upgrade.1 revision 77688956bec8d86f9dad1c7be6403cffe9830efa
Title: upgrade
Generator: DocBook XSL-NS Stylesheets v1.76.1 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
Date: 05/17/2013
Manual: Tools Reference
Source: OpenDJ 2.6.0
Language: English

"UPGRADE" "1" "05/17/2013" "OpenDJ 2.6.0" "Tools Reference"
* Define some portability stuff
* set default formatting
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upgrade - upgrade OpenDJ configuration & application data

\w'upgrade 'u upgrade {options}


This utility upgrades OpenDJ configuration (schema, directory server configuration, and other configuration files) and application data (primarily directory data) so that it is compatible with the binary files and scripts that are installed.

The upgrade command thus performs only part of the upgrade process, which includes the following phases for a single server.

\h'-04' 1.\h'+01'\c .\}

" 1." 4.2
.\} Get and unpack a newer version of OpenDJ directory server software.

\h'-04' 2.\h'+01'\c .\}

" 2." 4.2
.\} Stop the current OpenDJ directory server.

\h'-04' 3.\h'+01'\c .\}

" 3." 4.2
.\} Overwrite existing binary and script files with those of the newer version, and then run this utility, the upgrade command, before restarting OpenDJ.

\h'-04' 4.\h'+01'\c .\}

" 4." 4.2
.\} Start the upgraded OpenDJ directory server.

.it 1 an-trap .nr an-no-space-flag 1 .nr an-break-flag 1


The upgrade command does not back up OpenDJ before you upgrade, nor does it restore OpenDJ if the upgrade command fails. In order to revert a failed upgrade, make sure you back up OpenDJ directory server before you overwrite existing binary and script files.

By default, the upgrade command requests confirmation before making important configuration changes. You can use the --no-prompt option to run the command non-interactively.

When using the --no-prompt option, if the upgrade command cannot complete because it requires confirmation for a potentially very long or critical task, then it exits with an error and a message about how to finish making the changes. You can add the --force option to force a non-interactive upgrade to continue in this case, also performing long running and critical tasks.

After upgrading, see the resulting upgrade.log file for a full list of operations performed.


The following options are supported.


Forces a non-interactive upgrade to continue even if it requires user interaction. In particular, long running or critical upgrade tasks, such as re-indexing, which require user confirmation will be skipped. This option may only be used with the --no-prompt option.


Ignores any errors which occur during the upgrade. This option should be used with caution and may be useful in automated deployments where potential errors are known in advance and resolved after the upgrade has completed.

"Utility Input/Output Options"

-n, --no-prompt

Use non-interactive mode. Prompt for any required information rather than fail.

-Q, --quiet

Use quiet mode.

-v, --verbose

Use verbose mode.

"General Options"

-V, --version

Display version information.

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information.



The command completed successfully.


The command was run in non-interactive mode, but could not complete because confirmation was required to run a long or critical task. See the error message or the log for details.


An error occurred.


The following example shows the upgrade process for OpenDJ directory server installed from the cross-platform (.zip) delivery.


$ cd /path/to
$ ls
$ ./OpenDJ-2.4.6/bin/stop-ds --quiet
... msg=The backend userRoot is now taken offline
... msg=The Directory Server is now stopped
$ zip -rq OpenDJ-backup.zip OpenDJ-2.4.6
$ unzip -q ~/Downloads/OpenDJ-2.6.0.zip
$ cp -r opendj/* OpenDJ-2.4.6/
$ rm -rf opendj
$ mv OpenDJ-2.4.6 opendj
$ ./opendj/upgrade --no-prompt

>>>> OpenDJ Upgrade Utility

 * OpenDJ will be upgraded from version to 2.6.0.revision
 * See \*(Aq/path/to/opendj/upgrade.log\*(Aq for a detailed log of this operation

>>>> Preparing to upgrade

 OpenDJ 2.6.0 modified the default configuration of the \*(AqisMemberOf\*(Aq virtual
 attribute so that it is included with group entries. This was done in order
 to make it easier for users to determine which groups a \*(Aqnested\*(Aq group
 belongs to.
 Do you want to make this configuration change? (yes/no) yes

 The upgrade is ready to proceed. Do you wish to continue? (yes/no) yes

>>>> Performing upgrade

 Fixing de-DE collation matching rule OID............................ 100%
 Updating password policy configurations............................. 100%
 Updating audit log publisher configuration.......................... 100%
 Adding \*(Aqetag\*(Aq virtual attribute schema.............................. 100%
 Configuring \*(Aqetag\*(Aq virtual attribute................................ 100%
 Configuring \*(Aqds-pwp-password-expiration-time\*(Aq virtual attribute..... 100%
 Updating certificate syntax configuration........................... 100%
 Updating JPEG syntax configuration.................................. 100%
 Updating country string syntax configuration........................ 100%
 Modifying filter in \*(AqisMemberOf\*(Aq virtual attribute configuration.... 100%
 Updating dictionary password validator configuration................ 100%
 Updating attribute value password validator configuration........... 100%
 Adding PBKDF2 password storage scheme configuration................. 100%
 Replacing schema file \*(Aq02-config.ldif\*(Aq.............................. 100%
 Archiving concatenated schema....................................... 100%

>>>> OpenDJ was successfully upgraded from version to 2.6.0.revision

 * See \*(Aq/path/to/opendj/upgrade.log\*(Aq for a detailed log of this operation
$ ./opendj/bin/start-ds --quiet

Native packages (.deb, .rpm) perform more of the upgrade process, stopping OpenDJ if it is running, overwriting older files with newer files, running this utility, and starting OpenDJ if it was running when you upgraded the package(s).


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