rfc2021.txt revision e75c2484bff064fbbf51e92aed4f37b08e6427b7
-- Textual Conventions
ZeroBasedCounter32 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
STATUS current
"This TC describes an object which counts events with the
following semantics: objects of this type will be set to
zero(0) on creation and will thereafter count appropriate
events, wrapping back to zero(0) when the value 2^32 is
Provided that an application discovers the new object within
the minimum time to wrap it can use the initial value as a
delta since it last polled the table of which this object is
part. It is important for a management station to be aware of
this minimum time and the actual time between polls, and to
discard data if the actual time is too long or there is no
defined minimum time.
Typically this TC is used in tables where the INDEX space is
constantly changing and/or the TimeFilter mechanism is in use."
SYNTAX Gauge32