README.txt revision 6330
6330N/ARequirements for building OpenDJ
6330N/A - Sun/Oracle JDK 6 (latest)
6330N/A -
6330N/A - ant 1.9.1
6330N/A -
6330N/A - OpenDMK
6330N/A - for building DS SNMP extensions
6330N/A - xsltproc 1.1.26 incl. libxml 20706, libxslt 10126 and libexslt 815
6330N/A -
6330N/A - for building man pages from docbook source
6330N/A - 'xsltproc' directory must be in your PATH environment variable
6330N/A - docbook-xsl 1.75.2
6330N/A -
6330N/A - for building man pages from docbook source
6330N/A - ksh93
6330N/A -
6330N/A - for building a Solaris/Illumos+ friends SVR4 packages
6330N/A - Solaris/Illumos+ SVR4 pkg tools
6330N/A - included in your OS
6330N/A - for building a Solaris/Illumos+ friends SVR4 package
6330N/A - IPS pkg tools
6330N/A - (or part of your OS)
6330N/A - for building a Solaris/Illumos+ friends IPS package
6330N/A - Debian Ant Task package
6330N/A -
6330N/A - for building a Debian package (put the jdeb-0.10.jar in the lib
6330N/A directory of your ant installation)
6330N/A - subclipse
6330N/A -
6330N/A - for Subversion support in the eclipse IDE
6330N/A - Mercurial Eclipse
6330N/A -
6330N/A - for Mercurial support in the eclipse IDE
6330N/A Shown versions numbers imply: works PROBABLY IF the tool has a HIGHER
6330N/A version, works probably NOT IF the tool has a LOWER version.
6330N/A Usually all modern OS provide precompiled packages - so try those before
6330N/A waisting time to compile/install them from source.
6330N/A All binaries aka external progs need to be found via your PATH environment
6330N/A variable. I.e. you should be able to start them on the command line just
6330N/A by using their names like 'ant' or 'ant.bat', no matter what your current
6330N/A working directory is.
6330N/A (see also
6330N/A If you use a Mercurial repo, the 'hg' tool is needed via CLI as well.
6330N/A Illumos+ means: OpenSolaris and derivates/distributions like OmniOS,
6330N/A SmartOS, OpenIndiana.
6330N/A All unmentioned tools are either in the repository or downloaded on demand
6330N/A by the ant build process.
6330N/AHowto build
6330N/A - satisfy requirements (see above)
6330N/A - copy etc/ to your ${HOME}/config/ant/
6330N/A and than make the adjustments to match your environment using an text
6330N/A editor of your choice
6330N/A - cd to your opendj source directory
6330N/A - run ant or ant.bat
6330N/A - to be able to better distinguish the messages ant emits, one should use
6330N/A the AnsiColorLogger. E.g.:
6330N/A ant -logger ...
6330N/A (see also )
6330N/A - to view ansi colored redirected output, use less with the option -R. E.g.:
6330N/A less -R /tmp/ant.out
6330N/A - to build only certain parts of the DS, have a look at the output of
6330N/A ant -projecthelp
6330N/A and build, what you need. E.g.:
6330N/A ant proto dsml api
6330N/A - only the targets 'nightly', '', 'precommit' and 'release'
6330N/A will clean up all generated source files and build directories before
6330N/A rebuilding to ensure everything works as expected. So if you intent to
6330N/A make an OpenDJ package publicly available, you should run one of those or
6330N/A pass the 'clean' target explcitly to ant.
6330N/A - the "test*" targets have a lot of test tuning options. To get the details,
6330N/A have a look at etc/
6330N/A - to debug a remote instance in a secure manner, one may tunnel the
6330N/A Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP) via SSH. E.g.: If 'ldap' is the name of
6330N/A the internal machine, which runs an OpenDJ instance, and ''
6330N/A is the machine, which allows you to login into your internal network,
6330N/A one may use 'ssh -f -x -N -L 15005:ldap:5005' to tunnel
6330N/A the port 5005 of ldap to the localhost's port 15005. The OpenDJ instance
6330N/A should have JWDP enabled of course - one can do that by passing the
6330N/A following parameters to the JVM:
6330N/A -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=5005,suspend=y
6330N/A (e.g. by adding them to the '' property in the
6330N/A $instance.dir/config/ and running dsjavaproperties).
6330N/A Than, if you are running eclipse, you may use the 'OpenDJ - ServerRemote'
6330N/A launch configuration to start debugging. Otherwise you need to tell your
6330N/A IDE/Debugger, that it should connect to localhost on port 15005 ...
6330N/A - further Developement related documentation can be found via:
6330N/A -
6330N/A -
6330N/A - Download the OpenDMK and adjust the as described above
6330N/A if not already done
6330N/A - Install the eclipse repository support, if not already done
6330N/A - Checkout the OpenDJ source tree by opening the repo corresponding view
6330N/A Window | Show View | Other
6330N/A Mercurial
6330N/A Mercurial Repositories
6330N/A SVN
6330N/A SVN Repositories
6330N/A and add the required infos. Use 'opendj2' as project name!
6330N/A - change back to the Java perspective (if not done automatically)
6330N/A Window | Open Perspective | Other
6330N/A Java
6330N/A - copy etc/opendmklib.eclipse to /tmp/ and adjust the pathes to the
6330N/A OpenDMK Jars
6330N/A - import the OpenDMK libraries info:
6330N/A Window | Preferences
6330N/A -> Java -> Build Path -> User Libraries:
6330N/A Import...
6330N/A choose /tmp/opendmklib.eclipse and "OK"
6330N/A - import the OpenDJ formatting rules etc/opendj-eclipse-formatter-rules.xml
6330N/A a) select the project e.g. by clicking on the 'opendj2' node in
6330N/A the navigator view
6330N/A b) import:
6330N/A Project | Properties
6330N/A -> Java Code Style -> Formatter:
6330N/A x Enable project specific settings
6330N/A Import...
6330N/A choose etc/opendj-eclipse-formatter-rules.xml and "OK"
6330N/A - adjust Ant formatting rules:
6330N/A Window | Preferences...
6330N/A -> Ant -> Editor -> Formatter:
6330N/A Tabe size: 4
6330N/A x Use tab character instead of spaces
6330N/A Maximum line width (characters): 80
6330N/A x Wrap long element tags
6330N/A x Align final '>' in multi-line element tags
6330N/A "OK"
6330N/A - import the Compiler Preferences
6330N/A File | Import...
6330N/A -> Genaral -> Preference: "Next"
6330N/A Browse: etc/eclipse-compiler.prefs
6330N/A Finish
6330N/A - last but not least the following Editor Prefs should be set:
6330N/A Window | Preferences ...
6330N/A -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors:
6330N/A Undo history size: 500
6330N/A Display tab width: 4
6330N/A / Insert spaces for tabs ( / == unset )
6330N/A x Show print margin
6330N/A Print margin column: 80
6330N/A x Show line numbers
6330N/A x Warn before editing a derived file
6330N/A x Smart caret positioning at line start and end
6330N/A -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Annotations:
6330N/A Errors: Enable all
6330N/A Warnings: Enable all
6330N/A "OK"
6330N/A - 'ant eclipse': dueto the strange source tree layout it is pretty
6330N/A cumbersome to adjust the library pathes via includes, excludes etc. to
6330N/A avoid classpath overlappings. So to keep it simple, we package the
6330N/A build tools into lib/build-tools.jar and required message properties incl.
6330N/A generated stubs into lib/opendj-resources.jar. Finally the needed
6330N/A java source files gets generated to src/{admin,messages,snmp}/generated/
6330N/A -> usually required if something in src/{admin|messages}/messages/ or
6330N/A src/snmp/resource/mib/ gets changed
6330N/A -> always required if one did a 'ant realclean'
6330N/A - 'ant gen.instance': setup a OpenDJ data instance directory for testing,
6330N/A which can be used by the OpenDJ_Server launcher.
6330N/A -> depends on your needs (see also etc/