revision 014019918f7e3844f558f6159b8d41517254edc2
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at
* trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
* or
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at
* trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable,
* add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
* by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
* Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
package org.opends.quicksetup;
import org.opends.messages.Message;
import static org.opends.messages.QuickSetupMessages.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import org.opends.quicksetup.util.Utils;
import org.opends.server.util.SetupUtils;
* This class represents the physical state of an OpenDS installation.
* All the operations are dependent upon the root directory that is
* specified in the constructor.
public class Installation {
* Relative path to OpenDS jar files.
public static final String[] OPEN_DS_JAR_RELATIVE_PATHS =
{"lib/quicksetup.jar", "lib/OpenDS.jar", "lib/je.jar"};
* The relative path where all the Windows binaries (batch files) are.
public static final String WINDOWS_BINARIES_PATH_RELATIVE = "bat";
* The relative path where all the UNIX binaries (scripts) are.
public static final String UNIX_BINARIES_PATH_RELATIVE = "bin";
* The relative path where all the MacOS X Applications are.
public static final String MAC_APPLICATIONS_PATH_RELATIVE = "bin";
* The relative path where all the libraries (jar files) are.
public static final String LIBRARIES_PATH_RELATIVE =
* The relative path where the database files are.
public static final String DATABASES_PATH_RELATIVE = "db";
* The relative path where the log files are.
public static final String LOGS_PATH_RELATIVE = "logs";
* The relative path where the LDIF files are.
public static final String LDIFS_PATH_RELATIVE = "ldif";
* The relative path where the backup files are.
public static final String BACKUPS_PATH_RELATIVE = "bak";
* The relative path where the config files are.
public static final String CONFIG_PATH_RELATIVE = "config";
* The relative path where the config files are.
public static final String HISTORY_PATH_RELATIVE = "history";
* Path to the config/upgrade directory where upgrade base files are stored.
public static final String UPGRADE_PATH = "upgrade";
* Relative path to the change log database directory.
public static final String CHANGELOG_PATH_RELATIVE = "changelogDb";
* Relative path to the locks directory.
public static final String LOCKS_PATH_RELATIVE = "locks";
* Relative path to the locks directory.
public static final String TMP_PATH_RELATIVE = "tmp";
* The relative path to the current Configuration LDIF file.
public static final String CURRENT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME = "config.ldif";
* The relative path to the current Configuration LDIF file.
public static final String BASE_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX ="config.ldif.";
* The relative path to the file.
public static final String TOOLS_PROPERTIES =
* The relative path to the instance.loc file.
public static final String INSTANCE_LOCATION_PATH_RELATIVE =
* The UNIX setup script file name.
public static final String UNIX_SETUP_FILE_NAME = "setup";
* The Windows setup batch file name.
public static final String WINDOWS_SETUP_FILE_NAME = "setup.bat";
* The UNIX uninstall script file name.
public static final String UNIX_UNINSTALL_FILE_NAME = "uninstall";
* The Windows uninstall batch file name.
public static final String WINDOWS_UNINSTALL_FILE_NAME = "uninstall.bat";
* The UNIX upgrade script file name.
public static final String UNIX_UPGRADE_FILE_NAME = "upgrade";
* The Windows upgrade batch file name.
public static final String WINDOWS_UPGRADE_FILE_NAME = "upgrade.bat";
* Newly upgraded Windows upgrade batch file name. When the upgrade
* batch file requires upgrade it is not done during execution of the
* upgrade utility itself since replacing a running script on Windows
* with a different version leads to unpredictable results. Instead
* this new name is used for the upgraded version and the user is
* expected to manually rename the file following the upgrade.
public static final String WINDOWS_UPGRADE_FILE_NAME_NEW = "upgrade.bat.NEW";
* The UNIX start script file name.
public static final String UNIX_START_FILE_NAME = "start-ds";
* The Windows start batch file name.
public static final String WINDOWS_START_FILE_NAME = "start-ds.bat";
* The UNIX stop script file name.
public static final String UNIX_STOP_FILE_NAME = "stop-ds";
* The Windows stop batch file name.
public static final String WINDOWS_STOP_FILE_NAME = "stop-ds.bat";
* The UNIX status panel script file name.
public static final String UNIX_STATUSPANEL_FILE_NAME = "status-panel";
* The Windows status panel batch file name.
public static final String WINDOWS_STATUSPANEL_FILE_NAME = "status-panel.bat";
* The MacOS X Java application stub name.
public static final String MAC_JAVA_APP_STUB_NAME = "JavaApplicationStub";
* The MacOS X status panel application bundle name.
public static final String MAC_STATUSPANEL_FILE_NAME = "";
* The UNIX status command line script file name.
public static final String UNIX_STATUSCLI_FILE_NAME = "status";
* The Windows status command line batch file name.
public static final String WINDOWS_STATUSCLI_FILE_NAME = "status.bat";
* Name of the file kept in the histoy directory containing logs
* of upgrade and reversions.
public static final String HISTORY_LOG_FILE_NAME = "log";
* The name of the directory in an upgrade backup directory (child
* of the 'history' directory) that contains the install files from a
* previous version.
public static final String HISTORY_BACKUP_FILES_DIR_INSTALL = "install";
* The name of the directory in an upgrade backup directory (child
* of the 'history' directory) that contains the instance files from a
* previous version.
public static final String HISTORY_BACKUP_FILES_DIR_INSTANCE = "instance";
* The name of the directory in an upgrade backup directory (child
* of the 'history' directory) that contains the files from a
* previous version.
public static final String HISTORY_BACKUP_FILES_DIR_NAME = "files";
* Generic name for the backup tool.
public static final String BACKUP = "backup";
* Generic name for the ldif-diff tool.
public static final String LDIF_DIFF = "ldif-diff";
* The default java properties file.
public static final String DEFAULT_JAVA_PROPERTIES_FILE = "";
* The default java properties file relative path.
public static final String RELATIVE_JAVA_PROPERTIES_FILE =
* The set java home and arguments properties file for Windows.
public static final String SET_JAVA_PROPERTIES_FILE_WINDOWS =
* script utils file for UNIX systems.
public static final String SCRIPT_UTIL_FILE_UNIX = "";
* script utils file for Windows.
public static final String SCRIPT_UTIL_FILE_WINDOWS = "_script-util.bat";
* The set java home and arguments properties file for UNIX systems.
public static final String SET_JAVA_PROPERTIES_FILE_UNIX =
* Directories required to be present for this installation
* to be considered valid.
public static final String[] REQUIRED_DIRECTORIES =
new String[] {
* Performs validation on the specified file to make sure that it is
* an actual OpenDS installation.
* @param rootDirectory File directory candidate
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if root directory does not appear to
* be an OpenDS installation root. The thrown exception contains
* a localized message indicating the reason why
* <code>rootDirectory</code> is not a valid OpenDS install root.
static public void validateRootDirectory(File rootDirectory)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
Message failureReason = null;
if (rootDirectory == null) {
} else if (!rootDirectory.exists()) {
} else if (!rootDirectory.isDirectory()) {
} else {
String[] children = rootDirectory.list();
if (children != null) {
Set<String> childrenSet = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(children));
for (String dir : REQUIRED_DIRECTORIES) {
if (!childrenSet.contains(dir)) {
Utils.getPath(rootDirectory), dir);
} else {
if (failureReason != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(failureReason.toString());
static private Installation local;
* Obtains the installation by reading the classpath of the running
* JVM to determine the location of the jars and determine the
* installation root.
* @return Installation obtained by reading the classpath
static public Installation getLocal() {
if (local == null) {
// This allows testing of configuration components when the OpenDS.jar
// in the classpath does not necessarily point to the server's
String installRoot = System.getProperty("org.opends.quicksetup.Root");
String instanceRoot = System
if (installRoot == null) {
installRoot = Utils.getInstallPathFromClasspath();
if (instanceRoot == null) {
instanceRoot = Utils.getInstancePathFromClasspath(installRoot);
local = new Installation(installRoot, instanceRoot);
return local;
static private final Logger LOG =
private File rootDirectory;
private File instanceDirectory;
private Status status;
private Configuration configuration;
private Configuration baseConfiguration;
private BuildInformation buildInformation;
* Indicates if the install and instance are in the same directory.
* @return true if the install and instance are in the same directory.
public boolean instanceAndInstallInSameDir;
* Creates a new instance from a root directory specified as a string.
* @param rootDirectory of this installation
* @param instanceRootDirectory The instance root directory
public Installation(String rootDirectory, String instanceRootDirectory) {
this(new File(rootDirectory),new File(instanceRootDirectory));
* Creates a new instance from a root directory specified as a File.
* @param rootDirectory of this installation
* @param instanceDirectory of the instance
public Installation(File rootDirectory, File instanceDirectory) {
if (rootDirectory.getAbsolutePath().
instanceAndInstallInSameDir = true ;
instanceAndInstallInSameDir = false;
* Indicates if the install and instance are in the same directory.
* @return true if the install and instance are in the same directory.
public boolean instanceAndInstallInSameDir()
return instanceAndInstallInSameDir;
* Gets the top level directory of an OpenDS installation.
* @return File object representing the top level directory of
* and OpenDS installation
public File getRootDirectory() {
return this.rootDirectory;
* Gets the top level directory of an OpenDS instance.
* @return File object representing the top level directory of
* and OpenDS installation
public File getInstanceDirectory() {
return this.instanceDirectory;
* Sets the root directory of this installation.
* @param rootDirectory File of this installation
public void setRootDirectory(File rootDirectory) {
// Hold off on doing validation of rootDirectory since
// some applications (like the Installer) create an Installation
// before the actual bits have been laid down on the file system.
this.rootDirectory = rootDirectory;
// Obtaining build information is a fairly time consuming operation.
// Try to get a head start if possible.
if (isValid(rootDirectory)) {
try {
BuildInformation bi = getBuildInformation();
LOG.log(Level.INFO, "build info for " + rootDirectory.getName() +
": " + bi);
} catch (ApplicationException e) {
LOG.log(Level.INFO, "error determining build information", e);
* Sets the root directory of this instance.
* @param instanceDirectory File of this instance
public void setInstancetDirectory(File instanceDirectory) {
// Hold off on doing validation of rootDirectory since
// some applications (like the Installer) create an Installation
// before the actual bits have been laid down on the filesyste.
this.instanceDirectory = instanceDirectory;
// Obtaining build information is a fairly time consuming operation.
// Try to get a head start if possible.
if (isValid(instanceDirectory)) {
try {
BuildInformation bi = getBuildInformation();
LOG.log(Level.INFO, "build info for " + instanceDirectory.getName() +
": " + bi);
} catch (ApplicationException e) {
LOG.log(Level.INFO, "error determining build information", e);
* Indicates whether or not this installation appears to be an actual
* OpenDS installation.
* @param file The root directory
* @return boolean where true indicates that this does indeed appear to be
* a valid OpenDS installation; false otherwise
public boolean isValid(File file) {
boolean valid = true;
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
valid = false;
return valid;
* Creates a string explaining why this is not a legitimate OpenDS
* installation. Null if this is in fact a vaild installation.
* @return localized message indicating the reason this is not an
* OpenDS installation
public String getInvalidityReason() {
String reason = null;
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
reason = e.getLocalizedMessage();
return reason;
* Gets the Configuration object representing this file. The
* current configuration is stored in config/config.ldif.
* @return Configuration representing the current configuration.
public Configuration getCurrentConfiguration() {
if (configuration == null) {
configuration = new Configuration(this, getCurrentConfigurationFile());
return configuration;
* Gets the Configuration object representing this file. The base
* configuration is stored in config/upgrade/config.ldif.[svn rev].
* @return Configuration object representing the base configuration.
* @throws ApplicationException if there was a problem determining the
* svn rev number.
public Configuration getBaseConfiguration() throws ApplicationException {
if (baseConfiguration == null) {
baseConfiguration = new Configuration(this, getBaseConfigurationFile());
return baseConfiguration;
* Gets the current status of this installation.
* @return Status object representing the state of this installation.
public Status getStatus() {
if (status == null) {
status = new Status(this);
return status;
* Returns the path to the libraries.
* @return the path to the libraries.
public File getLibrariesDirectory() {
return new File(getRootDirectory(), LIBRARIES_PATH_RELATIVE);
* Returns the path to the tools properties file.
* @return the path to the tools properties file.
public File getToolsPropertiesFile() {
return new File(getRootDirectory(), TOOLS_PROPERTIES);
* Returns the path to the set-java-home file.
* @return the path to the set-java-home file.
public File getSetJavaHomeFile() {
return new File(getLibrariesDirectory(),
* Creates a File object representing config/upgrade/schema.ldif.current
* which the server creates the first time it starts if there are schema
* customizations.
* @return File object with no
public File getSchemaConcatFile() {
return new File(getConfigurationUpgradeDirectory(),
* Creates a File object representing config/upgrade/schema.ldif.current
* which the server creates the first time it starts if there are schema
* customizations.
* @return File object with no
* @throws ApplicationException if there was a problem determining the
* svn revision number
public File getBaseSchemaFile() throws ApplicationException {
return new File(getConfigurationUpgradeDirectory(),
"schema.ldif." + getSvnRev().toString());
* Creates a File object representing config/upgrade/schema.ldif.current
* which the server creates the first time it starts if there are schema
* customizations.
* @return File object with no
* @throws ApplicationException if there was a problem determining the
* svn revision number
public File getBaseConfigurationFile() throws ApplicationException {
return new File(getConfigurationUpgradeDirectory(),
BASE_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX + getSvnRev().toString());
* Gets the SVN revision number of the build.
* @return Integer representing the svn number
* @throws ApplicationException if for some reason the number could not
* be determined
public Integer getSvnRev() throws ApplicationException {
BuildInformation bi = getBuildInformation();
return bi.getRevisionNumber();
* Returns the path to the configuration file of the directory server. Note
* that this method assumes that this code is being run locally.
* @return the path of the configuration file of the directory server.
public File getCurrentConfigurationFile() {
return new File(getConfigurationDirectory(), CURRENT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME);
* Returns the path to the ADS file of the directory server. Note
* that this method assumes that this code is being run locally.
* @return the path of the ADS file of the directory server.
public File getADSBackendFile() {
return new File(getRootDirectory(), ADSContext.getAdminLDIFFile());
* Returns the relative path of the directory containing the binaries/scripts
* of the Open DS installation. The path is relative to the installation
* path.
* @return the relative path of the directory containing the binaries/scripts
* of the Open DS installation.
public File getBinariesDirectory() {
File binPath;
if (Utils.isWindows()) {
binPath = new File(getRootDirectory(), WINDOWS_BINARIES_PATH_RELATIVE);
} else {
binPath = new File(getRootDirectory(), UNIX_BINARIES_PATH_RELATIVE);
return binPath;
* Returns the path to the database files under the install path.
* @return the path to the database files under the install path.
public File getDatabasesDirectory() {
return new File(getInstanceDirectory(), DATABASES_PATH_RELATIVE);
* Returns the path to the backup files under the install path.
* @return the path to the backup files under the install path.
public File getBackupDirectory() {
return new File(getInstanceDirectory(), BACKUPS_PATH_RELATIVE);
* Returns the path to the config files under the install path.
* @return the path to the config files under the install path.
public File getConfigurationDirectory() {
return new File(getInstanceDirectory(), CONFIG_PATH_RELATIVE);
* Returns the path to the log files under the install path.
* @return the path to the log files under the install path.
public File getLogsDirectory() {
return new File(getInstanceDirectory(), LOGS_PATH_RELATIVE);
* Returns the directory where the lock files are stored.
* @return the path to the lock files.
public File getLocksDirectory() {
return new File(getInstanceDirectory(), LOCKS_PATH_RELATIVE);
* Gets the directory used to store files temporarily.
* @return File temporary directory
public File getTemporaryDirectory() {
return new File(getInstanceDirectory(), TMP_PATH_RELATIVE);
* Returns the directory where the lock files are stored.
* @return the path to the lock files.
public File getHistoryDirectory() {
return new File(getInstanceDirectory(), HISTORY_PATH_RELATIVE);
* Creates a new directory in the history directory appropriate
* for backing up an installation during an upgrade.
* @return File representing a new backup directory. The directory
* can be assumed to exist if this method returns cleanly.
* @throws IOException if an error occurred creating the directory.
public File createHistoryBackupDirectory() throws IOException {
File backupDirectory =
new File(getHistoryDirectory(),
if (backupDirectory.exists()) {
if (!backupDirectory.mkdirs()) {
throw new IOException("failed to create history backup directory");
return backupDirectory;
* Gets the log file where the history of upgrades and reversions is kept.
* @return File containing upgrade/reversion history.
public File getHistoryLogFile() {
return new File(getHistoryDirectory(), HISTORY_LOG_FILE_NAME);
* Gets the directory config/upgrade.
* @return File representing the config/upgrade directory
public File getConfigurationUpgradeDirectory() {
return new File(getConfigurationDirectory(), UPGRADE_PATH);
* Gets the directory where the upgrader stores files temporarily.
* @return File representing the upgrader's temporary directory
public File getTemporaryUpgradeDirectory() {
return new File(getTemporaryDirectory(), UPGRADE_PATH);
* Gets the file for invoking a particular command appropriate for
* the current operating system.
* @param command namd of the command
* @return File representing the command
public File getCommandFile(String command) {
File commandFile;
if (Utils.isWindows()) {
commandFile = new File(getBinariesDirectory(),
command + ".bat");
} else {
commandFile = new File(getBinariesDirectory(),
return commandFile;
* Gets the file responsible for stopping the server appropriate
* for the current operating system.
* @return File representing the stop command
public File getServerStartCommandFile() {
File startCommandFile;
if (Utils.isWindows()) {
startCommandFile = new File(getBinariesDirectory(),
} else {
startCommandFile = new File(getBinariesDirectory(),
return startCommandFile;
* Gets the file responsible for stopping the server appropriate
* for the current operating system.
* @return File representing the stop command
public File getServerStopCommandFile() {
File stopCommandFile;
if (Utils.isWindows()) {
stopCommandFile = new File(getBinariesDirectory(),
} else {
stopCommandFile = new File(getBinariesDirectory(),
return stopCommandFile;
* Returns the 'ldif' directory.
* @return the 'ldif' directory.
public File getLdifDirectory() {
return new File(getRootDirectory(), LDIFS_PATH_RELATIVE);
* Returns the path to the quicksetup jar file.
* @return the path to the quicksetup jar file.
public File getQuicksetupJarFile() {
return new File(getLibrariesDirectory(), "quicksetup.jar");
* Returns the path to the opends jar file.
* @return the path to the opends jar file.
public File getOpenDSJarFile() {
return new File(getLibrariesDirectory(), "OpenDS.jar");
* Returns the path to the uninstall.bat file.
* @return the path to the uninstall.bat file.
public File getUninstallBatFile() {
return new File(getRootDirectory(), "uninstall.bat");
* Gets the status panel command file appropriate for the current operating
* system.
* @return File object representing the status panel command
public File getStatusPanelCommandFile() {
File statusPanelCommandFile;
if (Utils.isWindows()) {
statusPanelCommandFile = new File(getBinariesDirectory(),
} else if (Utils.isMacOS()) {
statusPanelCommandFile = new File(getRootDirectory() +
} else {
statusPanelCommandFile = new File(getBinariesDirectory(),
return statusPanelCommandFile;
* Gets the status command file appropriate for the current operating
* system.
* @return File object representing the status command
public File getStatusCommandFile() {
File statusPanelCommandFile;
if (Utils.isWindows()) {
statusPanelCommandFile = new File(getBinariesDirectory(),
} else {
statusPanelCommandFile = new File(getBinariesDirectory(),
return statusPanelCommandFile;
* Gets information about the build that was used to produce the bits
* for this installation.
* @return BuildInformation object describing this installation
* @throws ApplicationException if there is a problem obtaining the
* build information
public BuildInformation getBuildInformation() throws ApplicationException {
return getBuildInformation(true);
* Gets information about the build that was used to produce the bits
* for this installation.
* @param useCachedVersion where true indicates that a potentially cached
* version of the build information is acceptable for use; false indicates
* the the build information will be created from scratch which is potentially
* time consuming
* @return BuildInformation object describing this installation
* @throws ApplicationException if there is a problem obtaining the
* build information
public BuildInformation getBuildInformation(boolean useCachedVersion)
throws ApplicationException
if (buildInformation == null || !useCachedVersion) {
FutureTask<BuildInformation> ft = new FutureTask<BuildInformation>(
new Callable<BuildInformation>() {
public BuildInformation call() throws ApplicationException {
return BuildInformation.create(Installation.this);
new Thread(ft).start();
try {
buildInformation = ft.get();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOG.log(Level.INFO, "interrupted trying to get build information", e);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
throw (ApplicationException)e.getCause();
return buildInformation;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString() {
return Utils.getPath(rootDirectory);