ldapsearch.1 revision 54c356b692bd520cec70e821a41c97c39b76aac0
Title: ldapsearch
Generator: DocBook XSL-NS Stylesheets v1.76.1 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
Date: November 21, 2011
Manual: Tools Reference
Source: OpenDJ 2.5.0
Language: English

"LDAPSEARCH" "1" "November 21, 2011" "OpenDJ 2.5.0" "Tools Reference"
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ldapsearch - perform LDAP search operations

\w'ldapsearch 'u ldapsearch {options} [filter] [attributes...]


This utility can be used to perform LDAP search operations in the directory.

In the list of attributes to return, you can specify * to return all user attributes, + to return all operational attributes, and @object-class to return all attributes associated with the object-class such as @person.


The following options are supported.

-a, --dereferencePolicy {dereferencePolicy}

Alias dereference policy (\*(Aqnever\*(Aq, \*(Aqalways\*(Aq, \*(Aqsearch\*(Aq, or \*(Aqfind\*(Aq) Default value: never

-A, --typesOnly

Only retrieve attribute names but not their values

--assertionFilter {filter}

Use the LDAP assertion control with the provided filter

-b, --baseDN {baseDN}

Base DN format string

-c, --continueOnError

Continue processing even if there are errors

-C, --persistentSearch ps[:changetype[:changesonly[:entrychgcontrols]]]

Use the persistent search control


Count the number of entries returned by the server

-e, --getEffectiveRightsAttribute {attribute}

Specifies geteffectiverights control specific attribute list

-f, --filename {file}

LDIF file containing the changes to apply

-g, --getEffectiveRightsAuthzid {authzID}

Use geteffectiverights control with the provided authzid

-G, --virtualListView {before:after:index:count | before:after:value}

Use the virtual list view control to retrieve the specified results page

-J, --control {controloid[:criticality[:value|::b64value|:<filePath]]}

Use a request control with the provided information

-l, --timeLimit {timeLimit}

Maximum length of time in seconds to allow for the search Default value: 0

--matchedValuesFilter {filter}

Use the LDAP matched values control with the provided filter

-n, --dry-run

Show what would be done but do not perform any operation

-s, --searchScope {searchScope}

Search scope (\*(Aqbase\*(Aq, \*(Aqone\*(Aq, \*(Aqsub\*(Aq, or \*(Aqsubordinate\*(Aq) Default value: sub subordinate is an LDAP extension that might not work with all LDAP servers.

-S, --sortOrder {sortOrder}

Sort the results using the provided sort order

--simplePageSize {numEntries}

Use the simple paged results control with the given page size Default value: 1000

-Y, --proxyAs {authzID}

Use the proxied authorization control with the given authorization ID

-z, --sizeLimit {sizeLimit}

Maximum number of entries to return from the search Default value: 0

"LDAP Connection Options"

-D, --bindDN {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server Default value: cn=Directory Manager

-E, --reportAuthzID

Use the authorization identity control

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address Default value: localhost.localdomain

-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-p, --port {port}

Directory server port number Default value: 389

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

-q, --useStartTLS

Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server

-T, --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file


Use the password policy request control

-V, --ldapVersion {version}

LDAP protocol version number Default value: 3

-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

-Z, --useSSL

Use SSL for secure communication with the server

"Utility Input/Output Options"

-i, --encoding {encoding}

Use the specified character set for command-line input


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

-t, --dontWrap

Do not wrap long lines

-v, --verbose

Use verbose mode

"General Options"


Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information



The command completed successfully.


An LDAP error occurred while processing the operation. LDAP result codes are described in \m[blue]RFC 4511\m[]. Also see the additional information for details.


An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.


You can use ~/.opendj/tools.properties to set the defaults for bind DN, host name, and port number as in the following example.




The following example searches for entries with UID containing jensen, returning only DNs and uid values.


$ ldapsearch -p 1389 -b dc=example,dc=com "(uid=*jensen*)" uid
dn: uid=ajensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: ajensen

dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: bjensen

dn: uid=gjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: gjensen

dn: uid=jjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: jjensen

dn: uid=kjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: kjensen

dn: uid=rjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: rjensen

dn: uid=tjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: tjensen

Result Code: 0 (Success)

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