DictionaryPasswordValidatorCfgDefn_ko.properties revision e75c2484bff064fbbf51e92aed4f37b08e6427b7
user-friendly-name=Dictionary Password Validator
user-friendly-plural-name=Dictionary Password Validators
synopsis=The Dictionary Password Validator determines whether a proposed password is acceptable based on whether the given password value appears in a provided dictionary file.
description=A large dictionary file is provided with the server, but the administrator can supply an alternate dictionary. In this case, then the dictionary must be a plain-text file with one word per line.
property.case-sensitive-validation.synopsis=Indicates whether this password validator is to treat password characters in a case-sensitive manner.
property.case-sensitive-validation.description=If it is set to true, then the validator rejects a password only if it appears in the dictionary with exactly the same capitalization as provided by the user.
property.dictionary-file.synopsis=Specifies the path to the file containing a list of words that cannot be used as passwords.
property.dictionary-file.description=It should be formatted with one word per line. The value can be an absolute path or a path that is relative to the OpenDJ instance root.
property.dictionary-file.syntax.string.pattern.synopsis=The path to any text file contained on the system that is readable by the server.
property.enabled.synopsis=Indicates whether the password validator is enabled for use.
property.java-class.synopsis=Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the password validator implementation.
property.test-reversed-password.synopsis=Indicates whether this password validator is to test the reversed value of the provided password as well as the order in which it was given.
property.test-reversed-password.description=For example, if the user provides a new password of "password" and this configuration attribute is set to true, then the value "drowssap" is also tested against attribute values in the user's entry.