revision 6331
# This file contains the java properties that the different command lines will
# use when launched. You can specify the location of the java binaries to be
# used and the java arguments to be passed to the command line. The follwoing
# examples assumes that the Java virtual machine supports those options.
# For instance you can specify to use the -server argument for the start-ds
# command with an initial heap size of 256 Mb by setting
# For big|production servers (NewSize ~= 2/3*Xmx) -d64 -Xms2G -Xmx2G -XX:NewSize=1408M -XX:MaxNewSize=1408M -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -Duser.language=en
# To set the java virtual machine to be used for a given command-line you must
# set the property <command-line-name>.java-home and to specify java arguments
# you must set the property <command-line-name>.java-args.
# There are certain command-lines (import-ldif, export-ldif, backup, restore)
# that can work on two modes: online and offline. When they run in online mode
# (the server is running and the user specifies LDAP parameters to launch the
# operation) the operation is not actually performed in the Java Virtual Machine
# of the command-line but on the server side. This is why when launching these
# command-lines on online-mode it is preferred to use the -client argument for
# the java virtual machine (and even limit the maximum size of the heap).
# However when these command-lines are launched in offline mode it is
# recommended to use the -server argument to launch the command-line.
# This is the reason why you can specify different java properties for both
# modes (for instance and
# IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you have modified this file and set the java properties
# that you want the command-lines to use you must run the command-line
# bin/dsjavaproperties for the different scripts to be updated with the
# specified settings.
# Examples:
# Specify to overwrite the content of the environment variable OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME
# (i.e. the contents of this properties file for the java home will be analyzed
# before checking whether OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME is specified in the environment):
# Specify to overwrite the content of the environment variable OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS
# (i.e. the contents of this properties file for the java args will be analyzed
# before checking whether OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS is specified in the environment):
# Specify to use a particular Java Virtual Machine for the offline import:
# Specify to use -server argument when running import-ldif on server mode: -d64
# Specify to use -client argument when running dsconfig:
# Specify to use the java home for all the command-lines that have not
# an associated property defined:
# Specify to use the -client argument for all the command-lines that have not
# an associated property defined: