2086N/A# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
2086N/A# Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
2086N/A# (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
2086N/A# with the License.
2086N/A# You can obtain a copy of the license at
2086N/A# trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
2086N/A# or https://OpenDS.dev.java.net/OpenDS.LICENSE.
2086N/A# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
2086N/A# and limitations under the License.
2086N/A# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
2086N/A# file and include the License file at
2086N/A# trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable,
2086N/A# add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
2086N/A# by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
2086N/A# Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
4293N/A# Copyright 2006-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
5717N/A# Portions copyright 2012 ForgeRock AS.
2086N/A# Global directives
2086N/A# Format string definitions
2086N/A# Keys must be formatted as follows:
2086N/A# where:
2086N/A# SEVERITY is one of:
2086N/A# DESCRIPTION is an upper case string providing a hint as to the context of
2086N/A# the message in upper case with the underscore ('_') character serving as
2086N/A# word separator
2086N/A# ORDINAL is an integer unique among other ordinals in this file
2093N/AINFO_890_UPGRADE_1=With this upgrade, the Berkeley DB Java Edition JAR will be \
2086N/A upgraded to version 3.2.13 which introduces incompatibilities to the data \
2086N/A format. Consequently if at a later time you wish to revert this installation \
2086N/A to its prior version you will have to export the data from this server and \
2086N/A reimport it once the reversion has finished
2093N/AINFO_890_REVERSION_2=With this reversion, the Berkeley DB Java Edition JAR \
2086N/A will be downgraded to an older version which uses a different data format \
2093N/A than the current version. In order to revert this server you will have to \
2086N/A export the data from this server and reimport it after the reversion has \
2086N/A finished
2086N/AINFO_1582_UPGRADE_3=This upgrade introduces improvements to the data format \
2086N/A which are not backward compatible with the current version. Consequently if \
2086N/A at a later time you wish to revert this installation to its prior version you \
2086N/A will have to export the data from this server and reimport it once the \
2086N/A reversion has finished
2086N/AINFO_1582_REVERSION_4=With this reversion the data format used to store data \
2086N/A by the server will be reverted to a prior version. In order to revert this \
2086N/A server you will have to export the data from this server and reimport it \
2086N/A after the reversion has finished
2086N/AINFO_2049_UPGRADE_5=This upgrade introduces improvements to the data format \
2086N/A which are not backward compatible with the current version. Consequently if \
2086N/A at a later time you wish to revert this installation to its prior version you \
2086N/A will have to export the data from this server and reimport it once the \
2086N/A reversion has finished
2086N/AINFO_2049_REVERSION_6=With this reversion the data format used to store data \
2086N/A by the server will be reverted to a prior version. In order to revert this \
2086N/A server you will have to export the data from this server and reimport it \
2086N/A after the reversion has finished
2493N/AINFO_2974_UPGRADE_7=This upgrade introduces an incompatible property change \
2493N/A for the default password storage scheme and deprecated password storage \
2493N/A schemes associated with a password policy. The schemes are now referenced \
2493N/A by DN rather than by name. Upgrade is not possible because the scheme name \
2493N/A cannot be automatically translated into a DN
2493N/AINFO_2974_REVERSION_8=It is not possible to revert to a revision before 2974 \
2493N/A because the default password storage scheme and deprecated password storage \
2493N/A scheme references in the password policy have been converted from names to \
2493N/A DNs, and it is not possible to revert from the DN back to the scheme name
3132N/AINFO_3294_UPGRADE_9=This upgrade introduces a new security framework that is \
3136N/A not backwards compatible. Upgrade is not possible
3132N/AINFO_3294_REVERSION_10=The revision 3294 introduces a new security framework. \
3136N/A Revert is not possible
3160N/AINFO_3708_UPGRADE_11=This upgrade introduces a change in the backend \
3160N/A configuration that is not backwards compatible. Upgrade is not possible
3160N/AINFO_3708_REVERSION_12=The revision 3294 introduces a change in the backend \
4293N/A configuration. Revert is not possible
3242N/AINFO_3873_UPGRADE_13=This change introduces a change to the way in which \
3242N/A distinguished names are normalized. In order to upgrade this server you \
3242N/A will have to export the data from this server and reimport it after the \
3242N/A upgrade has finished
3242N/AINFO_3873_REVERSION_14=With this reversion the normalized form of \
3242N/A distinguished names will be reverted to a prior version. In order to \
3242N/A revert this server you will have to export the data from this server and \
3242N/A reimport it after the reversion has finished
4293N/AINFO_5134_UPGRADE_15=The revision 5134 introduces a change to the \
4293N/A way in which certain matching rules normalize an attribute or assertion value. \
4293N/A In order to upgrade this server you will have to export the data from \
4293N/A this server and reimport it after the upgrade has finished
4293N/AINFO_5134_REVERSION_16=With this reversion the normalization of attribute \
4293N/A or assertion value will be reverted to a prior version. In order to revert this server \
4293N/A you will have to export the data from this server and reimport it after the \
4293N/A reversion has finished
4495N/AINFO_5278_REVERSION_17=Reversion from version 2.0 to a previous version is \
4451N/Anot supported
5717N/AINFO_7635_UPGRADE_18=The revision 7635 introduces a change to the \
5717N/A way in which the 'ds-sync-hist' attribute is normalized for indexing. \
5717N/A In order to complete the upgrade of this server you will have to manually \
5717N/A rebuild the 'ds-sync-hist' attribute index after the upgrade has finished
5717N/AINFO_7635_REVERSION_19=With this reversion the normalization of the \
5717N/A 'ds-sync-hist' attribute will be reverted to the prior version. In order to \
5717N/A complete the reversion of this server you will need to start the server and \
5717N/A then perform an online rebuild of the 'ds-sync-hist' index