revision 2c8454e288252bcfa5e77ea3d35bfed05266b869
user-friendly-name=Repeated Characters Password Validator
user-friendly-plural-name=Repeated Characters Password Validators
synopsis=The Repeated Characters Password Validator is used to determine whether a proposed password is acceptable based on the number of times any character appears consecutively in a password value.
description=It ensures that user passwords do not contain strings of the same character repeated several times, like "aaaaaa" or "aaabbb". whether this password validator should treat password characters in a case-sensitive manner. the value of this property is false, the validator ignores any differences in capitalization when looking for consecutive characters in the password. If the value is true, the validator considers a character to be repeating only if all consecutive occurrences use the same capitalization.
property.enabled.synopsis=Gibt an ob der Passwortvalidierer zur Benutzng aktiviert ist. den vollqualifizierten Java Klassennamen an welche den Passwortvalidierer implementiert.
property.max-consecutive-length.synopsis=Specifies the maximum number of times that any character can appear consecutively in a password value.
property.max-consecutive-length.description=A value of zero indicates that no maximum limit is enforced.