revision c4cdb34ae21ebbbc11586715cfa777fd2a75b8e0
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
# (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at
# trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
# or
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at
# trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable,
# add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
# by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
# Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# Copyright 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# This file contains the primary Directory Server configuration. It must not
# be directly edited while the server is online. The server configuration
# should only be managed using the administration utilities provided with the
# Directory Server.
# Global directives
# Format string definitions
# Keys must be formatted as follows:
# where:
# SEVERITY is one of:
# DESCRIPTION is an upper case string providing a hint as to the context of
# the message in upper case with the underscore ('_') character serving as
# word separator
# ORDINAL is an integer unique among other ordinals in this file
MILD_ERR_SYNC_INVALID_DN_1=The configured DN is already used by another \
MILD_ERR_INVALID_CHANGELOG_SERVER_4=Invalid replication server configuration
MILD_ERR_UNKNOWN_HOSTNAME_5=Replication Server failed to start because the \
hostname is unknown
MILD_ERR_COULD_NOT_BIND_CHANGELOG_6=Replication Server failed to start : \
could not bind to the listen port : %d. Error : %s
MILD_ERR_UNKNOWN_TYPE_7=Unknown operation type : %s
MILD_ERR_OPERATION_NOT_FOUND_IN_PENDING_9=Internal Error : Operation %s \
change number %s was not found in pending list
MILD_ERR_COULD_NOT_INITIALIZE_DB_10=The replication server failed to start because the \
database %s could not be opened
MILD_ERR_COULD_NOT_READ_DB_11=The replication server failed to start because the database \
%s could not be read : %s
MILD_ERR_EXCEPTION_REPLAYING_OPERATION_12=An Exception was caught while \
replaying operation %s : %s
MILD_ERR_NEED_CHANGELOG_PORT_13=The replication server port must be defined
DEBUG_ERROR_UPDATING_RUV_14=Error %s when updating server state %s : %s \
base dn : %s
MILD_ERR_ERROR_SEARCHING_RUV_15=Error %s when searching for server state %s : \
%s base dn : %s
NOTICE_SERVER_DISCONNECT_16=%s has disconnected from this replication server %s
NOTICE_NO_CHANGELOG_SERVER_LISTENING_17=There is no replication server \
listening on %s
NOTICE_FOUND_CHANGELOGS_WITH_MY_CHANGES_18=Found %d replication server(s) with \
up to date changes for suffix %s, in server id %s
server should be configured
SEVERE_ERR_EXCEPTION_SENDING_TOPO_INFO_20=Caught IOException while sending \
topology info (for update) on domain %s for %s server %s : %s
MILD_ERR_CANNOT_RECOVER_CHANGES_21=Error when searching old changes from the \
database for base DN %s
replication server that has seen all the local changes on suffix %s. Found %d \
replications server(s) not up to date. Going to replay changes
NOTICE_COULD_NOT_FIND_CHANGELOG_23=Could not connect to any replication \
server on suffix %s, retrying...
NOTICE_EXCEPTION_CLOSING_DATABASE_24=Error closing Replication Server database \
%s :
operation could not be decoded :
underlying database. The Replication Server is going to shut down
found in the list of database known by this Replication Server :%s. This \
Identifier will be ignored
SEVERE_ERR_ERROR_CLOSING_CHANGELOG_ENV_28=Error closing the Replication Server \
database :
Server database trimming or flush process. The Changelog service is going to \
handshake processing. Connection from/to %s is aborted
SEVERE_ERR_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE_31=%s has sent an unknown message. Closing the \
SEVERE_ERR_WRITER_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION_32=An unexpected error happened \
handling connection with %s. This connection is going to be closed
SEVERE_ERR_RS_ERROR_SENDING_ACK_33=In replication server %s: an unexpected error \
occurred while sending an ack to server id %s for change number %s in domain %s \
. This connection is going to be closed and reopened
while receiving replication message : %s
MILD_ERR_LOOP_REPLAYING_OPERATION_35=A loop was detected while replaying \
operation: %s error %s
MILD_ERR_FILE_CHECK_CREATE_FAILED_36=An Exception was caught while testing \
existence or trying to create the directory for the Replication Server \
database : %s
INFO_CHANGELOG_SERVER_ATTR_37=List of replication servers to \
which this Replication Server should connect. Each value of this attribute \
should contain a values build with the hostname and the port number of the \
remote server separated with a ":"
INFO_SERVER_ID_ATTR_38=Server ID. Each Replication Server in \
the topology must be assigned a unique server ID in the topology
INFO_CHANGELOG_PORT_ATTR_39=Port number that the replication \
server will use to listen for connections from LDAP servers
INFO_WINDOW_SIZE_ATTR_40=Receive window size of the replication server
INFO_QUEUE_SIZE_ATTR_41=Receive queue size of the replication \
server. The replication servers will queue up to this number of messages in \
its memory queue and save the older messages to persistent storage. Using a \
larger size may improve performances when The replication delay is larger \
than this size but at the cost of using more memory
INFO_CHANGELOG_DIR_PATH_ATTR_42=Replication Server directory. \
The replication server will create all persistent storage below this path
INFO_PURGE_DELAY_ATTR_43=Replication Server Purge Delay, The replication \
Servers will keep all changes up to this amount of time before deleting them. \
This value defines the maximum age of a backup that can be restored because \
replication servers would not be able to refresh LDAP servers with older \
versions of the data. A zero value can be used to specify an infinite delay \
(or never purge)
rejected due to an import or an export already in progress for the same data
SEVERE_ERR_INVALID_IMPORT_SOURCE_45=Invalid source for the import
SEVERE_ERR_INVALID_EXPORT_TARGET_46=Invalid target for the export
SEVERE_ERR_NO_REACHABLE_PEER_IN_THE_DOMAIN_47=No reachable peer in the domain
SEVERE_ERR_NO_MATCHING_DOMAIN_48=No domain matches the base DN provided
SEVERE_ERR_MULTIPLE_MATCHING_DOMAIN_49=Multiple domains match the base DN \
SEVERE_ERR_INVALID_PROVIDER_50=The provider class does not allow the \
operation requested
SEVERE_ERR_COULD_NOT_SOLVE_HOSTNAME_51=The hostname %s could not be resolved \
as an IP address
NOTICE_READER_NULL_MSG_52=Received a Null Msg from %s
NOTICE_READER_EXCEPTION_53=Exception when reading messages from %s
SEVERE_ERR_DUPLICATE_SERVER_ID_54=In Replication server %s: servers %s and %s \
have the same ServerId : %d
replication servers %s and %s have the same ServerId : %d
SEVERE_ERR_BAD_HISTORICAL_56=Entry %s was containing some unknown historical \
information, This may cause some inconsistency for this entry
MILD_ERR_CANNOT_ADD_CONFLICT_ATTRIBUTE_57=A conflict was detected but the \
conflict information could not be added. Operation :
MILD_ERR_CANNOT_RENAME_CONFLICT_ENTRY_58=An error happened trying to \
rename a conflicting entry :
trying to rename a conflicting entry :
UTF-8. This is required to be able to encode the changes in the database. \
This replication server will now shutdown
SEVERE_ERR_REPLICATION_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_61=The Replication is configured for \
suffix %s but was not able to connect to any Replication Server
NOTICE_NOW_FOUND_SAME_GENERATION_CHANGELOG_62=Replication is up and running \
for domain %s with replication server id %s %s - local server id is %s - data \
generation is %s
NOTICE_DISCONNECTED_FROM_CHANGELOG_63=The connection to Replication Server %s \
%s has been dropped by the Replication Server for %s in local server id %s
SEVERE_ERR_CHANGELOG_ERROR_SENDING_ERROR_65=An unexpected error occurred \
while sending an Error Message to %s. This connection is going to be closed \
and reopened
SEVERE_ERR_CHANGELOG_ERROR_SENDING_MSG_66=An unexpected error occurred while \
sending a Message to %s. This connection is going to be closed and reopened
MILD_ERR_ERROR_REPLAYING_OPERATION_67=Could not replay operation %s with \
ChangeNumber %s error %s %s
MILD_ERR_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_IN_HISTORICAL_68=The entry %s has historical \
information for attribute %s which is not defined in the schema. This \
information will be ignored
NOTICE_UNRESOLVED_CONFLICT_69=An unresolved conflict was detected for DN %s
SEVERE_ERR_COULD_NOT_CLOSE_THE_SOCKET_70=The Replication Server socket could not \
be closed : %s
SEVERE_ERR_COULD_NOT_STOP_LISTEN_THREAD_71=The thread listening on the \
replication server port could not be stopped : %s
DEBUG_REPLICATION_PORT_IOEXCEPTION_72=An IOException was caught while \
listening on the replication port
SEVERE_ERR_SEARCHING_GENERATION_ID_73=An unexpected error %s occurred when \
searching for generation id for domain : %s
SEVERE_ERR_SEARCHING_DOMAIN_BACKEND_74=An unexpected error occurred when \
looking for the replicated backend : %s. It may be not configured or disabled
SEVERE_ERR_LOADING_GENERATION_ID_75=An unexpected error occurred when \
searching in %s for the generation ID : %s
SEVERE_ERR_UPDATING_GENERATION_ID_76=An unexpected error %s occurred \
when updating generation ID for the domain : %s
NOTICE_BAD_GENERATION_ID_FROM_RS_77=On suffix %s, replication server %s presented \
generation ID=%s when expected generation ID=%s
NOTICE_RESET_GENERATION_ID_78=The generation ID has been resetted for domain %s. \
New reference generation id is %s
MILD_ERR_ERROR_MSG_RECEIVED_79=The following error has been received : %s
MILD_ERR_IGNORING_UPDATE_FROM_RS_80=In RS %s for dn %s, update %s received from \
RS %s is ignored due to a bad generation id of remote RS (local genid: \
%s, remote genid: %s)
MILD_ERR_IGNORING_UPDATE_TO_RS_81=In RS %s for dn %s, update %s will not be sent \
to RS %s with generation id %s different from local generation id %s
SEVERE_ERR_INIT_IMPORT_NOT_SUPPORTED_82= Initialization cannot be done because \
import is not supported by the backend %s
SEVERE_ERR_INIT_EXPORT_NOT_SUPPORTED_83= Initialization cannot be done because \
export is not supported by the backend %s
SEVERE_ERR_INIT_CANNOT_LOCK_BACKEND_84= Initialization cannot be done because \
the following error occurred while locking the backend %s : %s
NOTICE_EXCEPTION_RESTARTING_SESSION_85=Caught Exception during reinitialization of \
communication on domain %s : %s
SEVERE_ERR_EXCEPTION_LISTENING_86=Replication server caught exception while \
listening for client connections %s
SEVERE_ERR_ERROR_CLEARING_DB_87=While clearing the database %s , the following \
error happened: %s
NOTICE_ERR_ROUTING_TO_SERVER_88=Protocol error : a replication server is not expected \
to be the destination of a message of type %s
SEVERE_ERR_CHECK_CREATE_REPL_BACKEND_FAILED_89=An unexpected error occurred when \
testing existence or creating the replication backend : %s
SEVERE_ERR_DELETE_REPL_BACKEND_FAILED_90=An unexpected error occurred when \
deleting the replication backend : %s
SEVERE_ERR_BACKEND_EXPORT_ENTRY_91=An error occurred when \
exporting the entry %s : %s
creating the LDIF writer to export backend : %s
SEVERE_ERR_BACKEND_SEARCH_ENTRY_93 =An error occurred when \
searching for %s : %s
the replication server backend
SEVERE_ERR_UNKNOWN_DN_95=The base DN %s is not stored by any of the \
Directory Server backend
NOTICE_NOW_FOUND_BAD_GENERATION_CHANGELOG_96=Replication is connected to \
replication server, but has a different generation id for domain %s than \
replication server %s - local data generation is %s - replication server data \
generation is %s - This may be only temporary or requires a full \
NOTICE_HEARTBEAT_FAILURE_97=%s is closing the session \
because it could not detect a heartbeat
server backend does not support the import ldif function
server backend cannot export its entries in LDIF format because the \
export-ldif command must be run as a task
NOTICE_SSL_SERVER_CON_ATTEMPT_ERROR_105=SSL connection attempt from %s (%s) \
failed: %s
SEVERE_ERR_MISSING_REMOTE_MONITOR_DATA_106=Monitor data of remote servers \
are missing due to an error in the retrieval process. Potentially a server \
is too slow to provide its monitoring data over the protocol
SEVERE_ERR_PROCESSING_REMOTE_MONITOR_DATA_107=Monitor data of remote servers \
are missing due to a processing error : %s
sending request to get remote monitor data
while replaying replication message : %s
configuration could not be found
DEBUG_GOING_TO_SEARCH_FOR_CHANGES_111=The replication server is late \
regarding our changes: going to send missing ones
DEBUG_SENDING_CHANGE_112=Sending change number: %s
DEBUG_CHANGES_SENT_113=All missing changes sent to replication server
SEVERE_ERR_PUBLISHING_FAKE_OPS_114=Caught exception publishing fake operations \
for domain %s : %s
SEVERE_ERR_COMPUTING_FAKE_OPS_115=Caught exception computing fake operations \
for domain %s for replication server %s : %s
NOTICE_IGNORING_REMOTE_MONITOR_DATA_116=Some monitor data have been received \
from the server with server ID %s too late and are ignored
NOTICE_SERVER_STATE_RECOVERY_117=ServerState recovery for domain %s, \
updated with changeNumber %s
SEVERE_ERR_RESET_GENERATION_CONN_ERR_ID_118=The generation ID could not be \
reset for domain %s because it is NOT connected to the replication. You should \
check in the configuration that the domain is enabled
SEVERE_ERR_EXCEPTION_STARTING_SESSION_PHASE_119=Caught Exception during initial \
communication (phase %s) on domain %s with replication server %s : %s
NOTICE_NEW_SERVER_WITH_SAME_GROUP_ID_120=Disconnecting from replication server \
as a new one with our group id (%s) just arrived in topology. This is for \
domain %s and we have server id %s
SEVERE_ERR_RS_DN_DOES_NOT_MATCH_121=DN sent by remote replication server: %s does \
not match local replication server one: %s
SEVERE_ERR_DS_DN_DOES_NOT_MATCH_122=DN sent by replication server: %s does \
not match local directory server one: %s
forwarding ResetGenerationIdMsg to peer replication servers for domain %s : %s
SEVERE_ERR_DS_INVALID_INIT_STATUS_124=Computed invalid initial status: %s in \
DS replication domain %s with server id %s
SEVERE_ERR_RS_INVALID_INIT_STATUS_125=Replication server received invalid \
initial status: %s for replication domain %s from server id %s
SEVERE_ERR_DS_INVALID_REQUESTED_STATUS_126=Received invalid requested status %s \
in DS replication domain %s with server id %s
SEVERE_ERR_RS_CANNOT_CHANGE_STATUS_127=Could not compute new status in RS \
replication domain %s for server id %s. Was in %s status and received %s event
SEVERE_ERR_DS_CANNOT_CHANGE_STATUS_128=Could not compute new status in DS \
replication domain %s with server id %s. Was in %s status and received %s event
while changing status for domain %s and serverId: %s after reset for \
generation id: %s
message does not come from a directory server (dn: %s, server id: %s, msg: %s)
NOTICE_DIRECTORY_SERVER_CHANGED_STATUS_131=Directory server %s for dn %s \
changed his status to %s
SEVERE_ERR_RS_INVALID_NEW_STATUS_132=Received invalid new status %s \
in RS for replication domain %s and directory server id %s
replication server with wrong group id. We have group id %s and replication \
server id %s %s has group id %s. This is for domain %s in directory server %s
SEVERE_ERR_EXCEPTION_SENDING_CS_134=Replication broker with dn %s and server \
id %s failed to signal status change because of: %s
MILD_ERR_IGNORING_UPDATE_FROM_DS_BADGENID_135=In RS %s for dn %s, update %s \
received from DS %s is ignored due to a bad generation id of DS (local genid: \
%s, remote genid: %s)
MILD_ERR_IGNORING_UPDATE_TO_DS_BADGENID_136=In RS %s for dn %s, update %s will \
not be sent to DS %s with generation id %s different from local generation id %s
MILD_ERR_IGNORING_UPDATE_FROM_DS_FULLUP_137=In RS %s for dn %s, update %s \
received from DS %s is ignored due to DS in full update
MILD_ERR_IGNORING_UPDATE_TO_DS_FULLUP_138=In RS %s for dn %s, update %s will \
not be sent to DS %s in full update
IOException while changing status for domain %s and serverId: %s from status \
analyzer: %s
NOTICE_BAD_GEN_ID_IN_FULL_UPDATE_140=Replication server %s for dn %s: directory \
server %s must stay in full update although a generation id reset has been \
ordered (from %s to %s)
NOTICE_FULL_UPDATE_ENGAGED_FROM_REMOTE_START_141=Local directory server %s is \
starting online full update for importing suffix %s data from remote \
directory server %s
NOTICE_FULL_UPDATE_ENGAGED_FROM_REMOTE_END_142=Local directory server %s has \
finished online full update for importing suffix %s data from remote \
directory server %s
NOTICE_FULL_UPDATE_ENGAGED_FOR_REMOTE_START_143=Local directory server %s is \
starting online full update for exporting suffix %s data to remote directory \
server %s
NOTICE_FULL_UPDATE_ENGAGED_FOR_REMOTE_END_144=Local directory server %s has \
finished online full update for exporting suffix datat %s to remote directory \
server %s
NOTICE_TIMEOUT_WHEN_CROSS_CONNECTION_145=Timed out trying to acquire the domain \
lock for %s. Connection attempt from replication server %s to local replication \
server %s will be aborted. Simultanate cross connection attempt ?
NOTICE_BAD_GENERATION_ID_FROM_DS_146=On suffix %s, directory server %s presented \
generation ID=%s when expected generation ID=%s
SEVERE_ERR_DS_RECEIVED_ACK_ERROR_147=In replication service %s, the assured \
update message %s was acknowledged with the following errors: %s
SEVERE_ERR_DS_ACK_TIMEOUT_148=In replication service %s, timeout after %s ms \
waiting for the acknowledgement of the assured update message: %s
SEVERE_ERR_DS_UNKNOWN_ASSURED_MODE_149=In directory server %s, received unknown \
assured update mode: %s, for domain %s. Message: %s
SEVERE_ERR_RS_UNKNOWN_ASSURED_MODE_150=In replication server %s, received unknown \
assured update mode: %s, for domain %s. Message: %s
SEVERE_ERR_UNKNOWN_ASSURED_SAFE_DATA_LEVEL_151=In replication server %s, \
received a safe data assured update message with incoherent level: %s, this is \
for domain %s. Message: %s