import-ldif.1 revision 77ca522cbfce7ae2cfdd56c44de525097821bb15
Title: import-ldif
Generator: DocBook XSL-NS Stylesheets v1.76.1 <>
Date: 03/21/2012
Manual: Tools Reference
Source: OpenDJ 2.5.0
Language: English

"IMPORT-LDIF" "1" "03/21/2012" "OpenDJ 2.5.0" "Tools Reference"
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import-ldif - import OpenDJ directory data from LDIF

\w'import-ldif 'u import-ldif {options}


This utility can be used to import LDIF data into a directory server backend.


The following options are supported.

-a, --appendToLDIF

Append an existing LDIF file rather than overwriting it.

-A, --templateFile {templateFile}

Path to a MakeLDIF template to use to generate the import data.

-b, --includeBranch {branchDN}

Base DN of a branch to include in the LDIF import.

-B, --excludeBranch {branchDN}

Base DN of a branch to exclude from the LDIF import.

-c, --isCompressed

LDIF file is compressed.


Count the number of entries rejected by the server and return that value as the exit code (values > 255 will be reduced to 255 due to exit code restrictions).

-e, --excludeAttribute {attribute}

Attribute to exclude from the LDIF import.

-E, --excludeFilter {filter}

Filter to identify entries to exclude from the LDIF import.

-F, --clearBackend

Remove all entries for all base DNs in the backend before importing.

-i, --includeAttribute {attribute}

Attribute to include in the LDIF import.

-I, --includeFilter {filter}

Filter to identify entries to include in the LDIF import.

-l, --ldifFile {ldifFile}

Path to the LDIF file to be imported.

-n, --backendID {backendName}

Backend ID for the backend to import.

-O, --overwrite

Overwrite an existing rejects and/or skip file rather than appending to it.

-r, --replaceExisting

Replace existing entries when appending to the database.

-R, --rejectFile {rejectFile}

Write rejected entries to the specified file.

-s, --randomSeed {seed}

Seed for the MakeLDIF random number generator. Default value: 0

-S, --skipSchemaValidation

Skip schema validation during the LDIF import.


Perform DN validation during later part of LDIF import.

--skipFile {skipFile}

Write skipped entries to the specified file.

--threadCount {count}

Number of threads used to read LDIF file during import. Default value (0) equals: 2 x (number of CPUs).

--tmpdirectory {directory}

Path to temporary directory for index scratch files during LDIF import. Default value: import-tmp

"Task Backend Connection Options"

--connectTimeout {timeout}

Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to establish a connection. Use \*(Aq0\*(Aq to specify no time out. Default value: 30000

-D, --bindDN {bindDN}

DN to use to bind to the server Default value: cn=Directory Manager

-h, --hostname {host}

Directory server hostname or IP address Default value: localhost.localdomain

-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Bind password file

-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}

Certificate key store path

-N, --certNickname {nickname}

Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication

-o, --saslOption {name=value}

SASL bind options

-p, --port {port}

Directory server administration port number Default value: 4444

-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Certificate trust store path

-T, --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}

Certificate trust store PIN

-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}

Certificate key store PIN file

-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Certificate trust store PIN file

-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}

Password to use to bind to the server Use -w - to have the command prompt for the password, rather than enter the password on the command line.

-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}

Certificate key store PIN

-X, --trustAll

Trust all server SSL certificates

"Task Scheduling Options"

--completionNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified when the task completes. This option may be specified more than once.

--dependency {taskID}

ID of a task upon which this task depends. A task will not start execution until all its dependencies have completed execution.

--errorNotify {emailAddress}

Email address of a recipient to be notified if an error occurs when this task executes. This option may be specified more than once.

--failedDependencyAction {action}

Action this task will take should one if its dependent tasks fail. The value must be one of PROCESS, CANCEL, DISABLE. If not specified defaults to CANCEL.

--recurringTask {schedulePattern}

Indicates the task is recurring and will be scheduled according to the value argument expressed in crontab(5) compatible time/date pattern.

-t, --start {startTime}

Indicates the date/time at which this operation will start when scheduled as a server task expressed in YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ format for UTC time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time. A value of \*(Aq0\*(Aq will cause the task to be scheduled for immediate execution. When this option is specified the operation will be scheduled to start at the specified time after which this utility will exit immediately.

"Utility Input/Output Options"


No properties file will be used to get default command line argument values

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Path to the file containing default property values used for command line arguments

"General Options"

-V, --version

Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information



The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example imports the content of the LDIF file, Example.ldif, with the server offline.


 $ import-ldif -b dc=example,dc=com -n userRoot -l /path/to/Example.ldif
 [21/Jun/2011:13:38:03 +0200] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE...
 ... msg=Import LDIF environment close took 0 seconds

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