EntityTagVirtualAttributeConfiguration.xml revision 0d3e96181de6a582d42eb4d74719dfe1b2483ea9
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<adm:managed-object name="entity-tag-virtual-attribute"
package="org.opends.server.admin.std" extends="virtual-attribute"
The <adm:user-friendly-name /> ensures that all entries contain an
"entity tag" or "Etag" as defined in section 3.11 of RFC 2616.
The entity tag may be used by clients, in conjunction with the assertion
control, for optimistic concurrency control, as a way to help prevent
simultaneous updates of an entry from conflicting with each other.
<adm:profile name="ldap">
<adm:property-override name="java-class" advanced="true">
<adm:property-override name="conflict-behavior" advanced="true">
<adm:property-override name="attribute-type">
<adm:property name="checksum-algorithm">
The algorithm which should be used for calculating the entity tag
checksum value.
<adm:value name="adler-32">
The Adler-32 checksum algorithm which is almost as reliable as
a CRC-32 but can be computed much faster.
<adm:value name="crc-32">
The CRC-32 checksum algorithm.
<adm:profile name="ldap">
<adm:property name="excluded-attribute" multi-valued="true">
The list of attributes which should be ignored when calculating the
entity tag checksum value.
Certain attributes like "ds-sync-hist" may vary between replicas due to
different purging schedules and should not be included in the checksum.
<adm:attribute-type />
<adm:profile name="ldap">