6330N/A<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
6330N/A !
6330N/A ! This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
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6330N/A ! Copyright 2011-2012 ForgeRock AS
6330N/A ! Portions Copyright 2013 Jens Elkner
6330N/A !
6330N/A<refentry xml:id="dsreplication-1" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
6330N/A version="5.0" xml:lang="en"
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6330N/A <xi:include href="common.xml" xpointer='xpointer(//info[@name="info"])'/>
6330N/A <refmeta>
6330N/A <refentrytitle><application>dsreplication</application></refentrytitle>
6330N/A <xi:include href="common.xml" xpointer='xpointer(//manvolnum[@name="v1m"])'/>
6330N/A </refmeta>
6330N/A <refnamediv>
6330N/A <refname><application>dsreplication</application></refname>
6330N/A <refpurpose>manage OpenDJ directory data replication</refpurpose>
6330N/A </refnamediv>
6330N/A <refsynopsisdiv>
6330N/A <cmdsynopsis>
6330N/A <command>dsreplication</command>
6330N/A <arg choice="plain"><replaceable>subcommand</replaceable></arg>
6330N/A <arg>subcommand_opts</arg>
6330N/A <arg>--advanced</arg>
6330N/A <arg>-I <replaceable class="parameter">adminUID</replaceable></arg>
6330N/A <sbr/><sbr/>
6331N/A <arg>-b <replaceable class="parameter">baseDN</replaceable></arg>
6330N/A <xi:include href="common.xml"
6330N/A xpointer='xpointer(//para[@name="s-remote"]/*)'/>
6331N/A <xi:include href="common.xml"
6331N/A xpointer='xpointer(//para[@name="s-auth"]/*[not(@name="sc-dn")])'/>
6330N/A <sbr/><sbr/>
6331N/A <arg>--displayCommand</arg>
6331N/A <arg>--commandFilePath <replaceable class="parameter">path</replaceable></arg>
6331N/A <arg>-n</arg>
6330N/A <xi:include href="common.xml"
6330N/A xpointer='xpointer(//para[@name="s-props"]/*)'/>
6330N/A <xi:include href="common.xml"
6330N/A xpointer='xpointer(//para[@name="s-misc"]/*[@name="sc-quiet"])'/>
6330N/A <xi:include href="common.xml"
6330N/A xpointer='xpointer(//para[@name="s-general"]/*)'/>
6330N/A </cmdsynopsis>
6330N/A </refsynopsisdiv>
6330N/A <refsection>
6330N/A <title>Description</title>
6330N/A <para>
6330N/AThis utility can be used to configure replication between servers so that the
6330N/Adata of the servers is synchronized. For replication to work you must first
6330N/Aenable replication using the <command>enable</command> subcommand and then
6330N/Ainitialize the contents of one of the servers with the contents of the other
6330N/Ausing the <command>initialize</command> subcommand.
6330N/A </para>
6330N/A </refsection>
6330N/A <refsection>
6330N/A <title>Subcommands</title>
6330N/A <para>
6330N/AThe following subcommands are supported.
6330N/A </para>
6331N/A <!-- Generated stuff -->
6330N/A <xi:include href="scmd-dsreplication.xml" xpointer='xpointer(//refsection)'/>
6330N/A <!-- End of generated stuff -->
6330N/A </refsection>
6330N/A <refsection>
6330N/A <title>Options</title>
6330N/A <para>
6330N/AThe following options are supported.
6330N/A </para>
6330N/A <variablelist>
6330N/A <varlistentry>
6330N/A <term><option>--advanced</option></term>
6330N/A <listitem>
6330N/A <para>
6330N/AAccess advanced settings when running this command in interactive mode.</para>
6330N/A </listitem>
6330N/A </varlistentry>
6330N/A <varlistentry>
6330N/A <term><option>-b, --baseDN</option> <replaceable
6330N/A class="parameter">baseDN</replaceable></term>
6330N/A <listitem>
6330N/A <para>
6330N/ABase DN of the data to be replicated, initialized or for which you want to
6330N/Adisable replication. Multiple base DNs can be provided by using this option
6330N/Amultiple times.</para>
6330N/A </listitem>
6330N/A </varlistentry>
6330N/A </variablelist>
6330N/A <refsection>
6330N/A <title>LDAP Connection Options</title>
6330N/A <variablelist>
6330N/A <xi:include href="common.xml"
6330N/A xpointer='xpointer(//para[@name="l-remote"]/*)'/>
6330N/A <varlistentry>
6330N/A <term><option>-I, --adminUID</option> <replaceable
6330N/A class="parameter">adminUID</replaceable></term>
6330N/A <listitem>
6330N/A <para>
6330N/AUser ID of the global administrator to use to bind to the server. For the
6330N/A<command>enable</command> subcommand, if no global administrator was defined
6330N/Apreviously for any servers, the global administrator will be created using the
6330N/AUID provided (Default: admin).
6330N/A </para>
6330N/A </listitem>
6330N/A </varlistentry>
6330N/A <xi:include href="common.xml"
6330N/A xpointer='xpointer(//para[@name="l-auth"]/*[not(@name="lc-dn")])'/>
6330N/A </variablelist>
6330N/A </refsection>
6330N/A <refsection>
6330N/A <title>Utility Input/Output Options</title>
6330N/A <variablelist>
6330N/A <varlistentry>
6330N/A <term><option>--commandFilePath</option> <replaceable
6330N/A class="parameter">path</replaceable></term>
6330N/A <listitem>
6330N/A <para>
6330N/AThe full path to the file where the equivalent non-interactive commands will be
6330N/Awritten when this command is run in interactive mode.
6330N/A </para>
6330N/A </listitem>
6330N/A </varlistentry>
6330N/A <varlistentry>
6330N/A <term><option>--displayCommand</option></term>
6330N/A <listitem>
6330N/A <para>
6330N/ADisplay the equivalent non-interactive option on standard output when this
6330N/Acommand is run in interactive mode.
6330N/A </para>
6330N/A </listitem>
6330N/A </varlistentry>
6330N/A <varlistentry>
6330N/A <term><option>-n, --no-prompt</option></term>
6330N/A <listitem>
6330N/A <para>
6330N/AUse non-interactive mode. If data in the command is missing, the user is not
6330N/Aprompted and the command exits with an error.
6330N/A </para>
6330N/A </listitem>
6330N/A </varlistentry>
6330N/A <xi:include href="common.xml"
6330N/A xpointer='xpointer(//para[@name="l-props"]/*)'/>
6330N/A <xi:include href="common.xml"
6330N/A xpointer='xpointer(//para[@name="l-misc"]/*[@name="lc-quiet"])'/>
6330N/A </variablelist>
6330N/A </refsection>
6330N/A <refsection>
6330N/A <title>General Options</title>
6330N/A <variablelist>
6330N/A <xi:include href="common.xml"
6330N/A xpointer='xpointer(//para[@name="l-general"]/*)'/>
6330N/A </variablelist>
6330N/A </refsection>
6330N/A </refsection>
6330N/A <refsection>
6330N/A <title>Examples</title>
6330N/A <informalexample>
6330N/A <para>
6330N/AThe following example enables and then initializes replication for a new replica
6330N/Aon <literal>dj2.example.com</literal> from an existing replica on
6330N/A </para>
6330N/A <literallayout><prompt
6330N/A>$ </prompt><command>dsreplication enable -I admin -w password -X -n \
6330N/A -b dc=example,dc=com --host1 dj.example.com --port1 4444 \
6330N/A --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPassword1 password \
6330N/A --replicationPort1 8989 --host2 dj2.example.com --port2 4444 \
6330N/A --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPassword2 password \
6330N/A --replicationPort2 8989</command></literallayout>
6330N/A <screen>
6330N/AEstablishing connections ..... Done.
6330N/AChecking registration information ..... Done.
6330N/AUpdating remote references on server dj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6330N/AConfiguring Replication port on server j2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6330N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on
6330N/A server dj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6330N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on
6330N/A server dj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6330N/AUpdating registration configuration on server
6330N/A dj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6330N/AUpdating registration configuration on server
6330N/A dj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6330N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
6330N/A dj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6330N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
6330N/A dj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6330N/AInitializing registration information on server dj2.example.com:4444
6330N/A with the contents of server dj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6330N/AInitializing schema on server dj2.example.com:4444 with the contents of
6330N/A server dj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6330N/AReplication has been successfully enabled. Note that for replication to
6330N/A work you must initialize the contents of the base DN's that are being
6330N/A replicated (use dsreplication initialize to do so).
6330N/Afor a detailed log of this operation.
6330N/A <literallayout><prompt
6330N/A>$ </prompt><command>dsreplication initialize-all -I admin -w password -X -n \
6330N/A -b dc=example,dc=com -h dj.example.com -p 4444</command></literallayout>
6330N/A <screen>
6330N/AInitializing base DN dc=example,dc=com with the contents from
6330N/A dj.example.com:4444: 160 entries processed (100 % complete).
6330N/ABase DN initialized successfully.
6330N/Afor a detailed log of this operation.
6330N/A </informalexample>
6330N/A </refsection>
6330N/A <xi:include href="common.xml" xpointer='xpointer(//refsection[@name="env"])'/>
6330N/A <xi:include href="common.xml" xpointer='xpointer(//refsection[@name="exit-0-gt0"])'/>
6330N/A <xi:include href="common.xml" xpointer='xpointer(//refsection[@name="seeAlso"])'/>