verify-index.1 revision 77ca522cbfce7ae2cfdd56c44de525097821bb15
Title: verify-index
Generator: DocBook XSL-NS Stylesheets v1.76.1 <>
Date: 03/21/2012
Manual: Tools Reference
Source: OpenDJ 2.5.0
Language: English

"VERIFY-INDEX" "1" "03/21/2012" "OpenDJ 2.5.0" "Tools Reference"
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verify-index - check index for consistency or errors

\w'verify-index 'u verify-index {options}


This utility can be used to ensure that index data is consistent within a backend based on the Berkeley DB Java Edition.


The following options are supported.

-b, --baseDN {baseDN}

Base DN of a backend supporting indexing. Verification is performed on indexes within the scope of the given base DN.

-c, --clean

Specifies that a single index should be verified to ensure it is clean. An index is clean if each index value references only entries containing that value. Only one index at a time may be verified in this way.


Count the number of errors found during the verification and return that value as the exit code (values > 255 will be reduced to 255 due to exit code restrictions).

-i, --index {index}

Name of an index to be verified. For an attribute index this is simply an attribute name. Multiple indexes may be verified for completeness, or all indexes if no indexes are specified. An index is complete if each index value references all entries containing that value.

"General Options"

-V, --version

Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information



The command completed successfully.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


The number of errors in the index, as indicated for the --countErrors option.


The following example verifies the cn (common name) index for completeness and for errors.


$ verify-index -b dc=example,dc=com -i cn --clean --countErrors
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:50 +0200] category=BACKEND severity=INFORMATION
 msgID=9437595 msg=Local DB backend userRoot does not specify the number of
 lock tables: defaulting to 97
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:50 +0200] category=BACKEND severity=INFORMATION
 msgID=9437594 msg=Local DB backend userRoot does not specify the number of
 cleaner threads: defaulting to 24 threads
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:51 +0200] category=JEB severity=NOTICE msgID=8847461
 msg=Checked 1316 records and found 0 error(s) in 0 seconds
 (average rate 2506.7/sec)
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:51 +0200] category=JEB severity=INFORMATION
 msgID=8388710 msg=Number of records referencing more than one entry: 315
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:51 +0200] category=JEB severity=INFORMATION
 msgID=8388711 msg=Number of records that exceed the entry limit: 0
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:51 +0200] category=JEB severity=INFORMATION
 msgID=8388712 msg=Average number of entries referenced is 1.58/record
[07/Jun/2011:16:06:51 +0200] category=JEB severity=INFORMATION
 msgID=8388713 msg=Maximum number of entries referenced by any
 record is 32

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