FileBasedKeyManagerConfiguration.xml revision 20247dd12aa0db33627fdeb398385dd27eb26c2e
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<adm:managed-object name="file-based-key-manager"
package="org.opends.server.admin.std" extends="key-manager"
The key manager must be able to get a pin from somewhere. It looks
in property, then an environment variable, then a file, and finally
in a configuration attribute. At least one must be present. Can we
express this ordering and this "at least one" constraint? Perhaps
support a "one-of" element which can be used to group a set of
<adm:user-friendly-name />
provider accesses key information in a file on the local filesystem.
Multiple file formats may be supported, depending on the providers
supported by the underlying Java runtime.
<adm:profile name="ldap">
<adm:property name="key-store-file" mandatory="true">
<adm:TODO>Should use a file-based property definition?</adm:TODO>
Specifies the path to the file containing the private key
information. It may be an absolute path, or a path that is
relative to the
<adm:product-name />
instance root.
Changes to this configuration attribute will take effect the next
time that the key manager is accessed.
<adm:string />
<adm:profile name="ldap">
<adm:property name="key-store-type">
Can we restrict this to an enumeration? How can the client guess
which values are possible? What is the default value?
Specifies the format for the data in the key store file.
Valid values should always include 'JKS' and 'PKCS12', but
different implementations may allow other values as well. If no
value is provided, then the JVM-default value will be used.
Changes to this configuration attribute will take effect the next
time that the key manager is accessed.
<adm:undefined />
<adm:string />
<adm:profile name="ldap">
<adm:property-reference name="key-store-pin" />
<adm:property-reference name="key-store-pin-property" />
<adm:property-reference name="key-store-pin-environment-variable" />
<adm:property-reference name="key-store-pin-file" />