replication.ldif revision 987a50dfe113ed235d28716ff080b59e8873655c
# Use this file as an example of the Multi-master replication configuration.
# The content of this file should be edited and
# added to the config.ldif file to enable replication.
# Each synchronized base DN must be specified using entry similar to
# cn=example, cn=domains, cn=Multimaster Synchronization,cn=Synchronization Providers,cn=config.
# Each server must have its own unique server ID defined in ds-cfg-server-id.
# Each replication server must be enabled using the
# cn=Replication Server, cn=Multimaster Synchronization, cn=Synchronization Providers, cn=config
# entry.
dn: cn=example,cn=domains,cn=Multimaster Synchronization,cn=Synchronization Providers,cn=config
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-cfg-replication-domain
cn: example
ds-cfg-base-dn: dc=example,dc=com
ds-cfg-replication-server: localhost:8989
ds-cfg-replication-server: localhost:8990
ds-cfg-server-id: 1
ds-cfg-receive-status: true
dn: cn=Replication Server,cn=Multimaster Synchronization,cn=Synchronization Providers,cn=config
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-cfg-replication-server
cn: Replication Server
ds-cfg-replication-port: 8989
ds-cfg-replication-server: localhost:8989
ds-cfg-replication-server: localhost:8990
ds-cfg-replication-server-id: 1