revision 0d397efc4b781ef5b60108708fa1131467d2c3c8
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
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* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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* Copyright 2006-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
package org.opends.server.replication.protocol;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.opends.server.replication.common.ChangeNumber;
* AckMsg messages are used for acknowledging an update that has been sent
* requesting an ack: update sent in Assured Mode, either safe data or safe
* read sub mode.
* The change number refers to the update change number that was requested to be
* acknowledged.
* If some errors occurred during attempt to acknowledge the update in the path
* to final servers, errors are marked with the following fields:
* - hasTimeout:
* Some servers went in timeout when the matching update was sent.
* - hasWrongStatus:
* Some servers were in a status where we cannot ask for an ack when the
* matching update was sent.
* - hasReplayError:
* Some servers made an error replaying the sent matching update.
* - failedServers:
* The list of server ids that had errors for the sent matching update. Each
* server id of the list had one of the 3 possible errors (timeout/wrong status
* /replay error)
* AckMsg messages are sent all along the reverse path of the path followed
* an update message.
public class AckMsg extends ReplicationMsg
// ChangeNumber of the update that was acked.
private ChangeNumber changeNumber;
// Did some servers go in timeout when the matching update (corresponding to
// change number) was sent ?
private boolean hasTimeout = false;
// Were some servers in wrong status when the matching
// update (correspondig to change number) was sent ?
private boolean hasWrongStatus = false;
// Did some servers make an error replaying the sent matching update
// (corresponding to change number) ?
private boolean hasReplayError = false;
// The list of server ids that had errors for the sent matching update
// (corresponding to change number). Each server id of the list had one of the
// 3 possible errors (timeout/degraded or admin/replay error)
private List<Integer> failedServers = new ArrayList<Integer>();
* Creates a new AckMsg from a ChangeNumber (no errors).
* @param changeNumber The ChangeNumber used to build the AckMsg.
public AckMsg(ChangeNumber changeNumber)
this.changeNumber = changeNumber;
* Creates a new AckMsg from a ChangeNumber (with specified error info).
* @param changeNumber The ChangeNumber used to build the AckMsg.
* @param hasTimeout The hasTimeout info
* @param hasWrongStatus The hasWrongStatus info
* @param hasReplayError The hasReplayError info
* @param failedServers The list of failed servers
public AckMsg(ChangeNumber changeNumber, boolean hasTimeout,
boolean hasWrongStatus, boolean hasReplayError, List<Integer> failedServers)
this.changeNumber = changeNumber;
this.hasTimeout = hasTimeout;
this.hasWrongStatus = hasWrongStatus;
this.hasReplayError = hasReplayError;
this.failedServers = failedServers;
* Sets the timeout marker for this message.
* @param hasTimeout True if some timeout occurred
public void setHasTimeout(boolean hasTimeout)
this.hasTimeout = hasTimeout;
* Sets the wrong status marker for this message.
* @param hasWrongStatus True if some servers were in wrong status
public void setHasWrongStatus(boolean hasWrongStatus)
this.hasWrongStatus = hasWrongStatus;
* Sets the replay error marker for this message.
* @param hasReplayError True if some servers had errors replaying the change
public void setHasReplayError(boolean hasReplayError)
this.hasReplayError = hasReplayError;
* Sets the list of failing servers for this message.
* @param idList The list of failing servers for this message.
public void setFailedServers(List<Integer> idList)
this.failedServers = idList;
* Creates a new AckMsg by decoding the provided byte array.
* @param in The byte array containing the encoded form of the AckMsg.
* @throws DataFormatException If in does not contain a properly encoded
* AckMsg.
public AckMsg(byte[] in) throws DataFormatException
* The message is stored in the form:
* <operation type><change number><has timeout><has degraded><has replay
* error><failed server ids>
/* First byte is the type */
if (in[0] != MSG_TYPE_ACK)
throw new DataFormatException("byte[] is not a valid modify msg");
int pos = 1;
/* Read the changeNumber */
int length = getNextLength(in, pos);
String changenumberStr = new String(in, pos, length, "UTF-8");
changeNumber = new ChangeNumber(changenumberStr);
pos += length + 1;
/* Read the hasTimeout flag */
if (in[pos++] == 1)
hasTimeout = true;
} else
hasTimeout = false;
/* Read the hasWrongStatus flag */
if (in[pos++] == 1)
hasWrongStatus = true;
} else
hasWrongStatus = false;
/* Read the hasReplayError flag */
if (in[pos++] == 1)
hasReplayError = true;
} else
hasReplayError = false;
/* Read the list of failed server ids */
while (pos < in.length)
length = getNextLength(in, pos);
String serverIdString = new String(in, pos, length, "UTF-8");
Integer serverId = Integer.valueOf(serverIdString);
pos += length + 1;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
throw new DataFormatException("UTF-8 is not supported by this jvm.");
* Get the ChangeNumber from the message.
* @return the ChangeNumber
public ChangeNumber getChangeNumber()
return changeNumber;
* {@inheritDoc}
public byte[] getBytes()
* The message is stored in the form:
* <operation type><change number><has timeout><has degraded><has replay
* error><failed server ids>
ByteArrayOutputStream oStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(200);
/* Put the type of the operation */
/* Put the ChangeNumber */
byte[] changeNumberByte = changeNumber.format().getBytes("UTF-8");
/* Put the hasTimeout flag */
oStream.write((hasTimeout ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0));
/* Put the hasWrongStatus flag */
oStream.write((hasWrongStatus ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0));
/* Put the hasReplayError flag */
oStream.write((hasReplayError ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0));
/* Put the list of server ids */
for (Integer sid : failedServers)
byte[] byteServerId = String.valueOf(sid).getBytes("UTF-8");
return oStream.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e)
// never happens
return null;
* Tells if the matching update had timeout.
* @return true if the matching update had timeout
public boolean hasTimeout()
return hasTimeout;
* Tells if the matching update had wrong status error.
* @return true if the matching update had wrong status error
public boolean hasWrongStatus()
return hasWrongStatus;
* Tells if the matching update had replay error.
* @return true if the matching update had replay error
public boolean hasReplayError()
return hasReplayError;
* Get the list of failed servers.
* @return the list of failed servers
public List<Integer> getFailedServers()
return failedServers;
* Transforms the errors information of the ack into human readable string.
* @return A human readable string for errors embedded in the message.
public String errorsToString()
String idList = null;
if (failedServers.size() > 0)
idList = "[";
int size = failedServers.size();
for (int i=0 ; i<size ; i++) {
idList += failedServers.get(i);
if ( i != (size-1) )
idList += ", ";
idList += "]";
} else
String ackErrorStr = "hasTimeout: " + (hasTimeout ? "yes" : "no") + ", " +
"hasWrongStatus: " + (hasWrongStatus ? "yes" : "no") + ", " +
"hasReplayError: " + (hasReplayError ? "yes" : "no") + ", " +
"concerned server ids: " + idList;
return ackErrorStr;