ExternalChangelogDomainCfgDefn.properties revision e75c2484bff064fbbf51e92aed4f37b08e6427b7
user-friendly-name=External Changelog Domain
user-friendly-plural-name=External Changelog Domains
synopsis=The External Changelog Domain provides configuration of the external changelog for the replication domain.
property.ecl-include.synopsis=Specifies a list of attributes which should be published with every change log entry, regardless of whether or not the attribute itself has changed.
property.ecl-include.description=The list of attributes may include wild cards such as "*" and "+" as well as object class references prefixed with an ampersand, for example "@person". The included attributes will be published using the "includedAttributes" operational attribute as a single LDIF value rather like the "changes" attribute. For modify and modifyDN operations the included attributes will be taken from the entry before any changes were applied.
property.ecl-include-for-deletes.synopsis=Specifies a list of attributes which should be published with every delete operation change log entry, in addition to those specified by the "ecl-include" property.
property.ecl-include-for-deletes.description=This property provides a means for applications to archive entries after they have been deleted. See the description of the "ecl-include" property for further information about how the included attributes are published.
property.enabled.synopsis=Indicates whether the External Changelog Domain is enabled.