revision e75c2484bff064fbbf51e92aed4f37b08e6427b7
user-friendly-name=Replication Domain
user-friendly-plural-name=Replication Domains
synopsis=A Replication Domain comprises of several Directory Servers sharing the same synchronized set of data.
property.assured-sd-level.synopsis=The level of acknowledgment for Safe Data assured sub mode.
property.assured-sd-level.description=When assured mode configured in Safe Data mode, this value defines the number of replication servers that should acknowledge the sent update before the LDAP client call can return.
property.assured-timeout.synopsis=The timeout value when waiting for assured mode acknowledgements.
property.assured-timeout.description=Defines the amount of milliseconds the server will wait for assured acknowledgements (in either Safe Data or Safe Read assured sub modes) before returning anyway the LDAP client call.
property.assured-type.synopsis=Defines the assured mode of the replicated domain.
property.assured-type.description=The assured mode can be disable or enabled. When enabled, two sub modes are available: Safe Data or Safe Read modes.
property.assured-type.syntax.enumeration.value.not-assured.synopsis=Updates sent for replication (for being replayed on other LDAP servers of the topology) are sent without waiting for any aknowledgement and the LDAP client call returns immediately. mode is enabled in Safe Data sub mode: updates sent for replication are subject to acknowledgement defined by the assured-sd-level property. After acknowlegement is received, LDAP client call returns. mode is enabled in Safe Read sub mode: updates sent for replication are subject to acknowledgement of LDAP servers of the topology having the same group id than us (defined with assured-sr-group-id property). After acknowlegement is received, LDAP client call returns.
property.base-dn.synopsis=Specifies the base DN of the replicated data. group id associated with this replicated domain. value defines the group id of the replicated domain. The replication system will preferably connect and send updates to replicate to a replication server with the same group id as him.
property.heartbeat-interval.synopsis=Specifies the heart-beat interval that the Directory Server will use when communicating with Replication Servers.
property.heartbeat-interval.description=The Directory Server expects a regular heart-beat coming from the Replication Server within the specified interval. If a heartbeat is not received within the interval, the Directory Server closes its connection and connects to another Replication Server.
property.isolation-policy.synopsis=Specifies the behavior of the Directory Server if a write operation is attempted on the data within the Replication Domain when none of the configured Replication Servers are available.
property.isolation-policy.syntax.enumeration.value.accept-all-updates.synopsis=Indicates that updates should be accepted even though it is not possible to send them to any Replication Server. Best effort is made to re-send those updates to a Replication Servers when one of them is available, however those changes are at risk because they are only available from the historical information. This mode can also introduce high replication latency.
property.isolation-policy.syntax.enumeration.value.reject-all-updates.synopsis=Indicates that all updates attempted on this Replication Domain are rejected when no Replication Server is available.
property.referrals-url.synopsis=The URLs other LDAP servers should you to refer to us.
property.referrals-url.description=URLs used by peer servers of the topology to refer to us through LDAP referrals. If this attribute is not defined, every URLs available to access this server will be used. If defined, only URLs specified here will be used.
property.referrals-url.syntax.string.pattern.synopsis=A LDAP URL compliant with RFC 2255.
property.replication-server.synopsis=Specifies the addresses of the Replication Servers within the Replication Domain to which the Directory Server should try to connect at startup time.
property.replication-server.description=Addresses must be specified using the syntax: hostname:port
property.replication-server.syntax.string.pattern.synopsis=A host name followed by a ":" and a port number.
property.server-id.synopsis=Specifies a unique identifier for the Directory Server within the Replication Domain.
property.server-id.description=Each Directory Server within the same Replication Domain must have a different server ID. A Directory Server which is a member of multiple Replication Domains may use the same server ID for each of its Replication Domain configurations.
property.window-size.synopsis=Specifies the window size that the Directory Server will use when communicating with Replication Servers.