6331N/A<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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6331N/A ! Copyright 2011-2012 ForgeRock AS
6331N/A ! Portions Copyright 2013 Jens Elkner
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6331N/A<refentry xml:id='create-rc-script-1' xmlns='http://docbook.org/ns/docbook'
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6331N/A <xi:include href="common.xml" xpointer='xpointer(//info[@name="info"])'/>
6331N/A <refmeta>
6331N/A <refentrytitle><application>create-rc-script</application></refentrytitle>
6331N/A <xi:include href="common.xml" xpointer='xpointer(//manvolnum[@name="v1m"])'/>
6331N/A </refmeta>
6331N/A <refnamediv>
6331N/A <refname>create-rc-script</refname>
6331N/A <refpurpose>script to manage OpenDJ as a service on UNIX</refpurpose>
6331N/A </refnamediv>
6331N/A <refsynopsisdiv>
6331N/A <cmdsynopsis>
6331N/A <command>create-rc-script</command>
6331N/A <arg>-f <replaceable class="parameter">file</replaceable></arg>
6331N/A <arg>-j <replaceable class="parameter">dir</replaceable></arg>
6331N/A <arg>-J <replaceable class="parameter">args</replaceable></arg>
6331N/A <arg>-u <replaceable class="parameter">username</replaceable></arg>
6331N/A <xi:include href="common.xml"
6331N/A xpointer='xpointer(//para[@name="s-general"]/*)'/>
6331N/A </cmdsynopsis>
6331N/A </refsynopsisdiv>
6331N/A <refsection>
6331N/A <title>Description</title>
6331N/A <para>
6331N/ACreate an RC script that may be used to start, stop, and restart the directory
6331N/Aserver on UNIX-based systems.
6331N/A </para>
6331N/A </refsection>
6331N/A <refsection>
6331N/A <title>Options</title>
6331N/A <para>
6331N/AThe following options are supported.
6331N/A </para>
6331N/A <variablelist>
6331N/A <varlistentry>
6331N/A <term><option>-f, --outputFile</option> <replaceable
6331N/A class="parameter">file</replaceable></term>
6331N/A <listitem>
6331N/A <para>
6331N/AThe path to the output file to create.
6331N/A </para>
6331N/A </listitem>
6331N/A </varlistentry>
6331N/A <varlistentry>
6331N/A <term><option>-j, --javaHome</option> <replaceable
6331N/A class="parameter">dir</replaceable> </term>
6331N/A <listitem>
6331N/A <para>
6331N/AThe path to the Java installation that should be used to run the server.
6331N/A </para>
6331N/A </listitem>
6331N/A </varlistentry>
6331N/A <varlistentry>
6331N/A <term><option>-J, --javaArgs</option> <replaceable
6331N/A class="parameter">args</replaceable></term>
6331N/A <listitem>
6331N/A <para>
6331N/AA set of arguments that should be passed to the JVM when running the server.
6331N/A </para>
6331N/A </listitem>
6331N/A </varlistentry>
6331N/A <varlistentry>
6331N/A <term><option>-u, --userName</option> <replaceable
6331N/A class="parameter">username</replaceable></term>
6331N/A <listitem>
6331N/A <para>
6331N/AThe name of the user account under which the server should run.
6331N/A </para>
6331N/A </listitem>
6331N/A </varlistentry>
6331N/A </variablelist>
6331N/A </refsection>
6331N/A <refsection>
6331N/A <title>General Options</title>
6331N/A <variablelist>
6331N/A <xi:include href="common.xml"
6331N/A xpointer='xpointer(//para[@name="l-general"]/*)'/>
6331N/A </variablelist>
6331N/A </refsection>
6331N/A <refsection>
6331N/A <title>Examples</title>
6331N/A <informalexample>
6331N/A <para>
6331N/AThe following example adds a script to start OpenDJ at boot time on a
6331N/ADebian-based system, and then updates the runlevel system to use the script.
6331N/A </para>
6331N/A <literallayout><prompt
6331N/A>$ </prompt><command>sudo create-rc-script -f /etc/init.d/opendj -u mark</command>
6331N/A<prompt>$ </prompt><command>sudo update-rc.d opendj</command></literallayout>
6331N/A </informalexample>
6331N/A </refsection>
6331N/A <xi:include href="common.xml" xpointer='xpointer(//refsection[@name="exit-0-gt0"])'/>
6331N/A <xi:include href="common.xml" xpointer='xpointer(//refsection[@name="seeAlso"])'/>