build.xml revision 564
0N/A ! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable,
0N/A location="${unittest.testng.dir}/src"/>
0N/A location="${build.dir}/unit-tests/classes" />
0N/A location="${build.dir}/unit-tests/report"/>
0N/A location="${build.dir}/unit-tests/resource"/>
0N/A <!-- Properties for use in functional/integration testing. -->
0N/A location="tests/integration-tests-testng" />
0N/A location="${functest.testng.dir}/src"/>
0N/A location="${coverage.dir}/reports/unit" />
110N/A location="${coverage.dir}/instrumentedcode" />
0N/A location="${coverage.dir}/gathereddata" />
0N/A location="${resource.dir}/" />
0N/A <!-- Perform common initialization common to several targets after cleaning out the previous build environment. -->
109N/A ! java.vm.vendor property, which wreaks havoc with DynamicConstants. This
0N/A <!-- Generate the file.
0N/A VERSION_QUALIFIER, FIX_IDS, timestamp,, java.version,
0N/A java.vendor, java.vm.version, JVM_VENDOR, DEBUG_BUILD
0N/A tofile="${dynconstants.file}"
0N/A classpath="${checkstyle.dir}/checkstyle-all-4.1.jar" />
0N/A includes="**/DynamicConstants.class"/>
0N/A ! won't be regenerated.
0N/A location="${package.dir}/OpenDS-${pkgversion}" />
0N/A <!-- Clean up a minimal set of files/directories for the rebuild. -->
84N/A <!-- Generate the OpenDS.jar file -->
0N/A includes="**/DynamicConstants.class"/>
0N/A <!-- Generate the quicksetup.jar file -->
0N/A location="${package.dir}/OpenDS-${pkgversion}" />
classpath="${build.dir}/build-tools/build-tools.jar" />
methodList="${test.methods}" />
<!-- Execute the Directory Server TestNG unit tests in text mode with a coverage report and slow tests. -->
<!-- Execute the Directory Server TestNG unit tests specified from CLI in text mode with a coverage report. -->
description="Execute the Directory Server TestNG unit tests specified from CLI in text mode with a coverage report.">
<!-- Internal target to execute the Directory Server TestNG unit tests in text mode after everything has been initialized. -->
<!-- This sets org.opends.test.suppressOutput if and only if it's not
<!-- <property name="verbosity.level" value="verbose" /> -->