preface.xml revision 51607ea01068c9047391e4c8b46bc9dbd0edb7fd
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<para>This guide shows you how to configure, maintain, and troubleshoot
OpenDJ directory services. This guide also describes file layouts, ports
used, and standards, controls, extended operations, and languages supported
for OpenDJ installations.</para>
<title>Who Should Read this Guide</title>
<para>This guide is written for directory designers and administrators who
build, deploy, and maintain OpenDJ directory services for your
<para>This guide starts by introducing the OpenDJ administrative interfaces
and tools, and by showing how to manage OpenDJ server processes. It also
demonstrates how to import and export directory data. This guide continues
by showing how to configure and monitor the principle features of individual
OpenDJ servers, and how to configure and monitor replicated server
topologies for distributed high availability. It then demonstrates how to
tune, troubleshoot, and move servers. This guide concludes with appendices
of useful reference information for directory designers and
<para>You do not need to be an LDAP wizard to learn something from this
guide, though a background in directory services and maintaining server
software can help. You do need some background in managing servers and
services on your operating system of choice. You can nevertheless get
started with this guide, and then learn more as you go along.</para>
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