opendj-manifest.xml revision 6413
0N/A<?xml version="1.0"?>
0N/A<!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM "/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1">
0N/A $Id$
0N/A License: CDDL 1.0 (see
0N/A Copyright 2013 Jens Elkner
0N/A<service_bundle type='manifest' name='LNFopendj:opendj@VERS@'>
0N/A <service name='network/ldap/opendj@VERS@' type='service' version='1'>
0N/A <dependency name='fs-local' grouping='require_all'
0N/A restart_on='none'
0N/A type='service'>
0N/A <service_fmri value='svc:/system/filesystem/local' />
0N/A </dependency>
0N/A <dependency name='identity' grouping='optional_all'
873N/A restart_on='refresh'
0N/A type='service'>
0N/A <service_fmri value='svc:/system/identity:domain' />
0N/A </dependency>
0N/A <dependency name='network-service' grouping='require_all'
733N/A restart_on='none'
0N/A type='service'>
0N/A <service_fmri value='svc:/network/service' />
0N/A </dependency>
0N/A <exec_method type='method' name='start'
0N/A exec='/lib/svc/method/opendj@VERS@ start'
0N/A timeout_seconds='60'>
0N/A <method_context>
0N/A <method_credential user='ldapd' group='ldapd'
0N/A privileges='basic,net_privaddr,sys_resource,!proc_info,!proc_session,!file_link_any'
0N/A limit_privileges='basic,net_privaddr,sys_resource,!proc_info,!proc_session,!file_link_any'
0N/A />
0N/A </method_context>
0N/A </exec_method>
0N/A <exec_method type='method' name='stop'
0N/A exec='/lib/svc/method/opendj@VERS@ stop'
0N/A timeout_seconds='60'>
0N/A <method_context>
0N/A <method_credential user='ldapd' group='ldapd' />
0N/A </method_context>
0N/A </exec_method>
0N/A <property_group name='config' type='application'>
0N/A <stability value='Evolving' />
0N/A <!-- should be explicitly set by each instance -->
0N/A <propval name='datadir' type='astring' value='' />
0N/A <!-- empty argument lists/placeholder by default -->
0N/A <propval name='server_start_args' type='astring' value=''/>
0N/A <propval name='server_stop_args' type='astring' value='' />
0N/A <!-- Avoid the following, since this causes a "remote" shutdown
0N/A (i.e. via TCP to localhost) instead of a reliable "kill"... -->
0N/A <!-- propval name='server_stop_args' type='astring'
0N/A value='-r "SMF request to stop the instance"' / -->
0N/A <propval name='value_authorization' type='astring'
0N/A value='solaris.smf.value.opendj' />
0N/A </property_group>
0N/A <property_group name='startd' type='framework'>
0N/A <!-- core dumps shouldn't restart session -->
0N/A <propval name='ignore_error' type='astring' value='core,signal' />
0N/A </property_group>
0N/A <!--
0N/A Assign the profile 'OpenDJ Admin' to all users, which should be
0N/A able to manage this service. E.g.:
0N/A usermod -P +'OpenDJ Admin' jdoe
0N/A -->
0N/A <property_group name='general' type='framework'>
0N/A <!-- autorizations required to start stop opendj -->
0N/A <propval name='action_authorization' type='astring'
0N/A value='solaris.smf.manage.opendj' />
0N/A <propval name='value_authorization' type='astring'
0N/A value='solaris.smf.value.opendj' />
0N/A <propval name='enabled' type='boolean' value='false' />
0N/A </property_group>
0N/A <instance name='default' enabled='false'>
0N/A <property_group name='config' type='application'>
0N/A <stability value='Evolving' />
0N/A <propval name='datadir' type='astring'
0N/A value='/var/share/ldap/opendj' />
0N/A </property_group>
0N/A </instance>
0N/A <stability value='Evolving' />
0N/A <template>
0N/A <common_name>
0N/A <loctext xml:lang='C'>
0N/AOpenDJ LDAP directory server</loctext>
0N/A </common_name>
0N/A <documentation>
0N/A <doc_link name='OpenDJ Documentation'
0N/A uri='' />
0N/A <manpage title='opendj' section='5'
0N/A manpath='@CLIENT_BASEDIR@/opendj@VERS@/man' />
0N/A </documentation>
0N/A <pg_pattern name='config' type='application' required='true'
0N/A target='this'>
0N/A <prop_pattern name='datadir' type='astring' required='true'>
0N/A <description>
0N/A <loctext xml:lang='C'>
0N/AThe directory, where this OpenDJ instance stores its data. It must not be shared with other instances, otherwise it may result in unexpected behavior or data corruption!
0N/A </loctext>
0N/A </description>
0N/A <visibility value='readwrite'/>
0N/A <cardinality min='1' max='1'/>
0N/A </prop_pattern>
0N/A <prop_pattern name='server_start_args' type='astring'
0N/A required='false'>
0N/A <description>
0N/A <loctext xml:lang='C'>
0N/AAdditional arguments to pass to the OpenDJ server instance start command - see start-ds(1M).
0N/A </loctext>
0N/A </description>
0N/A <visibility value='readwrite'/>
0N/A <cardinality min='1' max='1'/>
0N/A </prop_pattern>
0N/A <prop_pattern name='server_stop_args' type='astring'
0N/A required='false'>
0N/A <description>
0N/A <loctext xml:lang='C'>
0N/AAdditional arguments to pass to the OpenDJ server stop command - see stop-ds(1M).
0N/A </loctext>
0N/A </description>
0N/A <visibility value='readwrite'/>
0N/A <cardinality min='1' max='1'/>
0N/A </prop_pattern>
0N/A </pg_pattern>
0N/A </template>
0N/A </service>