revision e75c2484bff064fbbf51e92aed4f37b08e6427b7
user-friendly-name=Debug Log Publisher
user-friendly-plural-name=Debug Log Publishers
synopsis=Debug Log Publishers are responsible for distributing debug log messages from the debug logger to a destination.
description=Debug log messages provide information that can be used for debugging or troubleshooting problems in the server, or for providing more detailed information about the processing that the server performs.
property.default-debug-category.synopsis=The debug message categories to be logged when none of the defined targets match the message.
property.default-debug-category.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=Messages with any category will be logged if they have a sufficient debug level.
property.default-debug-category.syntax.enumeration.value.caught.synopsis=Exception caught.
property.default-debug-category.syntax.enumeration.value.database-access.synopsis=Access to a backend database.
property.default-debug-category.syntax.enumeration.value.message.synopsis=Arbitrary debug message.
property.default-debug-category.syntax.enumeration.value.protocol.synopsis=Protocol element dump.
property.default-debug-category.syntax.enumeration.value.thrown.synopsis=Exception throw from method.
property.default-debug-level.synopsis=The lowest severity level of debug messages to log when none of the defined targets match the message.
property.default-debug-level.syntax.enumeration.value.all.synopsis=Messages with any severity level will be logged.
property.default-debug-level.syntax.enumeration.value.disabled.synopsis=No messages will be logged.
property.default-debug-level.syntax.enumeration.value.error.synopsis=Messages with severity level of ERROR or higher will be logged. with severity level of INFO or higher will be logged.
property.default-debug-level.syntax.enumeration.value.verbose.synopsis=Messages with severity level of VERBOSE or higher will be logged.
property.default-debug-level.syntax.enumeration.value.warning.synopsis=Messages with severity level of WARNING or higher will be logged.
property.default-include-throwable-cause.synopsis=Indicates whether to include the cause of exceptions in exception thrown and caught messages logged by default.
property.default-omit-method-entry-arguments.synopsis=Indicates whether to include method arguments in debug messages logged by default.
property.default-omit-method-return-value.synopsis=Indicates whether to include the return value in debug messages logged by default.
property.default-throwable-stack-frames.synopsis=Indicates the number of stack frames to include in the stack trace for method entry and exception thrown messages.
property.enabled.synopsis=Indicates whether the Debug Log Publisher is enabled for use. fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the Debug Log Publisher implementation.
relation.debug-target.user-friendly-name=Debug Target
relation.debug-target.user-friendly-plural-name=Debug Targets
relation.debug-target.synopsis=Debug Targets define the types of messages logged by the debug logPublisher.
relation.debug-target.description=Debug targets allow for fine-grain control of which messages are logged based on the package, class, or method that generated the message. Each debug target configuration entry resides below the entry with RDN of "cn=Debug Target" immediately below the parent ds-cfg-debug-log-publisher entry.