revision 2c8454e288252bcfa5e77ea3d35bfed05266b869
user-friendly-name=Character Set Password Validator
user-friendly-plural-name=Character Set Password Validators
synopsis=The Character Set Password Validator determines whether a proposed password is acceptable by checking whether it contains a sufficient number of characters from one or more user-defined character sets.
description=For example, the validator can ensure that passwords must have at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one digit, and one symbol.
property.allow-unclassified-characters.synopsis=Indicates whether this password validator allows passwords to contain characters outside of any of the user-defined character sets.
property.allow-unclassified-characters.description=If this is "false", then only those characters in the user-defined character sets may be used in passwords. Any password containing a character not included in any character set will be rejected.
property.character-set.synopsis=Specifies a character set containing characters that a password may contain and a value indicating the minimum number of characters required from that set.
property.character-set.description=Each value must be an integer (indicating the minimum required characters from the set) followed by a colon and the characters to include in that set (for example, "3:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" indicates that a user password must contain at least three characters from the set of lowercase ASCII letters). Multiple character sets can be defined in separate values, although no character can appear in more than one character set.
property.enabled.synopsis=Gibt an ob der Passwortvalidierer zur Benutzng aktiviert ist. den vollqualifizierten Java Klassennamen an welche den Passwortvalidierer implementiert.