UninstallLauncher.java revision f71f7a61dec7c9089378d14493ad564a1dedf0b5
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package org.opends.quicksetup.uninstaller;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import org.opends.quicksetup.SplashScreen;
import org.opends.quicksetup.i18n.ResourceProvider;
import org.opends.quicksetup.util.Utils;
* This class is called by the uninstall command lines to launch the uninstall
* of the Directory Server. It just checks the command line arguments and the
* environment and determines whether the graphical or the command line
* based uninstall much be launched.
public class UninstallLauncher
* The main method which is called by the uninstall command lines.
* @param args the arguments passed by the command lines.
public static void main(String[] args)
boolean printUsage = false;
boolean useCli = false;
if ((args != null) && (args.length > 0))
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("--cli"))
useCli = true;
else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-H") ||
printUsage = true;
if (!useCli)
if (args.length > 0)
printUsage = true;
if (printUsage)
} else if (useCli)
int exitCode = launchCliUninstall(args);
if (exitCode != 0)
} else
System.setProperty("org.opends.quicksetup.uninstall", "true");
int exitCode = launchGuiUninstall(args);
if (exitCode != 0)
exitCode = launchCliUninstall(args);
if (exitCode != 0)
* Launches the command line based uninstall.
* @param args the arguments passed
* @return 0 if everything worked fine, and an error code if something wrong
* occurred.
private static int launchCliUninstall(String[] args)
System.setProperty("org.opends.quicksetup.cli", "true");
UninstallCli cli = new UninstallCli(args);
int returnValue = cli.run();
if (returnValue == UninstallCli.USER_DATA_ERROR)
// Add an extra space systematically
return returnValue;
* Launches the graphical uninstall. The graphical uninstall is launched in a
* different thread that the main thread because if we have a problem with the
* graphical system (for instance the DISPLAY environment variable is not
* correctly set) the native libraries will call exit. However if we launch
* this from another thread, the thread will just be killed.
* This code also assumes that if the call to SplashWindow.main worked (and
* the splash screen was displayed) we will never get out of it (we will call
* a System.exit() when we close the graphical uninstall dialog).
* @params String[] args the arguments used to call the SplashWindow main
* method
* @return 0 if everything worked fine, or 1 if we could not display properly
* the SplashWindow.
private static int launchGuiUninstall(final String[] args)
final int[] returnValue =
{ -1 };
Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable()
public void run()
// Setup MacOSX native menu bar before AWT is loaded.
returnValue[0] = 0;
* This is done to avoid displaying the stack that might occur if there are
* problems with the display environment.
PrintStream printStream = System.err;
System.setErr(new EmptyPrintStream());
catch (InterruptedException ie)
/* An error occurred, so the return value will be -1. We got nothing to
do with this exception. */
return returnValue[0];
private static void printUsage()
String arg;
if (Utils.isWindows())
arg = Utils.getWindowsUninstallFileName();
} else
arg = Utils.getUnixUninstallFileName();
* This is required because the usage message contains '{' characters that
* mess up the MessageFormat.format method.
String msg = getMsg("uninstall-launcher-usage");
msg = msg.replace("{0}", arg);
* The following three methods are just commodity methods to get localized
* messages.
private static String getMsg(String key)
return org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils.wrapText(getI18n().getMsg(key),
private static ResourceProvider getI18n()
return ResourceProvider.getInstance();
* This class is used to avoid displaying the error message related to display
* problems that we might have when trying to display the SplashWindow.
static class EmptyPrintStream extends PrintStream
* Default constructor.
public EmptyPrintStream()
super(new ByteArrayOutputStream(), true);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void println(String msg)