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* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at
* trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
* or
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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* Copyright 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
package org.opends.server.backends.jeb;
import org.opends.server.types.*;
import org.opends.server.protocols.asn1.ASN1OctetString;
import java.util.HashMap;
* This class representsa partial sorted set of sorted entries in a VLV
* index.
public class SortValuesSet
private static final int ENCODED_VALUE_SIZE = 16;
private static final int ENCODED_VALUE_LENGTH_SIZE =
private static final int ENCODED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SIZE =
private ID2Entry id2entry;
private long[] entryIDs;
private byte[] valuesBytes;
private byte[] keyBytes;
private HashMap<EntryID, AttributeValue[]> cachedAttributeValues;
private VLVIndex vlvIndex;
* Construct an empty sort values set with the given information.
* @param vlvIndex The VLV index using this set.
* @param id2entry The ID2Entry database.
public SortValuesSet(VLVIndex vlvIndex, ID2Entry id2entry)
this.keyBytes = new byte[0];
this.entryIDs = null;
this.valuesBytes = null;
this.id2entry = id2entry;
this.vlvIndex = vlvIndex;
this.cachedAttributeValues = new HashMap<EntryID, AttributeValue[]>();
* Construct a sort values set from the database.
* @param keyBytes The database key used to locate this set.
* @param dataBytes The bytes to decode and construct this set.
* @param vlvIndex The VLV index using this set.
* @param id2entry The ID2Entry database.
public SortValuesSet(byte[] keyBytes, byte[] dataBytes, VLVIndex vlvIndex,
ID2Entry id2entry)
this.keyBytes = keyBytes;
this.id2entry = id2entry;
this.vlvIndex = vlvIndex;
this.cachedAttributeValues = new HashMap<EntryID, AttributeValue[]>();
if(dataBytes == null)
entryIDs = new long[0];
entryIDs = getEncodedIDs(dataBytes, 0);
valuesBytes = new byte[entryIDs.length * ENCODED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SIZE *
System.arraycopy(dataBytes, entryIDs.length * 8 + 4, valuesBytes, 0,
private SortValuesSet(long[] entryIDs, byte[] keyBytes, byte[] valuesBytes,
VLVIndex vlvIndex, ID2Entry id2entry)
this.keyBytes = keyBytes;
this.id2entry = id2entry;
this.entryIDs = entryIDs;
this.valuesBytes = valuesBytes;
this.vlvIndex = vlvIndex;
this.cachedAttributeValues = new HashMap<EntryID, AttributeValue[]>();
* Add the given entryID and values from this VLV idnex.
* @param entryID The entry ID to add.
* @param values The values to add.
* @return True if the information was successfully added or False
* otherwise.
* @throws DirectoryException If a Directory Server error occurs.
* @throws DatabaseException If an error occurs in the JE database.
* @throws JebException If an error occurs in the JE database.
public boolean add(long entryID, AttributeValue[] values)
throws JebException, DatabaseException, DirectoryException
if(values == null)
return false;
if(entryIDs == null || entryIDs.length == 0)
entryIDs = new long[1];
entryIDs[0] = entryID;
valuesBytes = attributeValuesToDatabase(values);
return true;
entryIDs.length - 1, entryID,
values) < 0)
long[] updatedEntryIDs = new long[entryIDs.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(entryIDs, 0, updatedEntryIDs, 0, entryIDs.length);
updatedEntryIDs[entryIDs.length] = entryID;
byte[] newValuesBytes = attributeValuesToDatabase(values);
byte[] updatedValuesBytes = new byte[valuesBytes.length +
System.arraycopy(valuesBytes, 0, updatedValuesBytes, 0,
System.arraycopy(newValuesBytes, 0, updatedValuesBytes,
entryIDs = updatedEntryIDs;
valuesBytes = updatedValuesBytes;
return true;
int pos = binarySearch(entryID, values);
if(pos >= 0)
if(entryIDs[pos] == entryID)
// The entry ID is alreadly present.
return false;
// For a negative return value r, the vlvIndex -(r+1) gives the array
// ndex at which the specified value can be inserted to maintain
// the sorted order of the array.
pos = -(pos+1);
long[] updatedEntryIDs = new long[entryIDs.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(entryIDs, 0, updatedEntryIDs, 0, pos);
System.arraycopy(entryIDs, pos, updatedEntryIDs, pos+1,
updatedEntryIDs[pos] = entryID;
byte[] newValuesBytes = attributeValuesToDatabase(values);
int valuesPos = pos * newValuesBytes.length;
byte[] updatedValuesBytes = new byte[valuesBytes.length +
System.arraycopy(valuesBytes, 0, updatedValuesBytes, 0, valuesPos);
System.arraycopy(valuesBytes, valuesPos, updatedValuesBytes,
valuesPos + newValuesBytes.length,
valuesBytes.length - valuesPos);
System.arraycopy(newValuesBytes, 0, updatedValuesBytes, valuesPos,
entryIDs = updatedEntryIDs;
valuesBytes = updatedValuesBytes;
return true;
* Remove the given entryID and values from this VLV idnex.
* @param entryID The entry ID to remove.
* @param values The values to remove.
* @return True if the information was successfully removed or False
* otherwise.
* @throws DirectoryException If a Directory Server error occurs.
* @throws DatabaseException If an error occurs in the JE database.
* @throws JebException If an error occurs in the JE database.
public boolean remove(long entryID, AttributeValue[] values)
throws JebException, DatabaseException, DirectoryException
if(entryIDs == null || entryIDs.length == 0)
return false;
int pos = binarySearch(entryID, values);
if(pos < 0)
// Not found.
return false;
// Found it.
long[] updatedEntryIDs = new long[entryIDs.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(entryIDs, 0, updatedEntryIDs, 0, pos);
System.arraycopy(entryIDs, pos+1, updatedEntryIDs, pos,
int valuesPos = pos * valuesLength;
byte[] updatedValuesBytes = new byte[valuesBytes.length - valuesLength];
System.arraycopy(valuesBytes, 0, updatedValuesBytes, 0, valuesPos);
System.arraycopy(valuesBytes, valuesPos + valuesLength,
updatedValuesBytes, valuesPos,
valuesBytes.length - valuesPos - valuesLength);
entryIDs = updatedEntryIDs;
valuesBytes = updatedValuesBytes;
return true;
* Split portions of this set into another set. The values of the new set is
* from the front of this set.
* @param splitLength The size of the new set.
* @return The split set.
public SortValuesSet split(int splitLength)
long[] splitEntryIDs = new long[splitLength];
byte[] splitValuesBytes = new byte[splitLength *
ENCODED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SIZE * vlvIndex.sortOrder.getSortKeys().length];
long[] updatedEntryIDs = new long[entryIDs.length - splitEntryIDs.length];
System.arraycopy(entryIDs, 0, updatedEntryIDs, 0, updatedEntryIDs.length);
System.arraycopy(entryIDs, updatedEntryIDs.length, splitEntryIDs, 0,
byte[] updatedValuesBytes = new byte[valuesBytes.length -
System.arraycopy(valuesBytes, 0, updatedValuesBytes, 0,
System.arraycopy(valuesBytes, updatedValuesBytes.length, splitValuesBytes,
0, splitValuesBytes.length);
SortValuesSet splitValuesSet = new SortValuesSet(splitEntryIDs,
vlvIndex, id2entry);
entryIDs = updatedEntryIDs;
valuesBytes = updatedValuesBytes;
keyBytes = null;
return splitValuesSet;
* Encode this set to its database format.
* @return The encoded bytes representing this set.
public byte[] toDatabase()
byte[] entryIDBytes = JebFormat.entryIDListToDatabase(entryIDs);
byte[] concatBytes = new byte[entryIDBytes.length + valuesBytes.length + 4];
int v = entryIDs.length;
for (int j = 3; j >= 0; j--)
concatBytes[j] = (byte) (v & 0xFF);
v >>>= 8;
System.arraycopy(entryIDBytes, 0, concatBytes, 4, entryIDBytes.length);
System.arraycopy(valuesBytes, 0, concatBytes, entryIDBytes.length+4,
return concatBytes;
* Get the size of the provided encoded set.
* @param bytes The encoded bytes of a SortValuesSet to decode the size from.
* @param offset The byte offset to start decoding.
* @return The size of the provided encoded set.
public static int getEncodedSize(byte[] bytes, int offset)
int v = 0;
for (int i = offset; i < offset + 4; i++)
v <<= 8;
v |= (bytes[i] & 0xFF);
return v;
* Get the IDs from the provided encoded set.
* @param bytes The encoded bytes of a SortValuesSet to decode the IDs from.
* @param offset The byte offset to start decoding.
* @return The decoded IDs in the provided encoded set.
public static long[] getEncodedIDs(byte[] bytes, int offset)
int length = getEncodedSize(bytes, offset);
byte[] entryIDBytes = new byte[length * 8];
System.arraycopy(bytes, offset+4, entryIDBytes, 0, entryIDBytes.length);
return JebFormat.entryIDListFromDatabase(entryIDBytes);
* Searches this set for the specified values and entry ID using the binary
* search algorithm.
* @param entryID The entry ID to match or -1 if not matching on entry ID.
* @param values The values to match.
* @return Index of the entry matching the values and optionally the entry ID
* if it is found or a negative index if its not found.
* @throws DirectoryException If a Directory Server error occurs.
* @throws DatabaseException If an error occurs in the JE database.
* @throws JebException If an error occurs in the JE database.
int binarySearch(long entryID, AttributeValue[] values)
throws JebException, DatabaseException, DirectoryException
if(entryIDs == null || entryIDs.length == 0)
return -1;
int i = 0;
for(int j = entryIDs.length - 1; i <= j;)
int k = i + j >> 1;
int l = vlvIndex.comparator.compareValuesInSet(this, k, entryID, values);
if(l < 0)
i = k + 1;
if(l > 0)
j = k - 1;
return k;
return -(i + 1);
* Retrieve the size of this set.
* @return The size of this set.
public int size()
if(entryIDs == null)
return 0;
return entryIDs.length;
* Retrieve the entry IDs in this set.
* @return The entry IDs in this set.
public long[] getEntryIDs()
return entryIDs;
private static int encodedLengthSize(int length)
if ((length & 0x000000FF) == length)
return 1;
else if ((length & 0x0000FFFF) == length)
return 2;
else if ((length & 0x00FFFFFF) == length)
return 3;
return 4;
private byte[] attributeValuesToDatabase(AttributeValue[] values)
throws DirectoryException
byte[] valuesBytes = new byte[values.length *
for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
AttributeValue value = values[i];
int length;
byte[] lengthBytes = new byte[ENCODED_VALUE_LENGTH_SIZE];
if(value == null)
length = 0;
byte[] valueBytes = value.getNormalizedValueBytes();
length = valueBytes.length;
if(valueBytes.length > ENCODED_VALUE_SIZE)
System.arraycopy(valueBytes, 0, valuesBytes,
System.arraycopy(valueBytes, 0, valuesBytes,
for (int j = ENCODED_VALUE_LENGTH_SIZE - 1; j >= 0; j--)
lengthBytes[j] = (byte) (length & 0xFF);
length >>>= 8;
System.arraycopy(lengthBytes, 0, valuesBytes,
return valuesBytes;
* Returns the key to use for this set of sort values in the database.
* @return The key as an array of bytes that should be used for this set in
* the database or NULL if this set is empty.
* @throws DirectoryException If a Directory Server error occurs.
* @throws DatabaseException If an error occurs in the JE database.
* @throws JebException If an error occurs in the JE database.
public byte[] getKeyBytes()
throws JebException, DatabaseException, DirectoryException
if(entryIDs == null || entryIDs.length == 0)
return null;
if(keyBytes != null)
return keyBytes;
SortKey[] sortKeys = vlvIndex.sortOrder.getSortKeys();
int numValues = sortKeys.length;
AttributeValue[] values =
new AttributeValue[numValues];
for (int i = (entryIDs.length - 1) * numValues, j = 0;
i < entryIDs.length * numValues;
i++, j++)
values[j] = new AttributeValue(sortKeys[j].getAttributeType(),
new ASN1OctetString(getValue(i)));
keyBytes = vlvIndex.encodeKey(entryIDs[entryIDs.length - 1], values);
return keyBytes;
* Returns the key to use for this set of sort values in the database.
* @return The key as a sort values object that should be used for this set in
* the database or NULL if this set is empty or unbounded.
* @throws DirectoryException If a Directory Server error occurs.
* @throws DatabaseException If an error occurs in the JE database.
* @throws JebException If an error occurs in the JE database.
public SortValues getKeySortValues()
throws JebException, DatabaseException, DirectoryException
if(entryIDs == null || entryIDs.length == 0)
return null;
if(keyBytes != null && keyBytes.length == 0)
return null;
EntryID id = new EntryID(entryIDs[entryIDs.length - 1]);
SortKey[] sortKeys = vlvIndex.sortOrder.getSortKeys();
int numValues = sortKeys.length;
AttributeValue[] values =
new AttributeValue[numValues];
for (int i = (entryIDs.length - 1) * numValues, j = 0;
i < entryIDs.length * numValues;
i++, j++)
values[j] = new AttributeValue(sortKeys[j].getAttributeType(),
new ASN1OctetString(getValue(i)));
return new SortValues(id, values, vlvIndex.sortOrder);
* Returns the sort values at the index in this set.
* @param index The index of the sort values to get.
* @return The sort values object at the specified index.
* @throws DirectoryException If a Directory Server error occurs.
* @throws DatabaseException If an error occurs in the JE database.
* @throws JebException If an error occurs in the JE database.
public SortValues getSortValues(int index)
throws JebException, DatabaseException, DirectoryException
if(entryIDs == null || entryIDs.length == 0)
return null;
EntryID id = new EntryID(entryIDs[index]);
SortKey[] sortKeys = vlvIndex.sortOrder.getSortKeys();
int numValues = sortKeys.length;
AttributeValue[] values =
new AttributeValue[numValues];
for (int i = index * numValues, j = 0;
i < (index + 1) * numValues;
i++, j++)
byte[] value = getValue(i);
if(value != null)
values[j] = new AttributeValue(sortKeys[j].getAttributeType(),
new ASN1OctetString(value));
return new SortValues(id, values, vlvIndex.sortOrder);
* Retrieve an attribute value from this values set. The index is the
* absolute index. (ie. for a sort on 3 attributes per entry, an vlvIndex of 6
* will be the 1st attribute value of the 3rd entry).
* @param index The vlvIndex of the attribute value to retrieve.
* @return The byte array representation of the attribute value.
* @throws DirectoryException If a Directory Server error occurs.
* @throws DatabaseException If an error occurs in the JE database.
* @throws JebException If an error occurs in the JE database.
public byte[] getValue(int index)
throws JebException, DatabaseException, DirectoryException
// If values bytes is null, we have to get the value by getting the
// entry by ID and getting the value.
if(valuesBytes != null)
int length = 0;
byte[] valueBytes;
for (int k = 0; k < ENCODED_VALUE_LENGTH_SIZE; k++, pos++)
length <<= 8;
length |= (valuesBytes[pos] & 0xFF);
if(length == 0)
return null;
// If the value has exceeded the max value size, we have to get the
// value by getting the entry by ID.
else if(length <= ENCODED_VALUE_SIZE && length > 0)
valueBytes = new byte[length];
System.arraycopy(valuesBytes, pos, valueBytes, 0, length);
return valueBytes;
if(id2entry == null)
return new byte[0];
// Get the entry from id2entry and assign the values from the entry.
// Once the values are assigned from the retrieved entry, it will
// not be retrieve again from future compares.
EntryID id = new EntryID(entryIDs[index /
AttributeValue[] values = cachedAttributeValues.get(id);
if(values == null)
values = vlvIndex.getSortValues(id2entry.get(null, id));
cachedAttributeValues.put(id, values);
int offset = index % values.length;
return values[offset].getNormalizedValueBytes();