revision e75c2484bff064fbbf51e92aed4f37b08e6427b7
user-friendly-name=File Based Audit Log Publisher
user-friendly-plural-name=File Based Audit Log Publishers
synopsis=File Based Audit Log Publishers publish access messages to the file system.
property.append.synopsis=Specifies whether to append to existing log files.
property.asynchronous.synopsis=Indicates whether the File Based Audit Log Publisher will publish records asynchronously. whether to flush the writer after every log record. the asynchronous writes option is used, the writer is flushed after all the log records in the queue are written.
property.buffer-size.synopsis=Specifies the log file buffer size.
property.enabled.synopsis=Indicates whether the File Based Audit Log Publisher is enabled for use.
property.filtering-policy.synopsis=Specifies how filtering criteria should be applied to log records.
property.filtering-policy.syntax.enumeration.value.exclusive.synopsis=Records must not match any of the filtering criteria in order to be logged.
property.filtering-policy.syntax.enumeration.value.inclusive.synopsis=Records must match at least one of the filtering criteria in order to be logged. filtering will be performed, and all records will be logged. fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the File Based Audit Log Publisher implementation.
property.log-file.synopsis=The file name to use for the log files generated by the File Based Audit Log Publisher. The path to the file is relative to the server root.
property.log-file.syntax.string.pattern.synopsis=A path to an existing file that is readable by the server.
property.log-file-permissions.synopsis=The UNIX permissions of the log files created by this File Based Audit Log Publisher.
property.log-file-permissions.syntax.string.pattern.synopsis=A valid UNIX mode string. The mode string must contain three digits between zero and seven.
property.queue-size.synopsis=The maximum number of log records that can be stored in the asynchronous queue.
property.queue-size.description=Setting the queue size to zero activates parallel log writer implementation which has no queue size limit and as such the parallel log writer should only be used on a very well tuned server configuration to avoid potential out of memory errors.
property.queue-size.requires-admin-action.synopsis=The File Based Audit Log Publisher must be restarted if this property is changed and the asynchronous property is set to true.
property.retention-policy.synopsis=The retention policy to use for the File Based Audit Log Publisher .
property.retention-policy.description=When multiple policies are used, log files are cleaned when any of the policy's conditions are met.
property.retention-policy.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=No retention policy is used and log files are never cleaned.
property.rotation-policy.synopsis=The rotation policy to use for the File Based Audit Log Publisher .
property.rotation-policy.description=When multiple policies are used, rotation will occur if any policy's conditions are met.
property.rotation-policy.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=No rotation policy is used and log rotation will not occur.
property.suppress-internal-operations.synopsis=Indicates whether internal operations (for example, operations that are initiated by plugins) should be logged along with the operations that are requested by users.
property.suppress-synchronization-operations.synopsis=Indicates whether access messages that are generated by synchronization operations should be suppressed.
property.time-interval.synopsis=Specifies the interval at which to check whether the log files need to be rotated.
relation.access-log-filtering-criteria.user-friendly-name=Access Log Filtering Criteria
relation.access-log-filtering-criteria.user-friendly-plural-name=Access Log Filtering Criteria
relation.access-log-filtering-criteria.synopsis=The set of criteria which will be used to filter log records.