revision 9c38b3f8385585596b9bd88998c552a3f96b6063
user-friendly-name=File Based Key Manager Provider
user-friendly-plural-name=File Based Key Manager Providers
synopsis=The File Based Key Manager Provider can be used to obtain the server certificate from a key store file on the local file system.
description=Multiple file formats may be supported, depending on the providers supported by the underlying Java runtime environment.
property.enabled.synopsis=Indicates whether the File Based Key Manager Provider is enabled for use. fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the File Based Key Manager Provider implementation.
property.key-store-file.synopsis=Specifies the path to the file that contains the private key information. This may be an absolute path, or a path that is relative to the OpenDJ instance root.
property.key-store-file.description=Changes to this property will take effect the next time that the key manager is accessed.
property.key-store-file.syntax.string.pattern.synopsis=A path to an existing file that is readable by the server.
property.key-store-pin.synopsis=Specifies the clear-text PIN needed to access the File Based Key Manager Provider .
property.key-store-pin.requires-admin-action.synopsis=Changes to this property will take effect the next time that the File Based Key Manager Provider is accessed.
property.key-store-pin-environment-variable.synopsis=Specifies the name of the environment variable that contains the clear-text PIN needed to access the File Based Key Manager Provider .
property.key-store-pin-environment-variable.requires-admin-action.synopsis=Changes to this property will take effect the next time that the File Based Key Manager Provider is accessed.
property.key-store-pin-environment-variable.syntax.string.pattern.synopsis=The name of a defined environment variable that contains the clear-text PIN required to access the contents of the key store.
property.key-store-pin-file.synopsis=Specifies the path to the text file whose only contents should be a single line containing the clear-text PIN needed to access the File Based Key Manager Provider .
property.key-store-pin-file.requires-admin-action.synopsis=Changes to this property will take effect the next time that the File Based Key Manager Provider is accessed.
property.key-store-pin-file.syntax.string.pattern.synopsis=A path to an existing file that is readable by the server.
property.key-store-pin-property.synopsis=Specifies the name of the Java property that contains the clear-text PIN needed to access the File Based Key Manager Provider .
property.key-store-pin-property.requires-admin-action.synopsis=Changes to this property will take effect the next time that the File Based Key Manager Provider is accessed.
property.key-store-pin-property.syntax.string.pattern.synopsis=The name of a defined Java property.
property.key-store-type.synopsis=Specifies the format for the data in the key store file.
property.key-store-type.description=Valid values should always include 'JKS' and 'PKCS12', but different implementations may allow other values as well. If no value is provided, the JVM-default value is used. Changes to this configuration attribute will take effect the next time that the key manager is accessed.
property.key-store-type.syntax.string.pattern.synopsis=Any key store format supported by the Java runtime environment.