RandomPasswordGeneratorCfgDefn_ko.properties revision e75c2484bff064fbbf51e92aed4f37b08e6427b7
user-friendly-name=Random Password Generator
user-friendly-plural-name=Random Password Generators
synopsis=The Random Password Generator creates random passwords based on fixed-length strings built from one or more character sets.
property.enabled.synopsis=Indicates whether the Random Password Generator is enabled for use.
property.java-class.synopsis=Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the Random Password Generator implementation.
property.password-character-set.synopsis=Specifies one or more named character sets.
property.password-character-set.description=This is a multi-valued property, with each value defining a different character set. The format of the character set is the name of the set followed by a colon and the characters that are in that set. For example, the value "alpha:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" defines a character set named "alpha" containing all of the lower-case ASCII alphabetic characters.
property.password-character-set.syntax.string.pattern.synopsis=A character set name (consisting of ASCII letters) followed by a colon and the set of characters that are included in that character set.
property.password-format.synopsis=Specifies the format to use for the generated password.
property.password-format.description=The value is a comma-delimited list of elements in which each of those elements is comprised of the name of a character set defined in the password-character-set property, a colon, and the number of characters to include from that set. For example, a value of "alpha:3,numeric:2,alpha:3" generates an 8-character password in which the first three characters are from the "alpha" set, the next two are from the "numeric" set, and the final three are from the "alpha" set.
property.password-format.syntax.string.pattern.synopsis=A comma-delimited list whose elements comprise a valid character set name, a colon, and a positive integer indicating the number of characters from that set to be included.