chap-connection-handlers.xml revision 51607ea01068c9047391e4c8b46bc9dbd0edb7fd
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<chapter xml:id='chap-connection-handlers'
xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Configuring Connection Handlers</title>
<para>This chapter shows you how to configure OpenDJ directory server to
listen for directory client requests, using connection handlers. You can view
information about connection handlers in the OpenDJ Control Panel, and update
the configuration using the <command>dsconfig</command> command.</para>
<section xml:id="configure-ldap-port">
<title>LDAP Client Access</title>
<para>You configure LDAP client access by using the command-line tool
<command>dsconfig</command>. By default you configure OpenDJ to listen for
LDAP when you install.</para>
<para>The standard port number for LDAP client access is 389. If you
install OpenDJ directory server as a user who can use port 389 and the port
is not yet in use, then 389 is the default port number presented at
installation time. If you install as a user who cannot use a port &lt; 1024,
then the default port number presented at installation time is 1389.</para>
<procedure xml:id="change-ldap-port">
<title>To Change the LDAP Port Number</title>
<para>Change the port number using the <command>dsconfig</command>
<screen>$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--handler-name "LDAP Connection Handler"
--set listen-port:11389
<para>This example changes the port number to 11389 in the configuration.</para>
<para>Restart the connection handler so the change takes effect.</para>
<para> To restart the connection handler, you disable it, then enable
it again.</para>
<screen>$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--handler-name "LDAP Connection Handler"
--set enabled:false
$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--handler-name "LDAP Connection Handler"
--set enabled:true
<section xml:id="setup-server-cert">
<title>Preparing For Secure Communications</title>
<para>One common way to protect connections between OpenDJ and client
applications involves using StartTLS for LDAP or LDAPS to secure
connections. OpenDJ and client applications use X.509 digital certificates
to set up secure connections.</para>
<para>Both OpenDJ and client applications check that certificates are signed
by a trusted party before accepting them. Merely setting up a secure
connection therefore involves a sort of authentication using certificates.
If either OpenDJ or the client application cannot trust the peer certificate,
then the attempt to set up a secure connection must fail.</para>
<para>By default OpenDJ client tools prompt you if they do not recognize the
server certificate. Other clients might not prompt you. OpenDJ server has no
one to prompt when a client presents a certificate that cannot be
trusted, so it must simply refuse to set up the
connection.<footnote><para>Unless you use the Blind Trust Manager
Provider, which is recommended only for test purposes.</para></footnote>
In other words, it is important for both OpenDJ and client applications
to be able to verify that peer certificates exchanged have been signed by
a trusted party.</para>
<para>In practice this means that both OpenDJ and client applications must
put the certificates that were used to sign each others' certificates in their
respective trust stores. Conventionally, certificates are therefore signed by
a Certificate Authority (CA). A CA is trusted to sign other certificates. The
Java runtime environment for example comes with a trust store holding
certificates from many well-known CAs.<footnote><para><filename
>$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts</filename> holds the CA certificates.
To read the full list, use the following command.</para>
<screen>$ keytool
-keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts
-storepass changeit</screen></footnote> If your client uses a valid
certificate signed by one of these CAs, then OpenDJ can verify the
certificate without additional configuration, because OpenDJ can find
the CA certificate in the Java CA certificate trust store. Likewise if
you set up StartTLS or LDAPS in OpenDJ using a valid certificate signed
by one of these CAs, then many client applications can verify the OpenDJ
server certificate without further configuration.</para>
<para>In summary, if you need a certificate to be recognized automatically,
get the certificate signed by a well-known CA.</para>
<para>You can, however, choose to have your certificates signed some other
way. You can set up your own CA. You can use a CA whose signing certificate
is not widely distributed. You can also use self-signed certificates. In each
case, you must add the signing certificates into the trust store of each
peer making secure connections.</para>
<para>For OpenDJ directory server, you can choose to import your own CA-signed
certificate as part of the installation process, or later using command-line
tools. Alternatively, you can let the OpenDJ installation program create a
self-signed certificate as part of the OpenDJ installation process. In
addition, you can add a signing certificate to the OpenDJ trust store using
the Java <command>keytool</command> command.</para>
<para>The following example shows the <command>keytool</command> command to
add a client application's binary format, self-signed certificate to the
OpenDJ trust store (assuming OpenDJ is already configured to use secure
connections). This enables OpenDJ to recognize the self-signed client
application certificate. (By definition a self-signed certificate is itself
the signing certificate. Notice that the Owner and the Issuer are the
<screen>$ keytool
-alias myapp-cert
-file myapp-cert.crt
-keystore /path/to/opendj/config/truststore
-storepass `cat /path/to/opendj/config/`
Owner: CN=My App, OU=Apps, DC=example, DC=com
Issuer: CN=My App, OU=Apps, DC=example, DC=com
Serial number: 5ae2277
Valid from: Fri Jan 18 18:27:09 CET 2013 until: Thu Jan 13 18:27:09 CET 2033
Certificate fingerprints:
MD5: 48:AC:F9:13:11:E0:AB:C4:65:A2:83:9E:DB:FE:0C:37
SHA1: F9:61:54:37:AA:C1:BC:92:45:07:64:4B:23:6C:BC:C9:CD:1D:44:0F
SHA256: 2D:B1:58:CD:33:40:E9:ED:...:EA:C9:FF:6A:19:93:FE:E4:84:E3
Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
Version: 3
#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 54 C0 C5 9C 73 37 85 4B F2 3B D3 37 FD 45 0A AB T...s7.K.;.7.E..
0010: C9 6B 32 95 .k2.
Trust this certificate? [no]: yes
Certificate was added to keystore</screen>
<para>When working with a certificate in printable encoding format (.pem)
rather than binary format, use the <option>-rfc</option> option, too.</para>
<para>Restart OpenDJ after adding certificates to the trust store to make
sure that OpenDJ reads the updated trust store file.</para>
<para>On the client side, if your applications are also Java applications,
then you can also import the OpenDJ signing certificate into the trust
store for the applications using the <command>keytool</command>
<para>The following example shows the <command>keytool</command> command
to export the OpenDJ self-signed certificate in binary format.</para>
<screen>$ keytool
-alias server-cert
-file server-cert.crt
-keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
-storepass `cat /path/to/opendj/config/`
Certificate stored in file &lt;server-cert.crt&gt;</screen>
<para>Importing the server certificate is similar to importing the client
certificate, as shown above.</para>
<para>The following sections describe how to get and install certificates
for OpenDJ directory server on the command line, for use when setting up
StartTLS or LDAPS.</para>
<procedure xml:id="new-ca-signed-cert">
<title>To Request and Install a CA-Signed Certificate</title>
<para>First you create a server certificate in a Java Key Store. Next you
issue a signing request to the CA, and get the CA-signed certificate as a
reply. Then you set up the Key Manager Provider and Trust Manager Provider
to rely on your new server certificate stored in the OpenDJ key store.</para>
<para>Generate the server certificate by using the Java
<command>keytool</command> command.</para>
<para>The CN attribute value is the FQDN for OpenDJ directory server, which
you can see under Server Details in the OpenDJ Control Panel.</para>
<screen>$ keytool
-alias server-cert
-keyalg rsa
-dname ",O=Example Corp,C=FR"
-keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
-storepass changeit
-keypass changeit</screen>
<note><para>Notice that the <option>-storepass</option> and
<option>-keypass</option> options take identical password arguments.
OpenDJ requires that you use the same password to protect both the keystore
and also the private key.</para></note>
<para>Create a certificate signing request file for the certificate you
<screen>$ keytool
-alias server-cert
-keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
-storepass changeit
-file server-cert.csr</screen>
<para>Have the CA sign the request
<para>See the instructions from your CA on how to provide the
<para>The CA returns the signed certificate.</para>
<!-- Create a CA cert for signing certificates.
Not part of the procedure, but helpful when trying this out:
$ openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 4096
Generating RSA private key, 4096 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)
Enter pass phrase for ca.key:
Verifying - Enter pass phrase for ca.key:
$ openssl req -new -x509 -days 7300 -key ca.key -out ca.crt
Enter pass phrase for ca.key:
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:FR
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:
Locality Name (eg, city) []:Grenoble
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Example Corp
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:Example CA
Email Address []
$ openssl x509 -req -in server-cert.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 01 -out server-cert.crt
Signature ok
subject=/C=FR/O=Example Corp/
Getting CA Private Key
Enter pass phrase for ca.key:
$ openssl x509 -req -in myapp-cert.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 01 -out myapp-cert.crt
Signature ok
subject=/DC=com/DC=example/OU=Apps/CN=My App
Getting CA Private Key
Enter pass phrase for ca.key:
<para>If you have set up your own CA and signed the certificate, or are
using a CA whose signing certificate is not included in the Java runtime
environment, import the CA certificate into the key store so that it can be
<para>Otherwise, when you import the signed certificate in the reply from
the (unknown) CA, <command>keytool</command> fails to import the signed
certificate with the message <literal>keytool error: java.lang.Exception:
Failed to establish chain from reply</literal>.</para>
<para>The following example illustrates import of a CA certificate created
with the <command>openssl</command> command. See the
<command>openssl</command> documentation for instructions on creating CAs
and on signing other certificates with the CA you created.</para>
<screen>$ keytool
-keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
-file ca.crt
-alias ca-cert
-storepass changeit
Owner:, CN=Example CA, O=Example Corp, C=FR
Issuer:, CN=Example CA, O=Example Corp, C=FR
Serial number: d4586ea05c878b0c
Valid from: Tue Jan 29 09:30:31 CET 2013 until: Mon Jan 24 09:30:31 CET 2033
Certificate fingerprints:
MD5: 8A:83:61:9B:E7:18:A2:21:CE:92:94:96:59:68:60:FA
SHA1: 01:99:18:38:3A:57:D7:92:7B:D6:03:8C:7B:E4:1D:37:45:0E:29:DA
SHA256: 5D:20:F1:86:CC:CD:64:50:...:DF:15:43:07:69:44:00:FB:36:CF
Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
Version: 3
#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
AuthorityKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 30 07 67 7D 1F 09 B6 E6 90 85 95 58 94 37 FD 31 0.g........X.7.1
0010: 03 D4 56 7B ..V.
[, CN=Example CA, O=Example Corp, C=FR]
SerialNumber: [ d4586ea0 5c878b0c]
#2: ObjectId: Criticality=false
#3: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 30 07 67 7D 1F 09 B6 E6 90 85 95 58 94 37 FD 31 0.g........X.7.1
0010: 03 D4 56 7B ..V.
Trust this certificate? [no]: yes
Certificate was added to keystore</screen>
<para>Import the signed certificate from the CA reply into the keystore
where you generated the server certificate.</para>
<para>In this example the certificate from the reply is
<screen>$ keytool
-alias server-cert
-file ~/Downloads/server-cert.crt
-keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
-storepass changeit
-keypass changeit
Certificate reply was installed in keystore</screen>
<para>Configure the File Based Key Manager Provider for JKS to use the file
name and key store PIN that you set up with the <command>keytool</command>
<screen>$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--provider-name JKS
--set enabled:true
--set key-store-pin:changeit
--remove key-store-pin-file:config/
<para>Configure the File Based Trust Manager Provider for JKS to use the
key store and PIN as well.</para>
<screen>$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--provider-name JKS
--set enabled:true
--set trust-store-file:config/keystore
--set trust-store-pin:changeit
<para>At this point, OpenDJ directory server can use your new CA-signed
certificate, for example for StartTLS and LDAPS connection handlers.</para>
<para>If you use a CA certificate that is not known to clients, such as a
CA that you set up yourself rather than a well-known CA whose certificate
is included with the client system, import the CA certificate into the
client application trust store. Otherwise the client application cannot
trust the signature on the OpenDJ CA-signed server certificate.</para>
<procedure xml:id="new-self-signed-cert">
<title>To Create &amp; Install a Self-Signed Certificate</title>
<para>If you choose to configure LDAP Secure Access when setting up OpenDJ
directory server, the setup program generates a key pair in the Java Key
Store <filename>/path/to/opendj/config/keystore</filename>, and self-signs
the public key certificate, which has the alias <literal>server-cert</literal>.
The password for the key store and the private key is stored in clear text
in the file <filename>/path/to/opendj/config/</filename>.</para>
<para>If you want to secure communications, but did not chose to configure
LDAP Secure Access at setup time, this procedure can help. The following
steps explain how to create and install a key pair with a self-signed
certificate in preparation to configure LDAPS or HTTPS. First you create a
key pair in a new Java Key Store, and then self-sign the certificate. Next,
you set up the Key Manager Provider and Trust Manager Provider to access
the new server certificate in the new key store.</para>
<para>If instead you want to <emphasis>replace the existing server key pair
with self-signed certificate</emphasis>, then first use <command>keytool
-delete -alias server-cert</command> to delete the existing keys before you
generate a new key pair with the same alias. You can also either reuse the
existing password in <filename></filename>, or use a new password
as shown in the steps below.</para>
<para>Generate the server certificate using the Java
<command>keytool</command> command.</para>
<screen>$ keytool
-alias server-cert
-keyalg rsa
-dname ",O=Example Corp,C=FR"
-keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
-storepass changeit
-keypass changeit</screen>
<para>In this example, OpenDJ is running on a system with fully qualified
host name <literal></literal>. The Java Key Store (JKS)
is created in the <filename>config</filename> directory where OpenDJ is
installed, which is the default value for JKS.</para>
<para>Notice that the <option>-storepass</option> and
<option>-keypass</option> options take identical password arguments.
OpenDJ requires that you use the same password to protect both the
key store and also the private key.</para>
<para>Keep track of the password provided to the <option>-storepass</option>
and <option>-keypass</option> options.</para>
<para>Self-sign the server certificate.</para>
<screen>$ keytool
-alias server-cert
-keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
-storepass changeit</screen>
<para>Configure the File Based Key Manager Provider for JKS to access the
Java Key Store with key store/private key password.</para>
<para>In this example, the alias is <literal>server-cert</literal> and the
password is <literal>changeit</literal>.</para>
<para>If you are replacing a key pair with a self-signed certificate,
reusing the <literal>server-cert</literal> alias and password stored in
<filename></filename>, then you can skip this step.</para>
<screen>$ echo changeit > /path/to/opendj/config/
$ chmod 600 /path/to/opendj/config/
$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--provider-name JKS
--set enabled:true
--set key-store-file:config/keystore
--set key-store-pin-file:config/
<para>Configure the File Based Trust Manager Provider for JKS to use the
key store and PIN as well.</para>
<para>If you skipped the previous step, you can also skip this step.</para>
<screen>$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--provider-name JKS
--set enabled:true
--set trust-store-file:config/keystore
--set trust-store-pin-file:config/
<para>At this point, OpenDJ directory server can use your new self-signed
certificate, for example for StartTLS and LDAPS or HTTPS connection
<section xml:id="configure-starttls">
<title>LDAP Client Access With Transport Layer Security</title>
<para>StartTLS (Transport Layer Security) negotiations start on the unsecure
LDAP port, and then protect communication with the client. You can opt to
configure StartTLS during installation, or later using the
<command>dsconfig</command> command.</para>
<procedure xml:id="setup-starttls-port">
<title>To Enable StartTLS on the LDAP Port</title>
<para>Make sure you have a server certificate installed.</para>
<screen>$ keytool
-alias server-cert
-keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
-storepass `cat /path/to/opendj/config/`
server-cert, Jun 17, 2013, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): 92:B7:4C:4F:2E:24:...:EB:7C:22:3F
<para>Activate StartTLS on the current LDAP port.</para>
<screen>$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--handler-name "LDAP Connection Handler"
--set allow-start-tls:true
--set key-manager-provider:JKS
--set trust-manager-provider:JKS
<para>The change takes effect. No need to restart the server.</para>
<section xml:id="configure-ssl">
<title>LDAP Client Access Over SSL</title>
<para>You configure LDAPS (LDAP/SSL) client access by using the command-line
tool <command>dsconfig</command>. You can opt to configure LDAPS access
when you install.</para>
<para>The standard port number for LDAPS client access is 636. If you
install OpenDJ directory server as a user who can use port 636 and the port
is not yet in use, then 636 is the default port number presented at
installation time. If you install as a user who cannot use a port &lt; 1024,
then the default port number presented at installation time is 1636.</para>
<procedure xml:id="setup-ssl-port">
<title>To Set Up LDAPS Access</title>
<para>Make sure you have a server certificate installed.</para>
<screen>$ keytool
-alias server-cert
-keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
-storepass `cat /path/to/opendj/config/`
server-cert, Jun 17, 2013, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): 92:B7:4C:4F:2E:24:...:EB:7C:22:3F
<para>Configure the server to activate LDAPS access.</para>
<screen>$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--handler-name "LDAPS Connection Handler"
--set listen-port:1636
--set enabled:true
--set use-ssl:true
<para>This example changes the port number to 1636 in the configuration.</para>
<procedure xml:id="change-ssl-port">
<title>To Change the LDAPS Port Number</title>
<para>Change the port number using the <command>dsconfig</command>
<screen>$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--handler-name "LDAPS Connection Handler"
--set listen-port:11636
<para>This example changes the port number to 11636 in the configuration.</para>
<para>Restart the connection handler so the change takes effect.</para>
<para> To restart the connection handler, you disable it, then enable
it again.</para>
<screen>$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--handler-name "LDAPS Connection Handler"
--set enabled:false
$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--handler-name "LDAPS Connection Handler"
--set enabled:true
<section xml:id="restrict-clients">
<title>Restricting Client Access</title>
<indexterm><primary>Access control</primary></indexterm>
<para>Using the OpenDJ directory server global configuration properties, you
can add global restrictions on how clients access the server. These settings
are per server, and so much be set independently on each server in replication
<para>These global settings are fairly coarse-grained. For a full discussion
of the rich set of administrative privileges and fine-grained access control
instructions that OpenDJ supports, see the chapter on <link
Privileges &amp; Access Control</citetitle></link>.</para>
<para>Consider the following global configuration settings.</para>
<para>Whether the directory server should reject any simple bind request
that contains a DN but no password. Default: <literal>true</literal></para>
<para>To change this setting use the following command.</para>
<screen>$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--set bind-with-dn-requires-password:false
<para>Restricts the number of concurrent client connections to the
directory server. Default: 0, meaning no limit is set</para>
<para>To set a limit of 32768 use the following command.</para>
<screen>$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--set max-allowed-client-connections:32768
<para>Rejects any request (other than bind or StartTLS requests) received
from a client that has not yet been authenticated, whose last
authentication attempt was unsuccessful, or whose last authentication
attempt used anonymous authentication. Default: <literal>false</literal></para>
<para>To shut down anonymous binds use the following command.</para>
<screen>$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--set reject-unauthenticated-requests:true
<para>Does not restrict access, but by default prevents OpenDJ directory
server from returning extra information about why a bind failed, as that
information could be used by an attacker. Instead, the information is
written to the server errors log. Default: <literal>false</literal></para>
<para>To have OpenDJ return additional information about why a bind failed
use the following command.</para>
<screen>$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--set return-bind-error-messages:true
<section xml:id="tls-protocols-cipher-suites">
<title>TLS Protocols &amp; Cipher Suites</title>
<para>By default OpenDJ supports the SSL and TLS protocols and the cipher
suites supported by the underlying Java virtual machine. For details see the
documentation for the Java virtual machine in which you run OpenDJ. For Oracle
Java, see the <citetitle>Java Cryptography Architecture Oracle Providers
Documentation</citetitle> for the <link xlink:show="new"
>The <literal>SunJSSE</literal> Provider</link>.</para>
<para>To list the available protocols and cipher suites, read the
<literal>supportedTLSProtocols</literal> and
<literal>supportedTLSCiphers</literal> attributes of the root DSE. Install
unlimited strength Java cryptography extensions for stronger ciphers.</para>
>$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN "" --searchScope base "(objectclass=*)"
supportedTLSCiphers supportedTLSProtocols
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
supportedTLSCiphers: SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
supportedTLSCiphers: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
supportedTLSCiphers: SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
supportedTLSProtocols: SSLv2Hello
supportedTLSProtocols: SSLv3
supportedTLSProtocols: TLSv1
supportedTLSProtocols: TLSv1.1
supportedTLSProtocols: TLSv1.2
<para>You can restrict the list of protocols and cipher suites used by setting
the <literal>ssl-protocol</literal> and <literal>ssl-cipher-suite</literal>
connection handler properties to include only the protocols or cipher suites
you want.</para>
<para>For example, to restrict the cipher suites to
<literal>TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA</literal> use the <command>dsconfig
set-connection-handler-prop</command> command as shown in the following
<screen>$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--handler-name "LDAPS Connection Handler"
--add ssl-cipher-suite:TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
<section xml:id="setup-rest2ldap">
<title>RESTful Client Access</title>
<para>OpenDJ offers two ways to give RESTful client applications HTTP access
to directory data as JSON resources.</para>
<para>Enable the listener on OpenDJ directory server to respond
to REST requests.</para>
<para>With this approach, you do not need to install additional
<para>Configure the external REST LDAP gateway Servlet to access your
directory service.</para>
<para>With this approach, you must install the gateway separately.</para>
<procedure xml:id="setup-rest2ldap-connection-handler">
<title>To Set Up REST Access to OpenDJ Directory Server</title>
<para>OpenDJ directory server has a handler for HTTP connections, where it
exposes the RESTful API demonstrated in the chapter on
<link xlink:href="admin-guide#chap-rest-operations" xlink:show="new"
RESTful Operations</citetitle></link>. The HTTP connection handler is not
enabled by default.</para>
<para>You configure the mapping between JSON resources and LDAP entries
by editing the configuration file for the HTTP connection handler, by
default <filename>/path/to/opendj/config/http-config.json</filename>. The
configuration is described in the appendix, <link xlink:show="new"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>REST LDAP
Configuration</citetitle></link>. The default mapping works out of the box
with data generated as part of the setup process and with
<link xlink:show="new" xlink:href=""
<para>Enable the connection handler.</para>
<screen>$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--handler-name "HTTP Connection Handler"
--set enabled:true
<para>Enable the HTTP access log.</para>
<screen>$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--publisher-name "File-Based HTTP Access Logger"
--set enabled:true
<para>This enables the HTTP access log,
<filename>opendj/logs/http-access</filename>. For details on the
format of the HTTP access log, see the section on <link xlink:show="new"
<step performance="optional">
<para>Try reading a resource.</para>
<para>The HTTP connection handler paths start by default at the root
context, as shown in the following example.</para>
<screen>$ curl
"_rev" : "00000000315fb731",
"schemas" : [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ],
"manager" : [ {
"_id" : "trigden",
"displayName" : "Torrey Rigden"
} ],
"contactInformation" : {
"telephoneNumber" : "+1 408 555 1862",
"emailAddress" : ""
"_id" : "bjensen",
"name" : {
"familyName" : "Jensen",
"givenName" : "Barbara"
"userName" : "",
"displayName" : "Barbara Jensen"
<step performance="optional">
<para>If necessary, change the connection handler configuration using the
<command>dsconfig</command> command.</para>
<para>The following example shows how to set the port to 8443, and to
configure the connection handler to do SSL (using the default server
certificate). If you did not generate a default, self-signed certificate
when installing OpenDJ directory server see the instructions, <link
xlink:show="new" xlink:href="admin-guide#new-self-signed-cert"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>To Create &amp;
Install a Self-Signed Certificate</citetitle></link>, and more generally the
section on <link xlink:show="new"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Preparing For
Secure Communications</citetitle></link> for additional instructions
including how to import a CA-signed certificate.</para>
<screen>$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--handler-name "HTTP Connection Handler"
--set listen-port:8443
--set use-ssl:true
--set key-manager-provider:JKS
--set trust-manager-provider:"Blind Trust"
$ stop-ds --restart
Stopping Server...
.... The Directory Server has started successfully
$ keytool
-alias server-cert
-keystore /path/to/opendj/config/keystore
-storepass `cat /path/to/opendj/config/`
-file server-cert.pem
Certificate stored in file &lt;server-cert.pem&gt;
$ curl
--cacert server-cert.pem
--user bjensen:hifalutin
"_rev" : "0000000018c8b685",
"schemas" : [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ],
"contactInformation" : {
"telephoneNumber" : "+1 408 555 1862",
"emailAddress" : ""
"_id" : "bjensen",
"name" : {
"familyName" : "Jensen",
"givenName" : "Barbara"
"userName" : "",
"displayName" : "Barbara Jensen",
"manager" : [ {
"_id" : "trigden",
"displayName" : "Torrey Rigden"
} ]
<procedure xml:id="setup-rest2ldap-gateway">
<title>To Set Up OpenDJ REST LDAP Gateway</title>
<para>Follow these steps to set up OpenDJ REST LDAP gateway Servlet to access
your directory service.</para>
<para>Download and install the gateway as described in <link
xlink:role=""><citetitle>To Install
OpenDJ REST LDAP Gateway</citetitle></link>.</para>
<para>Adjust the configuration for your directory service as described in
<link xlink:href="admin-guide#appendix-rest2ldap"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>REST LDAP
<section xml:id="setup-dsml">
<title>DSML Client Access</title>
<para>Directory Services Markup Language (DSML) client access is implemented
as a servlet that runs in a web application container.</para>
<para>You configure DSML client access by editing the
<filename>WEB-INF/web.xml</filename> after you deploy the web
application. In particular, you must at least set the
<literal></literal> and <literal>ldap.port</literal> parameters
if they differ from the default values, which are
<literal>localhost</literal> and <literal>389</literal>.</para>
<para>The list of DSML configuration parameters, including those that are
optional, consists of the following.</para>
<para>Required parameter indicating the host name of the underlying
directory server. Default: <literal>localhost</literal>.</para>
<para>Required parameter indicating the LDAP port of the underlying
directory server. Default: 389.</para>
<para>Optional parameter specifying the DN used by the DSML gateway to
bind to the underlying directory server. Not used by default.</para>
<para>Optional parameter specifying the password used by the DSML gateway
to bind to the underlying directory server. Not used by default.</para>
<para>This parameter can help you set up the DSML gateway to do HTTP
Basic Access Authentication, given the appropriate mapping between the
user ID, and the user's entry in the directory.</para>
<para>Required boolean parameter specifying whether the HTTP Authorization
header field's Basic credentials in the request hold a plain ID, rather
than a DN. If set to <literal>true</literal>, then the gateway performs an
LDAP SASL bind using SASL plain, enabled by default in OpenDJ to look for
an exact match between a <literal>uid</literal> value and the plain ID
value from the header. In other words, if the plain ID is
<literal>bjensen</literal>, and that corresponds in the directory server
to Babs Jensen's entry with DN
<literal>uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com</literal>, then the bind
happens as Babs Jensen. Note also that you can configure OpenDJ identity
mappers for scenarios that use a different attribute than
<literal>uid</literal>, such as the <literal>mail</literal>
<para>Default: <literal>false</literal></para>
<para>Required parameter indicating whether <literal>ldap.port</literal>
points to a port listening for LDAPS (LDAP/SSL) traffic. Default:
<para>Required parameter indicating whether to use StartTLS to connect
to the specified <literal>ldap.port</literal>. Default:
<para>Required parameter indicating whether blindly to trust all
certificates presented to the DSML gateway when using secure connections
(LDAPS or StartTLS). Default: <literal>false</literal>.</para>
<para>Optional parameter indicating the trust store used to verify
certificates when using secure connections. If you want to connect
using LDAPS or StartTLS, and do not want the gateway blindly to trust
all certificates, then you must set up a trust store. Not used by
<para>Optional parameter indicating the trust store password. If you
set up and configure a trust store, then you need to set this as well.
Not used by default.</para>
<para>The DSML servlet translates between DSML and LDAP, and passes requests
to the directory server. For initial testing purposes, you might try
<link xlink:href="">JXplorer</link>, where DSML Service:
/<replaceable>webapp-dir</replaceable>/DSMLServlet. Here,
<replaceable>webapp-dir</replaceable> refers to the name of the directory
in which you unpacked the DSML .war file.</para>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-jxplorer-dsml">
<imagedata fileref="images/JXplorer-dsml.png" format="PNG" />
<caption><para>JXplorer accessing OpenDJ through DSML</para></caption>
<section xml:id="jmx-access">
<title>JMX Client Access</title>
<para>You configure Java Management Extensions (JMX) client access by using
the command-line tool, <command>dsconfig</command>.</para>
<procedure xml:id="setup-jmx">
<title>To Set Up JMX Access</title>
<para>Configure the server to activate JMX access.</para>
<screen>$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--handler-name "JMX Connection Handler"
--set enabled:true
<para>This example uses the default port number, 1689.</para>
<para>Restart the server so the change takes effect.</para>
<screen>$ stop-ds --restart</screen>
<procedure xml:id="access-jmx">
<title>To Configure Access To JMX</title>
<para>After you set up OpenDJ directory server to listen for JMX connections,
you must assign privileges in order to allow a user to connect over
<para>Assign the privileges, <literal>jmx-notify</literal>,
<literal>jmx-read</literal>, and <literal>jmx-write</literal> as
necessary to the user who connects over JMX.</para>
<para>See the section on <link xlink:href="admin-guide#configure-privileges"
Privileges</citetitle></link> for details.</para>
<para>Connect using the service URI, user name, and password.</para>
<term>Service URI</term>
<para>Full URI to the service including the hostname or IP address
and port number for JMX where OpenDJ directory server listens for
connections. For example, if the server IP is
<literal></literal> and you configured OpenDJ to listen
for JMX connections on port 1689, then the service URI is
<term>User name</term>
<para>The full DN of the user with privileges to connect over JMX such
as <literal>uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal>.</para>
<para>The bind password for the user.</para>
<section xml:id="ldif-access">
<title>LDIF File Access</title>
<secondary>File as backend</secondary>
<para>The LDIF connection handler lets you make changes to directory data
by placing LDIF in a file system directory that OpenDJ server regularly
polls for changes. The LDIF, once consumed, is deleted.</para>
<para>You configure LDIF file access by using the command-line tool
<procedure xml:id="setup-ldif-access">
<title>To Set Up LDIF File Access</title>
<para>Activate LDIF file access.</para>
<screen>$ dsconfig
--port 4444
--bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
--bindPassword password
--handler-name "LDIF Connection Handler"
--set enabled:true
<para>The change takes effect immediately.</para>
<para>Add the directory where you put LDIF to be processed.</para>
<screen>$ mkdir /path/to/opendj/config/auto-process-ldif</screen>
<para>This example uses the default value of the
<literal>ldif-directory</literal> property for the LDIF connection
<section xml:id="snmp-access">
<title>SNMP Access</title>
<para>For instructions on setting up the SNMP Connection Handler, see the
section, <link xlink:href="admin-guide#snmp-monitoring"