revision fe7c5bacba1535f5f2c9b37e09cd9b834ad2e75e
user-friendly-name=Access Log Filtering Criteria
user-friendly-plural-name=Access Log Filtering Criteria
synopsis=A set of rules which together determine whether a log record should be logged or not.
property.client-address-equal-to.synopsis=Filters log records associated with connections which match at least one of the specified client host names or address masks.
property.client-address-equal-to.description=Valid values include a host name, a fully qualified domain name, a domain name, an IP address, or a subnetwork with subnetwork mask.
property.client-address-equal-to.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=Do not filter based on client address equality.
property.client-address-not-equal-to.synopsis=Filters log records associated with connections which do not match any of the specified client host names or address masks.
property.client-address-not-equal-to.description=Valid values include a host name, a fully qualified domain name, a domain name, an IP address, or a subnetwork with subnetwork mask.
property.client-address-not-equal-to.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=Do not filter based on client address inequality.
property.client-port-equal-to.synopsis=Filters log records associated with connections to any of the specified listener port numbers.
property.client-port-equal-to.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=Do not filter based on the port.
property.client-protocol-equal-to.synopsis=Filters log records associated with connections which match any of the specified protocols.
property.client-protocol-equal-to.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=Do not filter based on the protocol.
property.client-protocol-equal-to.syntax.enumeration.value.jmx.synopsis=JMX clients
property.client-protocol-equal-to.syntax.enumeration.value.ldap.synopsis=LDAP clients
property.client-protocol-equal-to.syntax.enumeration.value.ldaps.synopsis=LDAPS clients
property.log-record-type.synopsis=Filters log records based on their type.
property.log-record-type.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=The log record type will be ignored during filtering.
property.log-record-type.syntax.enumeration.value.abandon.synopsis=Abandon operations
property.log-record-type.syntax.enumeration.value.add.synopsis=Add operations
property.log-record-type.syntax.enumeration.value.bind.synopsis=Bind operations operations
property.log-record-type.syntax.enumeration.value.connect.synopsis=Client connections
property.log-record-type.syntax.enumeration.value.delete.synopsis=Delete operations
property.log-record-type.syntax.enumeration.value.disconnect.synopsis=Client disconnections
property.log-record-type.syntax.enumeration.value.extended.synopsis=Extended operations
property.log-record-type.syntax.enumeration.value.modify.synopsis=Modify operations
property.log-record-type.syntax.enumeration.value.rename.synopsis=Rename operations operations
property.log-record-type.syntax.enumeration.value.unbind.synopsis=Unbind operations
property.request-target-dn-equal-to.synopsis=Filters operation log records associated with operations which target entries matching at least one of the specified DN patterns.
property.request-target-dn-equal-to.description=Valid DN filters are strings composed of zero or more wildcards. A double wildcard ** replaces one or more RDN components (as in uid=dmiller,**,dc=example,dc=com). A simple wildcard * replaces either a whole RDN, or a whole type, or a value substring (as in uid=bj*,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com).
property.request-target-dn-equal-to.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=Do not filter based on target DN equality.
property.request-target-dn-not-equal-to.synopsis=Filters operation log records associated with operations which target entries matching none of the specified DN patterns.
property.request-target-dn-not-equal-to.description=Valid DN filters are strings composed of zero or more wildcards. A double wildcard ** replaces one or more RDN components (as in uid=dmiller,**,dc=example,dc=com). A simple wildcard * replaces either a whole RDN, or a whole type, or a value substring (as in uid=bj*,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com).
property.request-target-dn-not-equal-to.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=Do not filter based on target DN inequality.
property.response-etime-greater-than.synopsis=Filters operation response log records associated with operations which took longer than the specified number of milli-seconds to complete.
property.response-etime-greater-than.description=It is recommended to only use this criteria in conjunction with the "combined" output mode of the access logger, since this filter criteria is only applied to response log messages.
property.response-etime-greater-than.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=Do not filter based on the etime.
property.response-etime-less-than.synopsis=Filters operation response log records associated with operations which took less than the specified number of milli-seconds to complete.
property.response-etime-less-than.description=It is recommended to only use this criteria in conjunction with the "combined" output mode of the access logger, since this filter criteria is only applied to response log messages.
property.response-etime-less-than.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=Do not filter based on the etime.
property.response-result-code-equal-to.synopsis=Filters operation response log records associated with operations which include any of the specified result codes.
property.response-result-code-equal-to.description=It is recommended to only use this criteria in conjunction with the "combined" output mode of the access logger, since this filter criteria is only applied to response log messages.
property.response-result-code-equal-to.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=Do not filter based on result code equality.
property.response-result-code-not-equal-to.synopsis=Filters operation response log records associated with operations which do not include any of the specified result codes.
property.response-result-code-not-equal-to.description=It is recommended to only use this criteria in conjunction with the "combined" output mode of the access logger, since this filter criteria is only applied to response log messages.
property.response-result-code-not-equal-to.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=Do not filter based on result code inequality. search operation response log records associated with searches which were either indexed or unindexed. is recommended to only use this criteria in conjunction with the "combined" output mode of the access logger, since this filter criteria is only applied to response log messages. not filter based on whether or not a search was indexed. search operation response log records associated with searches which returned more than the specified number of entries. is recommended to only use this criteria in conjunction with the "combined" output mode of the access logger, since this filter criteria is only applied to response log messages. not filter based on the number of search results returned. search operation response log records associated with searches which returned less than the specified number of entries. is recommended to only use this criteria in conjunction with the "combined" output mode of the access logger, since this filter criteria is only applied to response log messages. not filter based on the number of search results returned.
property.user-dn-equal-to.synopsis=Filters log records associated with users matching at least one of the specified DN patterns.
property.user-dn-equal-to.description=Valid DN filters are strings composed of zero or more wildcards. A double wildcard ** replaces one or more RDN components (as in uid=dmiller,**,dc=example,dc=com). A simple wildcard * replaces either a whole RDN, or a whole type, or a value substring (as in uid=bj*,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com).
property.user-dn-equal-to.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=Do not filter based on user DN equality.
property.user-dn-not-equal-to.synopsis=Filters log records associated with users which do not match any of the specified DN patterns.
property.user-dn-not-equal-to.description=Valid DN filters are strings composed of zero or more wildcards. A double wildcard ** replaces one or more RDN components (as in uid=dmiller,**,dc=example,dc=com). A simple wildcard * replaces either a whole RDN, or a whole type, or a value substring (as in uid=bj*,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com).
property.user-dn-not-equal-to.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=Do not filter based on user DN inequality.
property.user-is-member-of.synopsis=Filters log records associated with users which are members of at least one of the specified groups.
property.user-is-member-of.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=Do not filter based on group membership.
property.user-is-not-member-of.synopsis=Filters log records associated with users which are not members of any of the specified groups.
property.user-is-not-member-of.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=Do not filter based on group non-membership.