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<para>This guide shows you how to install, upgrade, and remove OpenDJ
software. Unless you are planning a throwaway evaluation or test
installation, read the <link xlink:href="release-notes#release-notes"
Notes</citetitle></link> before you get started.</para>
<para>If you want only to try OpenDJ server software, and you
do not plan to store any real or important data that you want to keep,
then you need not read this entire guide. Instead, try <link
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Installing OpenDJ
With the QuickSetup Wizard</citetitle></link>.</para>
<title>Who Should Read this Guide</title>
<para>This guide is written for anyone installing OpenDJ who plans to
maintain directory services for client applications. Basic OpenDJ
installation, especially using Java WebStart, can be simple and
straightforward, particularly if you are already acquainted with directory
services. Upgrading a running directory service without a single point of
failure that can cause downtime requires at least a little thought
and planning. Also, even in the case of basic installation, you may
find yourself wanting more background about what you are doing.</para>
<para>This guide covers the install, upgrade, and removal (a.k.a. uninstall)
procedures that you theoretically perform only once per version. This guide
aims to provide you with at least some idea of what happens behind the
scenes when you perform the steps.</para>
<para>You do not need to be an LDAP wizard to learn something from this
guide, though a background in directory services and maintaining server
software can help. You do need some background in managing servers and
services on your operating system of choice. You can nevertheless get
started with this guide, and then learn more as you go along.</para>
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