Historical.java revision a395dd575518d9e5280fc5d5d5ef47c61b174647
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at
* trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
* or https://OpenDS.dev.java.net/OpenDS.LICENSE.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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package org.opends.server.replication.plugin;
import org.opends.messages.Message;
import static org.opends.server.loggers.ErrorLogger.logError;
import static org.opends.messages.ReplicationMessages.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer;
import org.opends.server.replication.common.ChangeNumber;
import org.opends.server.replication.protocol.OperationContext;
import org.opends.server.types.Attribute;
import org.opends.server.types.AttributeType;
import org.opends.server.types.AttributeValue;
import org.opends.server.types.Entry;
import org.opends.server.types.Modification;
import org.opends.server.types.ModificationType;
import org.opends.server.types.operation.PreOperationAddOperation;
import org.opends.server.types.operation.PreOperationModifyOperation;
* This class is used to store historical information that is
* used to resolve modify conflicts
* It is assumed that the common case is not to have conflict and
* therefore is optimized (in order of importance) for :
* 1- detecting potential conflict
* 2- fast update of historical information for non-conflicting change
* 3- fast and efficient purge
* 4- compact
* 5- solve conflict. This should also be as fast as possible but
* not at the cost of any of the other previous objectives
* One Historical object is created for each entry in the entry cache
* each Historical Object contains a list of attribute historical information
public class Historical
* The name of the attribute used to store historical information.
public static final String HISTORICALATTRIBUTENAME = "ds-sync-hist";
* Name used to store attachment of historical information in the
* operation.
public static final String HISTORICAL = "ds-synch-historical";
* The name of the entryuuid attribute.
public static final String ENTRYUIDNAME = "entryuuid";
* contains Historical information for each attribute sorted by attribute type
private HashMap<AttributeType,AttrInfoWithOptions> attributesInfo
= new HashMap<AttributeType,AttrInfoWithOptions>();
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString()
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
return builder.toString();
* Process an operation.
* This method is responsible for detecting and resolving conflict for
* modifyOperation. This is done by using the historical information.
* @param modifyOperation the operation to be processed
* @param modifiedEntry the entry that is being modified (before modification)
* @return true if the replayed operation was in conflict
public boolean replayOperation(PreOperationModifyOperation modifyOperation,
Entry modifiedEntry)
boolean bConflict = false;
List<Modification> mods = modifyOperation.getModifications();
ChangeNumber changeNumber =
for (Iterator<Modification> modsIterator = mods.iterator();
modsIterator.hasNext(); )
Modification m = modsIterator.next();
AttributeInfo attrInfo = getAttrInfo(m);
if (attrInfo.replayOperation(modsIterator, changeNumber,
modifiedEntry, m))
bConflict = true;
return bConflict;
* Append replacement of state information to a given modification.
* @param modifyOperation the modification.
public void generateState(PreOperationModifyOperation modifyOperation)
List<Modification> mods = modifyOperation.getModifications();
Entry modifiedEntry = modifyOperation.getModifiedEntry();
ChangeNumber changeNumber =
* If this is a local operation we need first to update the historical
* information, then update the entry with the historical information
* If this is a replicated operation the historical information has
* already been set in the resolveConflict phase and we only need
* to update the entry
if (!modifyOperation.isSynchronizationOperation())
for (Modification mod : mods)
AttributeInfo attrInfo = getAttrInfo(mod);
if (attrInfo != null)
attrInfo.processLocalOrNonConflictModification(changeNumber, mod);
Attribute attr = encode();
Modification mod;
mod = new Modification(ModificationType.REPLACE, attr);
modifiedEntry.addAttribute(attr, null);
* Get the AttrInfo for a given Modification.
* The AttrInfo is the object that is used to store the historical
* information of a given attribute type.
* If there is no historical information for this attribute yet, a new
* empty AttrInfo is created and returned.
* @param mod The Modification that must be used.
* @return The AttrInfo corresponding to the given Modification.
private AttributeInfo getAttrInfo(Modification mod)
Attribute modAttr = mod.getAttribute();
if (isHistoricalAttribute(modAttr))
// Don't keep historical information for the attribute that is
// used to store the historical information.
return null;
Set<String> options = modAttr.getOptions();
AttributeType type = modAttr.getAttributeType();
AttrInfoWithOptions attrInfoWithOptions = attributesInfo.get(type);
AttributeInfo attrInfo;
if (attrInfoWithOptions != null)
attrInfo = attrInfoWithOptions.get(options);
attrInfoWithOptions = new AttrInfoWithOptions();
attributesInfo.put(type, attrInfoWithOptions);
attrInfo = null;
if (attrInfo == null)
attrInfo = AttributeInfo.createAttributeInfo(type);
attrInfoWithOptions.put(options, attrInfo);
return attrInfo;
* Encode the historical information in an operational attribute.
* @return The historical information encoded in an operational attribute.
public Attribute encode()
AttributeType historicalAttrType =
LinkedHashSet<AttributeValue> hist = new LinkedHashSet<AttributeValue>();
for (Map.Entry<AttributeType, AttrInfoWithOptions> entryWithOptions :
AttributeType type = entryWithOptions.getKey();
HashMap<Set<String> , AttributeInfo> attrwithoptions =
for (Map.Entry<Set<String>, AttributeInfo> entry :
boolean delAttr = false;
Set<String> options = entry.getKey();
String optionsString = "";
AttributeInfo info = entry.getValue();
if (options != null)
StringBuilder optionsBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (String s : options)
optionsString = optionsBuilder.toString();
ChangeNumber deleteTime = info.getDeleteTime();
/* generate the historical information for deleted attributes */
if (deleteTime != null)
delAttr = true;
/* generate the historical information for modified attribute values */
for (ValueInfo valInfo : info.getValuesInfo())
String strValue;
if (valInfo.getValueDeleteTime() != null)
strValue = type.getNormalizedPrimaryName() + optionsString + ":" +
valInfo.getValueDeleteTime().toString() +
":del:" + valInfo.getValue().toString();
AttributeValue val = new AttributeValue(historicalAttrType,
else if (valInfo.getValueUpdateTime() != null)
if ((delAttr && valInfo.getValueUpdateTime() == deleteTime)
&& (valInfo.getValue() != null))
strValue = type.getNormalizedPrimaryName() + optionsString + ":" +
valInfo.getValueUpdateTime().toString() + ":repl:" +
delAttr = false;
if (valInfo.getValue() == null)
strValue = type.getNormalizedPrimaryName() + optionsString
+ ":" + valInfo.getValueUpdateTime().toString() +
strValue = type.getNormalizedPrimaryName() + optionsString
+ ":" + valInfo.getValueUpdateTime().toString() +
":add:" + valInfo.getValue().toString();
AttributeValue val = new AttributeValue(historicalAttrType,
if (delAttr)
String strValue = type.getNormalizedPrimaryName()
+ optionsString + ":" + deleteTime.toString()
+ ":attrDel";
AttributeValue val = new AttributeValue(historicalAttrType, strValue);
Attribute attr;
if (hist.isEmpty())
attr = new Attribute(historicalAttrType, HISTORICALATTRIBUTENAME, null);
attr = new Attribute(historicalAttrType, HISTORICALATTRIBUTENAME, hist);
return attr;
* read the historical information from the entry attribute and
* load it into the Historical object attached to the entry.
* @param entry The entry which historical information must be loaded
* @return the generated Historical information
public static Historical load(Entry entry)
List<Attribute> hist = getHistoricalAttr(entry);
Historical histObj = new Historical();
AttributeType lastAttrType = null;
Set<String> lastOptions = new HashSet<String>();
AttributeInfo attrInfo = null;
AttrInfoWithOptions attrInfoWithOptions = null;
if (hist == null)
return histObj;
for (Attribute attr : hist)
for (AttributeValue val : attr.getValues())
HistVal histVal = new HistVal(val.getStringValue());
AttributeType attrType = histVal.getAttrType();
Set<String> options = histVal.getOptions();
ChangeNumber cn = histVal.getCn();
AttributeValue value = histVal.getAttributeValue();
HistKey histKey = histVal.getHistKey();
if (attrType == null)
* This attribute is unknown from the schema
* Just skip it, the modification will be processed but no
* historical information is going to be kept.
* Log information for the repair tool.
entry.getDN().toNormalizedString(), histVal.getAttrString());
/* if attribute type does not match we create new
* AttrInfoWithOptions and AttrInfo
* we also add old AttrInfoWithOptions into histObj.attributesInfo
* if attribute type match but options does not match we create new
* AttrInfo that we add to AttrInfoWithOptions
* if both match we keep everything
if (attrType != lastAttrType)
attrInfo = AttributeInfo.createAttributeInfo(attrType);
attrInfoWithOptions = new AttrInfoWithOptions();
attrInfoWithOptions.put(options, attrInfo);
histObj.attributesInfo.put(attrType, attrInfoWithOptions);
lastAttrType = attrType;
lastOptions = options;
if (!options.equals(lastOptions))
attrInfo = AttributeInfo.createAttributeInfo(attrType);
attrInfoWithOptions.put(options, attrInfo);
lastOptions = options;
attrInfo.load(histKey, value, cn);
} catch (Exception e)
// Any exception happening here means that the coding of the hsitorical
// information was wrong.
// Log an error and continue with an empty historical.
Message message = ERR_BAD_HISTORICAL.get(entry.getDN().toString());
/* set the reference to the historical information in the entry */
return histObj;
* Use this historical information to generate fake operations that would
* result in this historical information.
* TODO : This is only implemented for modify operation, should implement ADD
* @param entry The Entry to use to generate the FakeOperation Iterable.
* @return an Iterable of FakeOperation that would result in this historical
* information.
public static Iterable<FakeOperation> generateFakeOperations(Entry entry)
TreeMap<ChangeNumber, FakeOperation> operations =
new TreeMap<ChangeNumber, FakeOperation>();
List<Attribute> attrs = getHistoricalAttr(entry);
if (attrs != null)
for (Attribute attr : attrs)
for (AttributeValue val : attr.getValues())
HistVal histVal = new HistVal(val.getStringValue());
ChangeNumber cn = histVal.getCn();
Modification mod = histVal.generateMod();
ModifyFakeOperation modifyFakeOperation;
FakeOperation fakeOperation = operations.get(cn);
if (fakeOperation != null)
String uuidString = getEntryUuid(entry);
if (uuidString != null)
modifyFakeOperation = new ModifyFakeOperation(entry.getDN(),
cn, uuidString);
operations.put(histVal.getCn(), modifyFakeOperation);
return operations.values();
* Get the Attribute used to store the historical information from
* the given Entry.
* @param entry The entry containing the historical information.
* @return The Attribute used to store the historical information.
public static List<Attribute> getHistoricalAttr(Entry entry)
return entry.getAttribute(HISTORICALATTRIBUTENAME);
* Get the entry unique Id in String form.
* @param entry The entry for which the unique id should be returned.
* @return The Unique Id of the entry if it has one. null, otherwise.
public static String getEntryUuid(Entry entry)
String uuidString = null;
AttributeType entryuuidAttrType =
List<Attribute> uuidAttrs =
if (uuidAttrs != null)
Attribute uuid = uuidAttrs.get(0);
if (uuid.hasValue())
AttributeValue uuidVal = uuid.getValues().iterator().next();
uuidString = uuidVal.getStringValue();
return uuidString;
* Get the Entry Unique Id from an add operation.
* This must be called after the entry uuid preop plugin (i.e no
* sooner than the replication provider pre-op)
* @param op The operation
* @return The Entry Unique Id String form.
public static String getEntryUuid(PreOperationAddOperation op)
String uuidString = null;
Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> attrs = op.getOperationalAttributes();
AttributeType entryuuidAttrType =
List<Attribute> uuidAttrs = attrs.get(entryuuidAttrType);
if (uuidAttrs != null)
Attribute uuid = uuidAttrs.get(0);
if (uuid.hasValue())
AttributeValue uuidVal = uuid.getValues().iterator().next();
uuidString = uuidVal.getStringValue();
return uuidString;
* Check if a given attribute is an attribute used to store historical
* information.
* @param attr The attribute that needs to be checked.
* @return a boolean indicating if the given attribute is
* used to store historical information.
public static boolean isHistoricalAttribute(Attribute attr)
AttributeType attrType = attr.getAttributeType();
return attrType.getNameOrOID().equals(Historical.HISTORICALATTRIBUTENAME);