching rule to retrieve.
* @return The requested ordering matching rule, or
* <CODE>null</CODE> if no such matching rule has been
* defined in the server.
public static OrderingMatchingRule
getOrderingMatchingRule(String lowerName)
return DirectoryServer.getOrderingMatchingRule(lowerName);
* Retrieves the substring matching rule with the specified name or
* OID.
* @param lowerName The lowercase name or OID for the substring
* matching rule to retrieve.
* @return The requested substring matching rule, or
* <CODE>null</CODE> if no such matching rule has been
* defined in the server.
public static SubstringMatchingRule
getSubstringMatchingRule(String lowerName)
return DirectoryServer.getSubstringMatchingRule(lowerName);
* Retrieves the set of objectclasses registered with the Directory
* Server. The mapping will be between the lowercase name or OID
* for each objectclass and the objectclass implementation. The
* same objectclass instance may be included multiple times with
* different keys. The returned map must not be altered by the
* caller.
* @return The set of objectclasses defined in the Directory
* Server.
public static Map<String,ObjectClass> getObjectClasses()
return DirectoryServer.getObjectClasses();
* Retrieves the objectclass for the provided lowercase name or OID.
* It can optionally return a generated "default" version if the
* requested objectclass is not defined in the schema.
* @param lowerName The lowercase name or OID for the
* objectclass to retrieve.
* @param returnDefault Indicates whether to generate a default
* version if the requested objectclass is
* not defined in the server schema.
* @return The objectclass type, or <CODE>null</CODE> if there is
* no objectclass with the specified name or OID defined in
* the server schema and a default class should not be
* returned.
public static ObjectClass
getObjectClass(String lowerName, boolean returnDefault)
return DirectoryServer.getObjectClass(lowerName, returnDefault);
* Retrieves the "top" objectClass, which should be the topmost
* objectclass in the inheritance chain for most other
* objectclasses.
* @return The "top" objectClass.
public static ObjectClass getTopObjectClass()
return DirectoryServer.getTopObjectClass();
* Retrieves the set of attribute type definitions that have been
* defined in the Directory Server. The mapping will be between the
* lowercase name or OID for each attribute type and the attribute
* type implementation. The same attribute type may be included
* multiple times with different keys. The returned map must not be
* altered by the caller.
* @return The set of attribute type definitions that have been
* defined in the Directory Server.
public static Map<String,AttributeType> getAttributeTypes()
return DirectoryServer.getAttributeTypes();
* Retrieves the attribute type for the provided lowercase name or
* OID. It can optionally return a generated "default" version if
* the requested attribute type is not defined in the schema.
* @param lowerName The lowercase name or OID for the
* attribute type to retrieve.
* @param returnDefault Indicates whether to generate a default
* version if the requested attribute type is
* not defined in the server schema.
* @return The requested attribute type, or <CODE>null</CODE> if
* there is no attribute with the specified type defined in
* the server schema and a default type should not be
* returned.
public static AttributeType
getAttributeType(String lowerName, boolean returnDefault)
return DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(lowerName, returnDefault);
* Retrieves the attribute type for the "objectClass" attribute.
* @return The attribute type for the "objectClass" attribute.
public static AttributeType getObjectClassAttributeType()
return DirectoryServer.getObjectClassAttributeType();
* Retrieves the set of attribute syntaxes defined in the Directory
* Server. The mapping will be between the OID and the
* corresponding syntax implementation. The returned map must not
* be altered by the caller.
* @return The set of attribute syntaxes defined in the Directory
* Server.
public static Map<String,AttributeSyntax>
return DirectoryServer.getAttributeSyntaxes();
* Retrieves the requested attribute syntax.
* @param oid The OID of the syntax to retrieve.
* @param allowDefault Indicates whether to return the default
* attribute syntax if the requested syntax is
* unknown.
* @return The requested attribute syntax, the default syntax if
* the requested syntax is unknown and the caller has
* indicated that the default is acceptable, or
* <CODE>null</CODE> otherwise.
public static AttributeSyntax
getAttributeSyntax(String oid, boolean allowDefault)
return DirectoryServer.getAttributeSyntax(oid, allowDefault);
* Retrieves the default attribute syntax that should be used for
* attributes that are not defined in the server schema.
* @return The default attribute syntax that should be used for
* attributes that are not defined in the server schema.
public static AttributeSyntax getDefaultAttributeSyntax()
return DirectoryServer.getDefaultAttributeSyntax();
* Retrieves the default attribute syntax that should be used for
* attributes that are not defined in the server schema and are
* meant to store binary values.
* @return The default attribute syntax that should be used for
* attributes that are not defined in the server schema and
* are meant to store binary values.
public static AttributeSyntax getDefaultBinarySyntax()
return DirectoryServer.getDefaultBinarySyntax();
* Retrieves the default attribute syntax that should be used for
* attributes that are not defined in the server schema and are
* meant to store Boolean values.
* @return The default attribute syntax that should be used for
* attributes that are not defined in the server schema and
* are meant to store Boolean values.
public static AttributeSyntax getDefaultBooleanSyntax()
return DirectoryServer.getDefaultBooleanSyntax();
* Retrieves the default attribute syntax that should be used for
* attributes that are not defined in the server schema and are
* meant to store DN values.
* @return The default attribute syntax that should be used for
* attributes that are not defined in the server schema and
* are meant to store DN values.
public static AttributeSyntax getDefaultDNSyntax()
return DirectoryServer.getDefaultDNSyntax();
* Retrieves the default attribute syntax that should be used for
* attributes that are not defined in the server schema and are
* meant to store integer values.
* @return The default attribute syntax that should be used for
* attributes that are not defined in the server schema and
* are meant to store integer values.
public static AttributeSyntax getDefaultIntegerSyntax()
return DirectoryServer.getDefaultIntegerSyntax();
* Retrieves the default attribute syntax that should be used for
* attributes that are not defined in the server schema and are
* meant to store string values.
* @return The default attribute syntax that should be used for
* attributes that are not defined in the server schema and
* are meant to store string values.
public static AttributeSyntax getDefaultStringSyntax()
return DirectoryServer.getDefaultStringSyntax();
* Retrieves the set of matching rule uses defined in the Directory
* Server. The mapping will be between the matching rule and its
* corresponding matching rule use. The returned map must not be
* altered by the caller.
* @return The set of matching rule uses defined in the Directory
* Server.
public static Map<MatchingRule,MatchingRuleUse>
return DirectoryServer.getMatchingRuleUses();
* Retrieves the matching rule use associated with the provided
* matching rule.
* @param matchingRule The matching rule for which to retrieve the
* matching rule use.
* @return The matching rule use for the provided matching rule, or
* <CODE>null</CODE> if none is defined.
public static MatchingRuleUse
getMatchingRuleUse(MatchingRule matchingRule)
return DirectoryServer.getMatchingRuleUse(matchingRule);
* Retrieves the set of DIT content rules defined in the Directory
* Server. The mapping will be between the structural objectclass
* and its corresponding DIT content rule. The returned map must
* not be altered by the caller.
* @return The set of DIT content rules defined in the Directory
* Server.
public static Map<ObjectClass,DITContentRule>
return DirectoryServer.getDITContentRules();
* Retrieves the DIT content rule associated with the specified
* objectclass.
* @param objectClass The objectclass for which to retrieve the
* associated DIT content rule.
* @return The requested DIT content rule, or <CODE>null</CODE> if
* no such rule is defined in the schema.
public static DITContentRule
getDITContentRule(ObjectClass objectClass)
return DirectoryServer.getDITContentRule(objectClass);
* Retrieves the set of DIT structure rules defined in the Directory
* Server. The mapping will be between the name form and its
* corresponding DIT structure rule. The returned map must not be
* altered by the caller.
* @return The set of DIT structure rules defined in the Directory
* Server.
public static Map<NameForm,DITStructureRule>
return DirectoryServer.getDITStructureRules();
* Retrieves the DIT structure rule associated with the provided
* rule ID.
* @param ruleID The rule ID for which to retrieve the associated
* DIT structure rule.
* @return The requested DIT structure rule, or <CODE>null</CODE>
* if no such rule is defined.
public static DITStructureRule getDITStructureRule(int ruleID)
return DirectoryServer.getDITStructureRule(ruleID);
* Retrieves the DIT structure rule associated with the provided
* name form.
* @param nameForm The name form for which to retrieve the
* associated DIT structure rule.
* @return The requested DIT structure rule, or <CODE>null</CODE>
* if no such rule is defined.
public static DITStructureRule
getDITStructureRule(NameForm nameForm)
return DirectoryServer.getDITStructureRule(nameForm);
* Retrieves the set of name forms defined in the Directory Server.
* The mapping will be between the structural objectclass and its
* corresponding name form. The returned map must not be altered by
* the caller.
* @return The set of name forms defined in the Directory Server.
public static Map<ObjectClass,NameForm> getNameForms()
return DirectoryServer.getNameForms();
* Retrieves the name form associated with the specified structural
* objectclass.
* @param objectClass The structural objectclass for which to
* retrieve the associated name form.
* @return The requested name form, or <CODE>null</CODE> if no such
* name form is defined in the schema.
public static NameForm getNameForm(ObjectClass objectClass)
return DirectoryServer.getNameForm(objectClass);
* Retrieves the name form associated with the specified name or
* OID.
* @param lowerName The name or OID of the name form to retrieve,
* formatted in all lowercase characters.
* @return The requested name form, or <CODE>null</CODE> if no such
* name form is defined in the schema.
public static NameForm getNameForm(String lowerName)
return DirectoryServer.getNameForm(lowerName);
* Registers the provided invokable component with the Directory
* Server.
* @param component The invokable component to register.
public static void registerInvokableComponent(
InvokableComponent component)
* Deregisters the provided invokable component with the Directory
* Server.
* @param component The invokable component to deregister.
public static void deregisterInvokableComponent(
InvokableComponent component)
* Registers the provided alert generator with the Directory Server.
* @param alertGenerator The alert generator to register.
public static void registerAlertGenerator(
AlertGenerator alertGenerator)
* Deregisters the provided alert generator with the Directory
* Server.
* @param alertGenerator The alert generator to deregister.
public static void deregisterAlertGenerator(
AlertGenerator alertGenerator)
* Sends an alert notification with the provided information.
* @param generator The alert generator that created the alert.
* @param alertType The alert type name for this alert.
* @param alertMessage A message (possibly <CODE>null</CODE>) that
* can provide more information about this
* alert.
public static void
sendAlertNotification(AlertGenerator generator,
String alertType,
Message alertMessage)
DirectoryServer.sendAlertNotification(generator, alertType,
* Retrieves the result code that should be used when the Directory
* Server encounters an internal server error.
* @return The result code that should be used when the Directory
* Server encounters an internal server error.
public static ResultCode getServerErrorResultCode()
return DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode();
* Retrieves the entry with the requested DN. It will first
* determine which backend should be used for this DN and will then
* use that backend to retrieve the entry. The caller must already
* hold the appropriate lock on the specified entry.
* @param entryDN The DN of the entry to retrieve.
* @return The requested entry, or <CODE>null</CODE> if it does not
* exist.
* @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs while attempting
* to retrieve the entry.
public static Entry getEntry(DN entryDN)
throws DirectoryException
return DirectoryServer.getEntry(entryDN);
* Indicates whether the specified entry exists in the Directory
* Server. The caller is not required to hold any locks when
* invoking this method.
* @param entryDN The DN of the entry for which to make the
* determination.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the specified entry exists in one
* of the backends, or <CODE>false</CODE> if it does not.
* @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs while attempting
* to make the determination.
public static boolean entryExists(DN entryDN)
throws DirectoryException
return DirectoryServer.entryExists(entryDN);
* Retrieves the set of OIDs for the supported controls registered
* with the Directory Server.
* @return The set of OIDS for the supported controls registered
* with the Directory Server.
public static Set<String> getSupportedControls()
return DirectoryServer.getSupportedControls();
* Indicates whether the specified OID is registered with the
* Directory Server as a supported control.
* @param controlOID The OID of the control for which to make the
* determination.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the specified OID is registered
* with the server as a supported control, or
* <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
public static boolean isSupportedControl(String controlOID)
return DirectoryServer.isSupportedControl(controlOID);
* Registers the provided OID as a supported control for the
* Directory Server. This will have no effect if the specified
* control OID is already present in the list of supported controls.
* @param controlOID The OID of the control to register as a
* supported control.
public static void registerSupportedControl(String controlOID)
* Deregisters the provided OID as a supported control for the
* Directory Server. This will have no effect if the specified
* control OID is not present in the list of supported controls.
* @param controlOID The OID of the control to deregister as a
* supported control.
public static void
deregisterSupportedControl(String controlOID)
* Retrieves the set of OIDs for the supported features registered
* with the Directory Server.
* @return The set of OIDs for the supported features registered
* with the Directory Server.
public static Set<String> getSupportedFeatures()
return DirectoryServer.getSupportedFeatures();
* Indicates whether the specified OID is registered with the
* Directory Server as a supported feature.
* @param featureOID The OID of the feature for which to make the
* determination.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the specified OID is registered
* with the server as a supported feature, or
* <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
public static boolean isSupportedFeature(String featureOID)
return DirectoryServer.isSupportedFeature(featureOID);
* Registers the provided OID as a supported feature for the
* Directory Server. This will have no effect if the specified
* feature OID is already present in the list of supported features.
* @param featureOID The OID of the feature to register as a
* supported feature.
public static void registerSupportedFeature(String featureOID)
* Deregisters the provided OID as a supported feature for the
* Directory Server. This will have no effect if the specified
* feature OID is not present in the list of supported features.
* @param featureOID The OID of the feature to deregister as a
* supported feature.
public static void
deregisterSupportedFeature(String featureOID)
* Retrieves the set of extended operations that may be processed by
* the Directory Server. The mapping will be between the OID and
* the extended operation handler providing the logic for the
* extended operation with that OID. The returned map must not be
* altered by the caller.
* @return The set of extended operations that may be processed by
* the Directory Server.
public static Map<String,ExtendedOperationHandler>
return DirectoryServer.getSupportedExtensions();
* Retrieves the handler for the extended operation for the provided
* extended operation OID.
* @param oid The OID of the extended operation to retrieve.
* @return The handler for the specified extended operation, or
* <CODE>null</CODE> if there is none.
public static ExtendedOperationHandler
getExtendedOperationHandler(String oid)
return DirectoryServer.getExtendedOperationHandler(oid);
* Registers the provided extended operation handler with the
* Directory Server.
* @param oid The OID for the extended operation to register.
* @param handler The extended operation handler to register with
* the Directory Server.
public static void registerSupportedExtension(String oid,
ExtendedOperationHandler handler)
DirectoryServer.registerSupportedExtension(oid, handler);
* Deregisters the provided extended operation handler with the
* Directory Server.
* @param oid The OID for the extended operation to deregister.
public static void deregisterSupportedExtension(String oid)
* Retrieves the set of SASL mechanisms that are supported by the
* Directory Server. The mapping will be between the mechanism name
* and the SASL mechanism handler that implements support for that
* mechanism. The returned map must not be altered by the caller.
* @return The set of SASL mechanisms that are supported by the
* Directory Server.
public static Map<String,SASLMechanismHandler>
return DirectoryServer.getSupportedSASLMechanisms();
* Retrieves the handler for the specified SASL mechanism.
* @param name The name of the SASL mechanism to retrieve.
* @return The handler for the specified SASL mechanism, or
* <CODE>null</CODE> if there is none.
public static SASLMechanismHandler
getSASLMechanismHandler(String name)
return DirectoryServer.getSASLMechanismHandler(name);
* Registers the provided SASL mechanism handler with the Directory
* Server.
* @param name The name of the SASL mechanism to be registered.
* @param handler The SASL mechanism handler to register with the
* Directory Server.
public static void
registerSASLMechanismHandler(String name,
SASLMechanismHandler handler)
DirectoryServer.registerSASLMechanismHandler(name, handler);
* Deregisters the provided SASL mechanism handler with the
* Directory Server.
* @param name The name of the SASL mechanism to be deregistered.
public static void deregisterSASLMechanismHandler(String name)
* Registers the provided change notification listener with the
* Directory Server so that it will be notified of any add, delete,
* modify, or modify DN operations that are performed.
* @param changeListener The change notification listener to
* register with the Directory Server.
public static void
ChangeNotificationListener changeListener)
* Deregisters the provided change notification listener with the
* Directory Server so that it will no longer be notified of any
* add, delete, modify, or modify DN operations that are performed.
* @param changeListener The change notification listener to
* deregister with the Directory Server.
public static void deregisterChangeNotificationListener(
ChangeNotificationListener changeListener)
* Registers the provided shutdown listener with the Directory
* Server so that it will be notified when the server shuts down.
* @param listener The shutdown listener to register with the
* Directory Server.
public static void
registerShutdownListener(ServerShutdownListener listener)
* Deregisters the provided shutdown listener with the Directory
* Server.
* @param listener The shutdown listener to deregister with the
* Directory Server.
public static void
deregisterShutdownListener(ServerShutdownListener listener)
* Retrieves the full version string for the Directory Server.
* @return The full version string for the Directory Server.
public static String getVersionString()
return DirectoryServer.getVersionString();