revision cf0351f3466da3bb32d25fa5b39a8ac76891ae93
user-friendly-name=Traditional Work Queue
user-friendly-plural-name=Traditional Work Queues
synopsis=The Traditional Work Queue is a type of work queue that uses a number of worker threads that watch a queue and pick up an operation to process whenever one becomes available.
description=The traditional work queue is a FIFO queue serviced by a fixed number of worker threads. This fixed number of threads can be changed on the fly, with the change taking effect as soon as it is made. You can limit the size of the work queue to a specified number of operations. When this many operations are in the queue, waiting to be picked up by threads, any new requests are rejected with an error message. the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the Traditional Work Queue implementation.
property.max-psearches.synopsis=Defines the maximum number of concurrent persistent searches that can be performed on Directory Server
property.max-psearches.description=The persistent search mechanism provides an active channel through which entries that change, and information about the changes that occur, can be communicated. Because each persistent search operation uses one thread, limiting the number of simultaneous persistent searches prevents certain kinds of denial of service attacks. A value of 0 indicates that there is no limit on the persistent searches.
property.max-psearches.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=Let the server decide.
property.max-work-queue-capacity.synopsis=Specifies the maximum number of queued operations that can be in the work queue at any given time.
property.max-work-queue-capacity.description=If the work queue is already full and additional requests are received by the server, the requests are rejected. A value of zero indicates that there is no limit to the size of the queue.
property.max-work-queue-capacity.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=The work queue does not impose any limit on the number of operations that can be enqueued at any one time.
property.num-worker-threads.synopsis=Specifies the number of worker threads to be used for processing operations placed in the queue.
property.num-worker-threads.description=If the value is increased, the additional worker threads are created immediately. If the value is reduced, the appropriate number of threads are destroyed as operations complete processing.
property.num-worker-threads.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=Let the server decide.