messagesMO.xsl revision 3cbc49fe5e6d8a00a69fe1859874ed5dcff85aeb
0N/A !
0N/A ! The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
0N/A ! Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
0N/A ! (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
2362N/A ! with the License.
0N/A !
2362N/A ! You can obtain a copy of the license at
0N/A ! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
0N/A ! or
0N/A ! See the License for the specific language governing permissions
0N/A ! and limitations under the License.
0N/A !
0N/A ! When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
0N/A ! file and include the License file at
0N/A ! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable,
0N/A ! add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
0N/A ! by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
0N/A ! Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
2362N/A !
2362N/A !
0N/A !
0N/A ! Portions Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
0N/A ! -->
0N/A<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
0N/A xmlns:xsl=""
0N/A xmlns:adm=""
0N/A xmlns:ldap="">
0N/A <xsl:import href="java-utilities.xsl" />
0N/A <xsl:import href="preprocessor.xsl" />
0N/A <xsl:import href="property-types.xsl" />
0N/A <xsl:output method="text" encoding="us-ascii" />
0N/A <!--
0N/A Document parsing.
0N/A -->
0N/A <xsl:template match="/">
0N/A <!--
0N/A Generate user friendly names.
0N/A -->
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('user-friendly-name=', $this-ufn, '&#xa;')" />
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('user-friendly-plural-name=', $this-ufpn, '&#xa;')" />
0N/A <!--
0N/A Pull out the managed object synopsis (mandatory).
0N/A -->
0N/A <xsl:if test="not($this/adm:synopsis)">
0N/A <xsl:message terminate="yes">
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('No synopsis found for managed object definition ', $this-name)" />
0N/A </xsl:message>
0N/A </xsl:if>
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('synopsis=', normalize-space($this/adm:synopsis), '&#xa;')" />
0N/A <!--
0N/A Pull out the managed object description (optional).
0N/A -->
0N/A <xsl:if test="$this/adm:description">
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('description=', normalize-space($this/adm:description), '&#xa;')" />
0N/A </xsl:if>
0N/A <!--
0N/A Process tag definitions if this is the root configuration.
0N/A -->
0N/A <xsl:if test="$this-is-root">
0N/A <xsl:for-each select="$this/adm:tag-definition">
0N/A <xsl:sort select="@name" />
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('tag.', @name, '.synopsis=', normalize-space(adm:synopsis), '&#xa;')" />
0N/A </xsl:for-each>
0N/A </xsl:if>
0N/A <!--
0N/A Process each property definition.
0N/A -->
0N/A <xsl:for-each select="$this-all-properties">
0N/A <xsl:sort select="@name" />
0N/A <!--
0N/A Pull out the property definition synopsis (mandatory).
0N/A -->
0N/A <xsl:if test="not(adm:synopsis)">
0N/A <xsl:message terminate="yes">
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('No synopsis found for property ', @name, ' in managed object definition ', $this-name)" />
0N/A </xsl:message>
0N/A </xsl:if>
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('property.', normalize-space(@name), '.synopsis=', normalize-space(adm:synopsis), '&#xa;')" />
0N/A <!--
0N/A Pull out the property definition description (optional).
0N/A -->
0N/A <xsl:if test="adm:description">
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('property.', normalize-space(@name), '.description=', normalize-space(adm:description), '&#xa;')" />
0N/A </xsl:if>
0N/A <!--
0N/A Process alias default behavior synopsis.
0N/A -->
0N/A <xsl:if test="adm:default-behavior/adm:alias">
0N/A <xsl:if
0N/A test="not(adm:default-behavior/adm:alias/adm:synopsis)">
0N/A <xsl:message terminate="yes">
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('No alias default behavior synopsis found for property ', @name, ' in managed object definition ', $this-name)" />
0N/A </xsl:message>
0N/A </xsl:if>
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('property.', normalize-space(@name), '.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=', normalize-space(adm:default-behavior/adm:alias/adm:synopsis), '&#xa;')" />
0N/A </xsl:if>
0N/A <!--
0N/A Process requires admin action synopsis if present.
0N/A -->
0N/A <xsl:if test="adm:requires-admin-action/*/adm:synopsis">
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('property.', normalize-space(@name), '.requires-admin-action.synopsis=', normalize-space(adm:requires-admin-action/*/adm:synopsis), '&#xa;')" />
0N/A </xsl:if>
0N/A <!--
0N/A Process syntax related descriptions.
0N/A -->
0N/A <xsl:choose>
0N/A <xsl:when test="adm:syntax/adm:integer">
0N/A <!--
0N/A Process integer syntax unit synopsis (optional).
0N/A -->
0N/A <xsl:if test="adm:syntax/adm:integer/adm:synopsis">
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('property.', normalize-space(@name), '.syntax.integer.unit-synopsis=', normalize-space(adm:syntax/adm:integer/adm:synopsis), '&#xa;')" />
0N/A </xsl:if>
0N/A </xsl:when>
0N/A <xsl:when test="adm:syntax/adm:string/adm:pattern">
0N/A <!--
0N/A Process string syntax pattern synopsis (mandatory if pattern defined).
0N/A -->
0N/A <xsl:if
0N/A test="not(adm:syntax/adm:string/adm:pattern/adm:synopsis)">
0N/A <xsl:message terminate="yes">
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('No string pattern synopsis found for property ', @name, ' in managed object definition ', $this-name)" />
0N/A </xsl:message>
0N/A </xsl:if>
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('property.', normalize-space(@name), '.syntax.string.pattern.synopsis=', normalize-space(adm:syntax/adm:string/adm:pattern/adm:synopsis), '&#xa;')" />
0N/A </xsl:when>
0N/A <xsl:when test="adm:syntax/adm:enumeration">
0N/A <!--
0N/A Process enumeration value synopsis (mandatory).
0N/A -->
0N/A <xsl:for-each select="adm:syntax/adm:enumeration/adm:value">
0N/A <xsl:sort select="@name" />
0N/A <xsl:if test="not(adm:synopsis)">
0N/A <xsl:message terminate="yes">
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('No synopsis found for enumeration value ', @name, ' for property ', ../../../@name, ' in managed object definition ', $this-name)" />
0N/A </xsl:message>
0N/A </xsl:if>
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('property.', normalize-space(../../../@name), '.syntax.enumeration.value.', @name,'.synopsis=', normalize-space(adm:synopsis), '&#xa;')" />
0N/A </xsl:for-each>
0N/A </xsl:when>
0N/A </xsl:choose>
0N/A </xsl:for-each>
0N/A <!--
0N/A Process each relation definition.
0N/A -->
0N/A <xsl:for-each select="$this-all-relations">
0N/A <xsl:sort select="@name" />
0N/A <!--
0N/A Generate user friendly names.
0N/A -->
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('relation.', normalize-space(@name), '.user-friendly-name=')" />
0N/A <xsl:call-template name="name-to-ufn">
0N/A <xsl:with-param name="value" select="@name" />
0N/A </xsl:call-template>
0N/A <xsl:value-of select="'&#xa;'" />
0N/A <xsl:if test="adm:one-to-many">
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('relation.', normalize-space(@name), '.user-friendly-plural-name=')" />
0N/A <xsl:call-template name="name-to-ufn">
0N/A <xsl:with-param name="value"
0N/A select="adm:one-to-many/@plural-name" />
0N/A </xsl:call-template>
0N/A <xsl:value-of select="'&#xa;'" />
0N/A </xsl:if>
0N/A <!--
0N/A Pull out the relation definition synopsis (mandatory).
0N/A -->
0N/A <xsl:if test="not(adm:synopsis)">
0N/A <xsl:message terminate="yes">
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('No synopsis found for relation ', @name, ' in managed object definition ', $this-name)" />
0N/A </xsl:message>
0N/A </xsl:if>
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('relation.', normalize-space(@name), '.synopsis=', normalize-space(adm:synopsis), '&#xa;')" />
0N/A <!--
0N/A Pull out the relation definition description (optional).
0N/A -->
0N/A <xsl:if test="adm:description">
0N/A <xsl:value-of
0N/A select="concat('relation.', normalize-space(@name), '.description=', normalize-space(adm:description), '&#xa;')" />
0N/A </xsl:if>
0N/A </xsl:for-each>
0N/A </xsl:template>