revision ff6286a9aeb144fa2ea2e61668eb86716a7d6117
user-friendly-name=Member Virtual Attribute
user-friendly-plural-name=User Defined Virtual Attributes
synopsis=The Member Virtual Attribute generates a member or uniqueMember attribute whose values are the DNs of the members of a specified virtual static group.
description=This component is used to implement virtual static group functionality, in which it is possible to create an entry that looks like a static group but obtains all of its membership from a dynamic group (or some other type of group, including another static group). This implementation is most efficient when attempting to determine whether a given user is a member of a group (for example, with a filter like "(uniqueMember=uid=john.doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com)") when the search does not actually return the membership attribute. Although it works to generate the entire set of values for the member or uniqueMember attribute, this can be an expensive operation for a large group.
property.allow-retrieving-membership.synopsis=Indicates whether to handle requests that request all values for the virtual attribute.
property.allow-retrieving-membership.description=This operation can be very expensive in some cases and is not consistent with the primary function of virtual static groups, which is to make it possible to use static group idioms to determine whether a given user is a member. If this attribute is set to false, attempts to retrieve the entire set of values receive an empty set, and only attempts to determine whether the attribute has a specific value or set of values (which is the primary anticipated use for virtual static groups) are handled properly.
property.attribute-type.synopsis=Specifies the attribute type for the attribute whose values are to be dynamically assigned by the virtual attribute.
property.base-dn.synopsis=Specifies the base DNs for the branches containing entries that are eligible to use this virtual attribute.
property.base-dn.description=If no values are given, then the server generates virtual attributes anywhere in the server.
property.base-dn.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=The location of the entry in the server is not taken into account when determining whether an entry is eligible to use this virtual attribute.
property.conflict-behavior.synopsis=Specifies the behavior that the server is to exhibit for entries that already contain one or more real values for the associated attribute.
property.conflict-behavior.syntax.enumeration.value.merge-real-and-virtual.synopsis=Indicates that the virtual attribute provider is to preserve any real values contained in the entry and merge them with the set of generated virtual values so that both the real and virtual values are used.
property.conflict-behavior.syntax.enumeration.value.real-overrides-virtual.synopsis=Indicates that any real values contained in the entry are preserved and used, and virtual values are not generated.
property.conflict-behavior.syntax.enumeration.value.virtual-overrides-real.synopsis=Indicates that the virtual attribute provider suppresses any real values contained in the entry and generates virtual values and uses them.
property.enabled.synopsis=Indicates whether the Member Virtual Attribute is enabled for use.
property.filter.synopsis=Specifies the search filters to be applied against entries to determine if the virtual attribute is to be generated for those entries.
property.filter.description=If no values are given, then any entry is eligible to have the value generated. If one or more filters are specified, then only entries that match at least one of those filters are allowed to have the virtual attribute.
property.filter.syntax.string.pattern.synopsis=Any valid search filter string. the DNs of the groups whose members can be eligible to use this virtual attribute. no values are given, then group membership is not taken into account when generating the virtual attribute. If one or more group DNs are specified, then only members of those groups are allowed to have the virtual attribute. membership is not taken into account when determining whether an entry is eligible to use this virtual attribute. the fully-qualified name of the virtual attribute provider class that generates the attribute values.
property.scope.synopsis=Specifies the LDAP scope associated with base DNs for entries that are eligible to use this virtual attribute.
property.scope.syntax.enumeration.value.base-object.synopsis=Search the base object only.
property.scope.syntax.enumeration.value.single-level.synopsis=Search the immediate children of the base object but do not include any of their descendants or the base object itself.
property.scope.syntax.enumeration.value.subordinate-subtree.synopsis=Search the entire subtree below the base object but do not include the base object itself.
property.scope.syntax.enumeration.value.whole-subtree.synopsis=Search the base object and the entire subtree below the base object.