revision 698a6b7c3937597f6d6e0ec3dbc79d9b9fc8a085
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* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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* Copyright 2006-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 2011-2013 ForgeRock AS
package org.opends.server.replication.protocol;
import static org.opends.server.replication.protocol.OperationContext.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.opends.server.core.ModifyOperationBasis;
import org.opends.server.protocols.asn1.ASN1Exception;
import org.opends.server.protocols.internal.InternalClientConnection;
import org.opends.server.replication.common.ChangeNumber;
import org.opends.server.types.ByteString;
import org.opends.server.types.DN;
import org.opends.server.types.LDAPException;
import org.opends.server.types.Modification;
import org.opends.server.types.Operation;
import org.opends.server.types.RawModification;
import org.opends.server.types.operation.PostOperationModifyOperation;
* Message used to send Modify information.
public class ModifyMsg extends ModifyCommonMsg
* Creates a new Modify message from a ModifyOperation.
* @param op The operation to use for building the message
public ModifyMsg(PostOperationModifyOperation op)
super((OperationContext) op.getAttachment(OperationContext.SYNCHROCONTEXT),
encodedMods = encodeMods(op.getModifications());
* Creates a new Modify message using the provided information.
* @param changeNumber The ChangeNumber for the operation.
* @param dn The baseDN of the operation.
* @param mods The mod of the operation.
* @param entryUUID The unique id of the entry on which the modification
* needs to apply.
public ModifyMsg(ChangeNumber changeNumber, DN dn, List<Modification> mods,
String entryUUID)
super(new ModifyContext(changeNumber, entryUUID),
this.encodedMods = encodeMods(mods);
* Creates a new Modify message from a byte[].
* @param in The byte[] from which the operation must be read.
* @throws DataFormatException If the input byte[] is not a valid ModifyMsg
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If UTF8 is not supported by the JVM.
public ModifyMsg(byte[] in) throws DataFormatException,
// Decode header
byte[] allowedPduTypes = new byte[2];
allowedPduTypes[0] = MSG_TYPE_MODIFY;
allowedPduTypes[1] = MSG_TYPE_MODIFY_V1;
int pos = decodeHeader(allowedPduTypes, in);
// protocol version has been read as part of the header
if (protocolVersion <= 3)
decodeBody_V123(in, pos);
decodeBody_V4(in, pos);
if (protocolVersion==ProtocolVersion.getCurrentVersion())
bytes = in;
* Creates a new Modify message from a V1 byte[].
* @param in The byte[] from which the operation must be read.
* @throws DataFormatException If the input byte[] is not a valid ModifyMsg
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If UTF8 is not supported by the JVM.
* @return The created ModifyMsg.
public static ModifyMsg createV1(byte[] in) throws DataFormatException,
ModifyMsg msg = new ModifyMsg(in);
// bytes is only for current version (of the protocol) bytes !
msg.bytes = null;
return msg;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Operation createOperation(InternalClientConnection connection,
String newDn) throws LDAPException, ASN1Exception, DataFormatException
if (newDn == null)
newDn = getDn();
ArrayList<RawModification> ldapmods = decodeRawMods(encodedMods);
ModifyOperationBasis mod = new ModifyOperationBasis(connection,
InternalClientConnection.nextMessageID(), null,
ByteString.valueOf(newDn), ldapmods);
ModifyContext ctx = new ModifyContext(getChangeNumber(), getEntryUUID());
mod.setAttachment(SYNCHROCONTEXT, ctx);
return mod;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString()
if (protocolVersion == ProtocolVersion.REPLICATION_PROTOCOL_V1)
return "ModifyMsg content: " +
" protocolVersion: " + protocolVersion +
" dn: " + dn +
" changeNumber: " + changeNumber +
" uniqueId: " + entryUUID +
" assuredFlag: " + assuredFlag;
if (protocolVersion >= ProtocolVersion.REPLICATION_PROTOCOL_V2)
String mods = "";
ArrayList<RawModification> ldapmods = decodeRawMods(encodedMods);
for (RawModification mod : ldapmods)
mods += mod.toString();
} catch (LDAPException e)
} catch (ASN1Exception e)
return "ModifyMsg content: " +
" protocolVersion: " + protocolVersion +
" dn: " + dn +
" changeNumber: " + changeNumber +
" uniqueId: " + entryUUID +
" assuredFlag: " + assuredFlag +
" assuredMode: " + assuredMode +
" safeDataLevel: " + safeDataLevel +
" size: " + encodedMods.length +
return "!!! Unknown version: " + protocolVersion + "!!!";
* {@inheritDoc}
public int size()
// The ModifyMsg can be very large when added or deleted attribute
// values are very large.
// We therefore need to count the whole encoded msg.
return encodedMods.length + encodedEclIncludes.length + headerSize();
// ============
// Msg Encoding
// ============
* {@inheritDoc}
public byte[] getBytes_V1() throws UnsupportedEncodingException
/* encode the header in a byte[] large enough to also contain the mods */
byte[] encodedMsg = encodeHeader_V1(MSG_TYPE_MODIFY_V1, encodedMods.length +
/* add the mods */
int pos = encodedMsg.length - (encodedMods.length + 1);
addByteArray(encodedMods, encodedMsg, pos);
return encodedMsg;
* {@inheritDoc}
public byte[] getBytes_V23() throws UnsupportedEncodingException
// Encoding V2 / V3
/* encode the header in a byte[] large enough to also contain mods */
byte[] encodedMsg = encodeHeader(MSG_TYPE_MODIFY, encodedMods.length + 1,
/* add the mods */
int pos = encodedMsg.length - (encodedMods.length + 1);
addByteArray(encodedMods, encodedMsg, pos);
return encodedMsg;
* {@inheritDoc}
public byte[] getBytes_V45(short reqProtocolVersion)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException
int bodyLength = 0;
byte[] byteModsLen =
bodyLength += byteModsLen.length + 1;
bodyLength += encodedMods.length + 1;
byte[] byteEntryAttrLen =
bodyLength += byteEntryAttrLen.length + 1;
bodyLength += encodedEclIncludes.length + 1;
/* encode the header in a byte[] large enough to also contain the mods */
byte [] encodedMsg = encodeHeader(MSG_TYPE_MODIFY, bodyLength,
int pos = encodedMsg.length - bodyLength;
pos = addByteArray(byteModsLen, encodedMsg, pos);
pos = addByteArray(encodedMods, encodedMsg, pos);
pos = addByteArray(byteEntryAttrLen, encodedMsg, pos);
pos = addByteArray(encodedEclIncludes, encodedMsg, pos);
return encodedMsg;
// ============
// Msg decoding
// ============
private void decodeBody_V123(byte[] in, int pos)
throws DataFormatException
// Read and store the mods, in encoded form
// all the remaining bytes but the terminating 0 */
int length = in.length - pos - 1;
encodedMods = new byte[length];
System.arraycopy(in, pos, encodedMods, 0, length);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
throw new DataFormatException(e.getMessage());
} catch (ArrayStoreException e)
throw new DataFormatException(e.getMessage());
} catch (NullPointerException e)
throw new DataFormatException(e.getMessage());
private void decodeBody_V4(byte[] in, int pos)
throws DataFormatException, UnsupportedEncodingException
// Read mods len
int length = getNextLength(in, pos);
int modsLen = Integer.valueOf(new String(in, pos, length,"UTF-8"));
pos += length + 1;
// Read/Don't decode mods
this.encodedMods = new byte[modsLen];
System.arraycopy(in, pos, encodedMods, 0, modsLen);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
throw new DataFormatException(e.getMessage());
} catch (ArrayStoreException e)
throw new DataFormatException(e.getMessage());
} catch (NullPointerException e)
throw new DataFormatException(e.getMessage());
pos += modsLen + 1;
// Read ecl attr len
length = getNextLength(in, pos);
int eclAttrLen = Integer.valueOf(new String(in, pos, length,"UTF-8"));
pos += length + 1;
// Read/Don't decode entry attributes
encodedEclIncludes = new byte[eclAttrLen];
System.arraycopy(in, pos, encodedEclIncludes, 0, eclAttrLen);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
throw new DataFormatException(e.getMessage());
} catch (ArrayStoreException e)
throw new DataFormatException(e.getMessage());
} catch (NullPointerException e)
throw new DataFormatException(e.getMessage());