Title: encode-password
Generator: DocBook XSL-NS Stylesheets v1.76.1 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
Date: 03/21/2012
Manual: Tools Reference
Source: OpenDJ 2.5.0
Language: English
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\w'encode-password 'u encode-password {options}
This utility can be used to encode user passwords with a specified storage scheme, or to determine whether a given clear-text value matches a provided encoded password.
The following global options are supported.
-a, --authPasswordSyntax
Use the authentication password syntax rather than the user password syntax.
-c, --clearPassword {clearPW}
Clear-text password to encode or to compare against an encoded password.
-e, --encodedPassword {encodedPW}
Encoded password to compare against the clear-text password.
-E, --encodedPasswordFile {file}
Encoded password file.
-f, --clearPasswordFile {file}
Clear-text password file.
-i, --interactivePassword
The password to encode or to compare against an encoded password is interactively asked to the user.
-l, --listSchemes
List available password storage schemes.
-r, --useCompareResultCode
Use the LDAP compare result as an exit code for the password comparison.
-s, --storageScheme {scheme}
Scheme to use for the encoded password.
-V, --version
Display version information.
-?, -H, --help
Display usage information.
The command completed successfully.
The -r option was used, and the compare did not match.
The -r option was used, and the compare did match.
An error occurred.
The following example encodes a password, and also shows comparison of a password with the encoded value.
$ encode-password -l 3DES AES BASE64 BLOWFISH CLEAR CRYPT MD5 RC4 SHA SMD5 SSHA SSHA256 SSHA384 SSHA512 $ encode-password -c secret12 -s CRYPT Encoded Password: "{CRYPT}ZulJ6Dy3TFnrE" $ encode-password -c secret12 -s CRYPT -e "{CRYPT}ZulJ6Dy3TFnrE" -r The provided clear-text and encoded passwords match $ echo $? 6
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