revision e75c2484bff064fbbf51e92aed4f37b08e6427b7
user-friendly-name=Alert Handler
user-friendly-plural-name=Alert Handlers
synopsis=Alert Handlers are used to notify administrators of significant problems or notable events that occur in the Directory Server.
property.disabled-alert-type.synopsis=Specifies the names of the alert types that are disabled for this alert handler.
property.disabled-alert-type.description=If there are any values for this attribute, then no alerts with any of the specified types are allowed. If there are no values for this attribute, then only alerts with a type included in the set of enabled alert types are allowed, or if there are no values for the enabled alert types option, then all alert types are allowed.
property.disabled-alert-type.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=If there is a set of enabled alert types, then only alerts with one of those types are allowed. Otherwise, all alerts are allowed.
property.enabled.synopsis=Indicates whether the Alert Handler is enabled.
property.enabled-alert-type.synopsis=Specifies the names of the alert types that are enabled for this alert handler.
property.enabled-alert-type.description=If there are any values for this attribute, then only alerts with one of the specified types are allowed (unless they are also included in the disabled alert types). If there are no values for this attribute, then any alert with a type not included in the list of disabled alert types is allowed.
property.enabled-alert-type.default-behavior.alias.synopsis=All alerts with types not included in the set of disabled alert types are allowed. the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the Alert Handler implementation.